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Youtube video's that de'serve more view's


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion

Any of this guy's 40+ hiking video's of trails in Oahu and the Big Island. Nice Camera and music.



I don't condone the message at all, I just found it interesting that someone like that could still exist in my town. As short films go I think it's pretty striking.


Can more people start putting video titles or descriptions in the links? Just easier to sift through the links.
I don't know where else to ask, and I didn't want to make a separate thread, but:

I need to find the video of that Russian guy driving past a burning car listening to 80's music when he yells "PISS."

I've searched everywhere and can't find it.


Static flow of water

You’re actually seeing 25 different drops [or segments of the stream] every second… the waveform being played through the speaker is vibrating the pipe in a uniform way, so the drops exit the pipe uniformly, the frame rate of the camera is synced with the speaker so the drops appear static, [and] the short shutter speed means the drops appear sharp and frozen in mid air [a longer shutter speed, in contrast, would capture more of each droplet’s movement, causing it to appear blurry].
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