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Z.O.E. 2nd Runner - should I buy it?


I came across a preowned copy of ZOE2 that is in absolute pristine condition (no scratches, the booklet hasn't even cracked the spine yet) for $25CDN.

Should I pick it up? I have no prior experience with the series, only that I know the first game came with a MGS2 demo. Is it hard to find? How is the gameplay? How long will it last?

Also, your thoughts on some of these would be appreciated:

Ico - $20 CDN new
Rygar - $30 CDN new
R.A.D. - $30 CDN new
the camera kinda gets in the way sometimes and the game gets REALLY TOUGH in the later levels.

yes you should but it!

Oh and the game has some REALLY AWESOME levels too!

Like the one where you have to catch up to a train and blow it up and the one where you have to take out some big ass ships with some big ass virtual gun roxx
"Is it hard to find?"


"How is the gameplay?"

Straight hardcore action. None of the traveling around like in ZOE1.

"How long will it last?"

Around 6-8 hours.

Yes buy it.

Dave Long

Buy it. Definitely.

Buy Ico, definitely.

The other two are question marks. I liked Rygar enough for $10 but I wouldn't have wanted it at full price. R.A.D. I have not played.


Yes, definately. I could go on and on but I can't say anything that hasn't been mentioned on this board before.


Banstick Emeritus
Get it. I didn't pick it up the first time around and had to wait a year before a used copy became available locally. Snapped it up and haven't looked back, phenomenal action title.

Pick up ICO, and definitely pick up R.A.D. - another one of those games that are hard to find, but pretty damn cool. Sea Manky can attest to this.


Ok, thanks guys, I'll be picking it up tomorrow.

As for the rest, I've gotta wait for a bit, but the store had more than enough copies that I can be sure to get them a little bit later.
Dave Long said:
Buy it. Definitely.

Buy Ico, definitely.

The other two are question marks. I liked Rygar enough for $10 but I wouldn't have wanted it at full price. R.A.D. I have not played.

The name not withstanding, there's nothing legendary about the adventure of Rygar.
Since it's been said already, it probably doesn't need repeating but yes ZOE2 is fantastic. I just wish the prospect of another entry in the series were more optimistic. Maybe Kojima will push it through.

And Ico is also a definite.

Can't say I've played Rygar, and I've racked my brain but R.A.D I've no idea what that stands for.


o_O @_@ O_o
R.A.D. = Robot Alchemic Drive, if my memory serves me right, and bishoptl is spot on, the game is quite fun and can be kinda hard to find in my experience.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Buy it and come back with the prove you did it. And if you find someone in the store looking for a game, do whatever possible to force him into buying ZOE2.
Let's make this a million seller in the long run. I need the IP to survive.
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