Don't be mean brah, we're all friends here brah.Post them here brah, not clicking your site brah.
(Seriously, why not? Help out your fellow gaffer mane.)
Don't be mean brah, we're all friends here brah.Post them here brah, not clicking your site brah.
whoops, 6 arms
spoilerish I guess, concept art
Only the real nutjob Christians take the Noah story literally.
I think that's because it was. Wasn't the film originally set to be shot years earlier with a much bigger budget and a different cast (Brad Pitt?)?
A few things.
1. To say that only "nutjob Christians" believe in the story of Noah is only your subjective opinion. A personal taste that only applies to you and your point of view.
2. If what you say "is" true, objectively speaking, then God & the following people would also be considered nutjobs.
The Apostle Paul
The Apostle Peter
What is your take on #2?
A few things.
1. To say that only "nutjob Christians" believe in the story of Noah is only your subjective opinion. A personal taste that only applies to you and your point of view.
2. If what you say "is" true, objectively speaking, then God & the following people would also be considered nutjobs.
The Apostle Paul
The Apostle Peter
What is your take on #2?
A few things.
1. To say that only "nutjob Christians" believe in the story of Noah is only your subjective opinion. A personal taste that only applies to you and your point of view.
2. If what you say "is" true, objectively speaking, then God & the following people would also be considered nutjobs.
The Apostle Paul
The Apostle Peter
What is your take on #2?
What's sad is that we had a member who claimed to be friends with Clint mansell and even uploaded some exclusive stuff. But at some point he was banned. I guess there's a chance that he was just a marketing plant since his thread about the fountain looks a little like PRShit.
I was really skeptical about this movie. But everyone tweeting about The Fountain and comparing musical scores to the Fountain is making me so goddamn excited.
Heh, now that I think about it, Requiem for a Dream, Pi, Fountain, Wrestler and Black Swan...there isn't a good reason for me to NOT see this movie.
Has the new trailer been posted yet? lol at the text at the end. I don't think i've ever seen something like that for a trailer before
Yeah, Paramount agreed with religious groups that they'd put that there going forward.
Yes I posted that and I regret it because that was not what I really meant and I knew I'd get shit for it. I didn't mean Christians as a whole (I am one myself) but that Noah's story rarely gets defense from Christians as an "actual" story, like say Jesus, or even Adam & Eve. But I guess I was wrong..
Speaking of nutjobs, and you could answer this, didn't Noah lose his mind towards the end of his life? I remember something about him going insane, drunk and naked as an old, old, old man.
Yes I posted that and I regret it because that was not what I really meant and I knew I'd get shit for it. I didn't mean Christians as a whole (I am one myself) but that Noah's story rarely gets defense from Christians as an "actual" story, like say Jesus, or even Adam & Eve. But I guess I was wrong.
Speaking of nutjobs, and you could answer this, didn't Noah lose his mind towards the end of his life? I remember something about him going insane, drunk and naked as an old, old, old man.
Sounds more like someone actually read the bible to meFour armed-angels? Why haven't I heard of this? Seems like a full-on epic fantasy re-telling, provided we end up seeing more weird shit too.
No worries. You are entitled to whatever you believe.
Good question. The only instance of him is the one you mentioned. Noah got wasted and naked (the first mention of being drunk in the Bible), one of his sons exposes his father's sin, and Noah curses his son for exposing his sin.
I think it's unrealistic that anyone would survive a month long boat ride with Russell Crowe.
Good question. The only instance of him is the one you mentioned. Noah got wasted and naked (the first mention of being drunk in the Bible), one of his sons exposes his father's sin, and Noah curses his son for exposing his sin.
What is the Jewish view on the Noah story. Is it taken as literally by them as some Christians do? It is kind of their story first. Has there been any move by Paramount to market the film to the Hebrew congregations like they seem to be doing with the Fundie churches?
Oh boy, a believer is in the thread.
This discussion is going to go well . . .
I loved The Fountain but i have to say i was a bit skeptical because i thought this was actually a full blown religious film. Now i have to see it for sure.
Wasn't he raped by one of his sons or something?
View 1: "And became uncovered in his tent: It may be Noah was abused sexually by one of his sons or relatives. The phrase became uncovered and the idea of nakedness are sometimes associated with sexual relations (Leviticus 18:6-20)."
View 2: Saw the nakedness of his father: Others think Ham’s only sin here was in seeing Noah’s drunken, uncovered state, and that he made fun of him, mocking him as a father and as a man of God. Literally, the ancient Hebrew says that Ham “told with delight” what he saw in his father’s tent. He determined to mock his father and undermining his authority as a man of God."
Day 0 IMAX. Give it to me Arronofsky.Awww yeah. This is an absolute day-one'r for me.
How much different can the story in the movie be?
What is this Gif from?
Fountain comparisons? Oh my.