It says at the beginning of the battle phase doesn't itThe card is essentially an uncounterable Cold Wave, without the restrictions on when it can be used. Being a quick play is just the icing on the cake.
It just says battle phaseIt says at the beginning of the battle phase doesn't it
Nah, says at the start. Which is a very minor restriction.It just says battle phase
But it's just the rest of the turn, unlike cold wave
Idk I'd much rather plop down a Denko. Which I think is a lot stupider than this card
Quick question, any way I can play but on a Mac? Google isn't giving me solid answers. Any kind of game is fine I'm not too familiar with the new rules but i give it a shot
Free options:Quick question, any way I can play but on a Mac? Google isn't giving me solid answers. Any kind of game is fine I'm not too familiar with the new rules but i give it a shot Media additionally announced at the panel that the next Yu-Gi-Oh! card that subscribers to its Weekly Shonen Jump digital anthology will receive is Beast-Eyes Pendulum Dragon.
The set is delayed in europe by a huge gap, making it illegal in worlds anyway.So with Konami's new statement about the banlist updates; it gives foundation to the rumor that cards in the battle city pack will be banned or limited in the new list (probably anti magic and multiple destruction) and they're waiting to release the banlist so the packs actually sell
Where can I read this statement?So with Konami's new statement about the banlist updates; it gives foundation to the rumor that cards in the battle city pack will be banned or limited in the new list (probably anti magic and multiple destruction) and they're waiting to release the banlist so the packs actually sell can I read this statement?
This person is live tweeting too.
There was a live stream last week iirc.So was there ever any more news about when the ps4 game is coming? It was supposed to be this Summer (and according to the press release, early summer, yet we still have no date or new info as far as I know)
Takao says he's working on one.Movie thread?
So was there ever any more news about when the ps4 game is coming? It was supposed to be this Summer (and according to the press release, early summer, yet we still have no date or new info as far as I know)
Star Wars-ard of Oz? I can't decide whether that's stupid or genius.
Ah there it is, my new deck
A reminder that devpro players are typically worse than most other sites or sims.been a while and felt like firing up that devpro, made one of those magician/odd eyes decks.
lol wtf this is OP as hell, the OTK's are ridiculous, if I go first 9/10 times I'm winning on the next turn, backrow aint shit with denko.
Djinn Releaser of Rituals
Lavalval Chain
Shurit, Strategist of the Nekroz
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Atlantean Dragoons
Dragon Ravine
Glow-Up Bulb
Sinister Serpent
Dark Strike Fighter
Sacred Sword of Seven Stars
Temple of the Kings
Exchange of the Spirit with iconic cards such as Black Luster Solider, all five pieces of Exodia, the Forbidden One, Valkyrion the Magna Warrior, and the special, long-awaited Arkana-style Dark Magician
3 brand new Secret Rare cards: Electromagnetic Turtle, Dark Renewal, and Black Illusion.
Free options:
Either Dueling Network (Browser Game, Completely Manual, Just host a game asking for help with the new stuff, some people there are really helpful, beware the troll though)
This is great. I played a few matches and the people are pretty friendly. I was lost at first though and when I accidentally drew an extra card because I was poking at everything to see what was what he threatened to snitch to the admins. After explaining I had no idea what I was doing though he was nice enough to walk me through how everything worked. Every other match I had was similarly filled with nice people.
Bulb can only be used once per duel, so it only really matters if it's banned or not.Damn Djinn gets forbidden before I even had a chance to use these new rituals. No one gave two shits about it when I was using it in my other ritual decks. Trishula coming back and Glow-Up Bulb is unlimited. What kind of shit?
Any idea when Crunchyroll is gonna update with more episodes of the original series?
Also is anyone else getting Legacy of the Duelist on PS4? I have one friend that's getting it and another that will get it when he gets a PS4, I just want to have a couple people to play with beyond random matches.
So is the 5Ds anime worth watching at all? I'm just askin cause it's on Crunchyroll.
For a long time it was my favorite YGO anime. Then Arc-V happened.
5D's first two season are just fantastic. The third and last one leaves a lot to be desired and all characters not named Yusei get a major shaft (Specially Aki, the female lead)
However, it's not a bad conclusion and it doesn't ruin how good the first two season are.
Pros:The duels are exciting, Aki in the first 2 season was the best female lead the series had at that point (Before Yuzu took the crown). the villains are all great. All 3 YGO protagonists fight together as the 3D movie is part of the canon of 5D's
Cons: Yusei can be a giant Mary Sue. Weak third season.
Also, watch in japanese, unless you want endless puns and censored boobages....and also the complete cut of the last 20 episodes which are replaced bythe villain's place being photoshopped into a fading effect, yay we won!. The END.
It's on Crunchyroll, so I assume it's in Japanese. Is Arc-V really that good?
It's on Crunchyroll, so I assume it's in Japanese. Is Arc-V really that good?
.Aki should have showed up in Arc-V instead of Crow![]()