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General Information
Title: Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist
Developer: Other Ocean Interactive
Publisher: Konami Digital Entertainment
Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One,
Genre: Strategy Card Battle Game, RPG.
Online Multiplayer: Yes
Distribution: Download
Price: $19.99.
--The very first Yu-Gi-Oh! video game available for the PS4™ and Xbox One for a never-before-seen next generation Yu-Gi-Oh! Experience!
--Relive past Dueling glory with a Story Campaign that recounts the events from the Yu-Gi-Oh! TV series! Battle your opponent, and then take on the role of that character and Duel against the protagonist in a “Reverse Duel.”
--Duel with the latest cards from the official Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME, including Pendulum Summon Monsters!
--For the first time, compete in Battle Pack Sealed and Draft play against the A.I. or with players online. Battle Pack formats supported include Battle Pack: Epic Dawn, Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants, and War of the Giants: Round 2.
--Compete against characters from the newest generation of the Yu-Gi-Oh! TV series, Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V!
--Add-on content available at launch, with additional Decks, Avatars, playable characters and Duels
What Is “Yu-Gi-Oh”?
The Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game (often abbreviated to "TCG") is a card game manufactured by Konami, and is the best-selling card game of all time according to Guinness World Records, with over 22 billion cards sold as of August 2009. This TCG is played worldwide, but mostly in North America, Europe, Latin America and Australia.
In this Game you'll move through several scenarios based on all YuGiOh! Series, dueling with different characters from all eras of yugioh!, earning points to buy “Booster Packs” and enhance your deck.
Or You can challenge your friends for an online duel!
The card game itself is a game in which players draw cards from their respective decks and take turns playing cards onto "the field." which can be visualized here:
Each player uses a deck of 40 to 60 cards, and an optional "Extra Deck" of up to fifteen cards. There is also a fifteen card side deck, which allows players to swap cards from their main deck between games. Players are restricted to three of each card per deck and must follow the Forbidden/Limited card list, which restricts selected cards by Konami to be limited to two, one, or zero.
You'll use monster cards to battle, spell cards to enhance your strategies, and trap cards to disrupt an opponent's strategy
Each player starts with 8000 "Life Points" and lose when one of these conditions are met:
-The player's life points reach zero, this can be achived through monster cards battling, or alternative card effects
-The player is required to draw, but the player has no more cards to draw in the main deck.
-The player uses an alternative win through a card effect
You can find a more in-detail explantion of the rules in the latest digital rulebook. Found Here
In this game, you´ll be able to take part in all 5 Yu-Gi-Oh! Adventures, each based on the TV series.
You'll be able to duel and interact with characters from Yu-Gi-Oh!,Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL and even the latest series Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V.
Each series has very different tones and themes, so you'll get to know lots of interesting new characters and their decks from series you haven't watched, or you can duel your favorite characters!
The Game supports DLC, and even includes Day 1 DLC, you'll be able to get preconstructed decks, character duels, and short stories through DLC.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelist Kingdom ($4.99)
Play 2 pre-constructed decks, Chaos Deck and Ritual Deck. Includes additional duels in Yu-Gi-Oh! Campaign and Challenge Mode.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Lost Duels ($4.99)
Play 2 pre-constructed decks, Masked HERO Deck and Darkness Deck. Includes additional duels in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Campaign and Challenge Mode.
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's For the Future ($4.99)
Play 2 pre-constructed decks, TG Deck and Vylon Deck. Includes additional duels in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Campaign and Challenge Mode
Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL Dark Mist Saga ($4.99)
Play 2 pre-constructed decks, Dark Mist Deck and Evilswarm Deck. Includes additional duels in Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL Campaign and Challenge Mode.
I played this game a lot in my childhood! What Have I Missed?
The Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG has evolved a lot during these years, several new monsters types were introduced to give a grand boost in power and variety for all decks, new and old. These monster are usually found in the Extra Deck, previously called the Fusion Deck
Here's a complete explanation of how these new monsters work
Synchro Monsters
For Synchro Summons you need a Tuner Monster, (Tuner is a subtype like "union" or "toon") and your regular monsters.
When you have a tuner monster and any number of non-tuner monsters on the field you can send them to the graveyard and add their levels (Stars) then you can special summon a Synchro Monster in your Extra Deck (previously Fusion deck) whose level is EXACTLY the same as the sum of the levels of the monsters you sent to the grave.
For example: You have a level 3 tuner "Junk Synchron" and a classic level 5 "Curse of Dragon" in your field. Send them both to the grave and you get a level 8 Synchro, "Stardust Dragon" (As 3+5=8)
You could also have used a level 2 tuner, a level 4 non tuner and another level 2 non tuner for the same monster (as 2+4+2=8). But remember, only 1 Tuner per Synchro Summon
Synchro monsters will tell you if they have any other restrictions for their Synchro Summon, but most of them will just say "1 Tuner + 1 or more non Tuner Monsters" as their requirement.
Xyz Monsters (Pronounced Ik-Seez).
Xyz Monsters can be summoned using monsters with the same level, no need for tuners here.
You might notice Xyz monsters have black stars located at the opposite side of the card. That's because Xyz monsters don't have a Level, they have a Rank (They are immune to any effect that affects levels and can't be used for Synchro)
For an Xyz Summon you need to control two monster with the same level. stack them together and put an Xyz of an equal Rank from your Extra Deck on top. The cards beneath the Xyz Monster are now part of the monster and their effects will ask you to "Detach" them (Send them to the graveyard) that means, the monsters you use for the summon become ammunition for the Xyz Monster's abilities.
The cards beneath an Xyz Monster do NOT count as cards on the field
Now for an example. To summon the Rank 4 “Number 39: Utopia” above, just stack two level 4 monsters you control, and put “Utopia" on top. To use Utopias effect, just send the monster beneath him to the graveyard.
Just like Synchros many Xyz monsters will put some restrictions on the monsters they need to be Xyz summoned, however the most basic ones only demand “2 Level X Monsters”
Pendulum Monsters
This ones are arguably the most complicated of them all, but also the most powerful, please take your time to master these guys as they are sure to become the next big thing.
As you can see, it has 2 effect boxes, and some red and blue arrows called "Scales"
Pendulums go in your normal deck (not the extra deck) and you can summon them as regular monsters, OR activate them as spells in the new Pendulum Zones of the field
If you activate them as spells, they use their "spell mode" effect on the top box and remain on the Pendulum Zone until they are forcefuly removed, you can't replace them like Field Spells.
When Pendulum Monsters are destroyed, regardless of which zone they were in, they are NOT sent to the graveyard, they'll go to your extra deck. Face-Up.
To Pendulum Summon monsters, you need 2 activated Pendulum Monsters in the Pendulum Zones.You can use the Pendulum Summon only Once per turn.
First, look at the "scales" of each pendulum monster (the red/blue arrows). In a Pendulum Summon you can summon ANY NUMBER of monsters in your hand or Pendulums in your Extra Deck as long as these 2 conditions are met.
1-Their levels are inbetween the values of the scales of the activated cards in your pendulum zones.
2- They don't have any summon restriction, like Rituals or cards that state “Cannot be Special Summoned”
Now for an example. If I activated a a "Scale" 1 Pendulum Monster, and another with a Scale of 10. I can pendulum summon 3 Blue-Eyes White Dragons in my hand. As their levels (8 each) are inbetween 1 and 10
this video from Konami can really help you understand it better
Some rule changes were implemented last year to avoid giving too much advantage with certain plays, these changes are:
Start of Duel:
The player who takes the first turn of a Duel does not conduct a normal draw during their Draw Phase. This means that the player will have continue to have 5 cards in their hand during the opening Turn of the Duel instead of 6.
Field Spells:
Both players may now control an active Field Spell Card at the same time.
If your opponent controls a Field Spell Card at the time that you activate yours, your opponent's card will not be destroyed. If you wish to replace the Field Spell Card you currently control, you may send your Field Spell to the Graveyard in order to play a new one. The old card is not considered to be destroyed.
Spell Speed 1 monsters effects (Monsters that activate effects during your turn only) can no longer be chained to trap and other effects activated against their summon, this was commonly called "Priority".
For example, your Chaos Emperor Dragon can no longer blow the field if I counter his summon with a Bottomless Trap Hole.
New names where given to mechanics with confusing/obsolete wording. Some of the most important ones are:
Extra Deck: Previously the "Fusion deck" A change in name became necessary when this deck started holding Synchros and Xyz in addition to Fusions
Banished: Previously "Removed from Play" since many cards "removed from play" could still affect the game in several ways this name made no sense, so it was changed to simply "Banishing" "Banish" "Banished cards" etc.
Excavating: Previously "Reveal Cards from your deck", while the term "reveal" is still used for cards you In/added to your hand or graveyard,Cards in the Deck that are "Excavated" are still treated as being inside your deck during the reveal.
The Game has lots of annoying pop-ups during gameplay, It's really distracting!!
You can set how often Pop-Ups appear in the settings menu. The game offers you 3 tiers of pop-ups
-Default: Everytime an action can be taken,the game will ask you if you want to do it.
-Simple: The game provide pop ups, under important circumstances only, if you want to activate a card at any other moment press X to get the pop-up
-Pro: No Pop-Us. When you want to take an action, press a button to get a pop-up confirmation. You must be well versed in activation and resolution timings for this one, so watch out!