Pterodactyls want blood! In a dystopian future where humans love guns and zombies just want to be left alone, the pterodactyls have seen to it that everyone has to be miserable together. Take your jetpack online and splatter some fools with blades, guns, grenades, and other instruments of mayhem. Earn XP, level up, unlock stuff, and build killer classes!
From the Developer Ska Studios makers of The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai & I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES 1NIT!!!1
PRICE: 80MSP - $1/£0.69/0.96
RELEASE DATE: 12/17/2010
Developers Site:
Developers Twitter: @Jamezila
Click Here to Download the Trial
I love this game so had to make a OT, It's hard to explain so try the trail but It's a mix of Super Smash Bros., a twin stick platform/shooter, CoD leveling/customisation & Vs Online.
It was part for the Xbox Indies Winter Uprising and the dev has just tweeted it has hit 10,000 copies sold. It's deserves it and seems to have a great online community, it helps it has open mid game joinable lobbies and bots that can fill spaces.
Would be great to play with GAF, made it to Lvl 26 so far, talked a few friends into grabbing it today and had a great time with it.
Anyone else enjoying it and up for some games?