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Zelda OoT 2D wasn't shutdown by Nintendo


Remember OoT 2D? It looked like a great project, but suddenly it was shutdown. Everybody thought Nintendo did it.

We get the real answer in an article about fan made games. Here is the translation from swedish:

When I wonder how it felt that Zelda OoT was shutdown from the net, Daniel Barras said that Yahoo took down his Webhotel, and Nintendo had nothing to do with it. "I am looking for a new webhotel, and Zelda OoT 2D is still being worked on."

The shutdown of Daniel Barras site has only inspired him to work harder, and more professional. He is now changing his programming language to C#.net and has started with DirectX9.0b to implement some 3D element in the excisting 2D game.



Yet more reasons why this will so never be finished. Still, I look forward to the little bits that he does manage to finish because it's a really interesting project.


Regardless, once this project starts to be more complete, Nintendo is obviously going to swoop in and shut it down themselves.

Why do people even put in time and sweat for stuff like this when sooner or later it's going to be shut down?


Tritroid said:
Regardless, once this project starts to be more complete, Nintendo is obviously going to swoop in and shut it down themselves.

Why do people even put in time and sweat for stuff like this when sooner or later it's going to be shut down?
I guess they read stories like that one about the guy who wrote an N64 emulator back in '98 or '99 and then got hired by Nintendo. It doesn't matter if it gets shut down, if it's impressive it'll probably get some attention from people looking to hire.

Then again, maybe he just really likes the game. Nintendo can stop him from releasing it, but they can't stop him from finishing the game at home on his own. It's a cool project to work on. Sometimes that's enough.


What is a webhotel, does he mean a webpage? I thought this project looked very good, it was interesting to see how the characters and enemies of OoT were envisioned as 2-d sprites.


I really get sad that none of these fan games never get finished? Does anyone know of any that have been finished? I remember that some years back some guy was making a Phantasy Star prequel call PS: Dark Millenium. It was supposed to tell the tale of Nero and Alex Ossale b4 Alis' birth. He had a demo out and it was gretat! I wonder if he ever finished it . This was years ago.

Damn he gave up! But here is the link in case anyone is interested. http://www.pscave.com/fan/psd/psd.html


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Cimarron said:
I really get sad that none of these fan games never get finished? Does anyone know of any that have been finished? I remember that some years back some guy was making a Phantasy Star prequel call PS: Dark Millenium. It was supposed to tell the tale of Nero and Alex Ossale b4 Alis' birth. He had a demo out and it was gretat! I wonder if he ever finished it . This was years ago.

They'd have a much better chance of finishing it if they weren't so fucking stupid. Make it, DONT TALK ABOUT IT TILL ITS DONE. Then when you release it, even if your shut down after a few days, it will have already spread across the internet.


Zelda Legends is a "remake" (it's actually just an exact port) of the fist Zelda game that also lets you make your own overworld and dungeons.
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