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Zelda WW's Dramatic Combat Pauses


Running off of Custom Firmware
I'm scratching my head over this one.

I could have sworn they were in OoT and MM as well. But a buddy of mine recently started playing MM on the Zelda Collector's Disc for the GCN, and he claims there aren't. I've played through OoT about a dozen times, and MM half of that, but admittedly, it's been quite some time since I touched them.

Did they not have the dramatic pauses when striking foes in combat, after all? Or were they simply more exaggerated in WW, and by comparison, he's missing them in MM?
Yes, there are dramatic pauses in the WW's combat. I actually found it quite jarring at the beginning. However, I didn't notice that was in OoT.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I can't remember OOT or MM atm, but the pauses in WW are annoying IMO. It would look better without the pause. Realda's pauses look to be even longer judging from the E3 video. Thats the one thing I don't like about it.... well that.... and the fact that Link is able to knock those badguys off their horses without breaking a sweat (some kind of actual mounted combat would be better)


Running off of Custom Firmware
Could have sworn that the N64 games used the pause upon the killing blow of an enemy, whereas WW used it both for deaths and knockdown strikes.

And I think the WW ones were not only more frequent, but more exaggerated.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Nah, not thinking of framerate. I rarely had issues with the framerates, except for occasionally in MM, realigning the camera took longer than it did in OoT, and that through me off every time it chugged.


If they're in Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask, I certainly didn't see them. Some people have said that they're there, but I just don't see it.

They broke up the action in Wind Waker. Really annoying.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I'm pretty sure they were in the N64 games, at least against bosses if nothing else.

Oh well, sounds like a good excuse to replay the classics!! :-D
They ain't in there. And Majora's framerate was much closer to a steady 30fps than Ocarina's 15fps or bust! was. Occasionally the games would stutter when you killed an enemy and there were others around while it blew up. That doesn't count, as that's the engine's fault, not a deliberate intention.
I never noticed them, but a friend of mine did before Wind Waker came out. On replaying Ocarina on the Master Quest, I thought there might have been the slightest stutter before major hits, but definitely not as much as Wind Waker.


Running off of Custom Firmware
That camera adjustment delay I used to experience in MM but not in OoT only happened in the Termina Overworld, as far as memory serves.


works for Gamestop (lol)
I'm pretty damn sure the pauses were in the N64 Zeldas. Maybe it doesn't pause for every hit, but I vaguely remember seeing a pause when an enemy dies


the pauses weren't in OoT or MM, but i think it seems as if they where because the hit sound plays a split second after you have hit and killed a boss (or was it any enemy?) or smthing, not exactly sure, but i think i know what you're talking about.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah I am with Wario on this one. I remember pauses on enemy deaths too. They just seemed so familiar in wind waker... But I could be totally wrong.
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