Winter-Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time

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Link Man

Yuyushiki 6


Today we learned that if you scare Mom, she'll be scared.

And there's a butt shot of Mom.

Finally, something cute:



Gokukoku no Brynhildr Episode 1:

Just because I am absolutely terrible at maths doesn't mean I like you stupid. I do have to say that was one of the few genuinely clever and amusing bits of this opening episode. I'll be honest, I was way more interested in Ryōta searching the starts for signs of ailen life in memory (if bordering on creepy obsession) of his childhood friend main because that is a much less used premise then all of this magical witch genetically altered conspiracy stuff. Anyway, this was a fairly standard introductory episode and it interested me enough to give more episodes a watch. Also, what is the exact word in Japanese for "amazeballs?'
That seems...unlikely. Is it really?

I phrased that poorly though. I meant "no one at the school", which is kind of an old sports anime trope.

Well I guess it depends on how we measure popularity. By amount of people who play it or by the amount of money the sport generates. Of course when it comes to money it's nowhere near the top but by amount of players yes. It's pretty popular sport amongst the girls and women.

No, that's cricket.

Well it seems there are billion different lists of popularity of sports lol. Let's just say that Volleyball is more popular than most of people think lol.


Koi Kaze 10-13 (End)

I might write my throughts later, maybe not, but now I don't feel like it much.

I will say this though! I've done some dumb things, and watching these 4 Koi Kaze episodes in a row does classify as ridiculously dumb. Definitely one of the dumbest anime-related things I've ever done.

Because it's heavy. Oh, it's soulcrushingly heavy.


Rowdy Sumo Wrestler Matsutaro!!

Lol this was like gta but set in an old japanese village with the worlds greatest asswhole matsutaro his like asswhole homer simpsons, matsutaro was nothing like a expected I was expect some loud mouth preachy wimp who wants to be the best sumo wrestler in of all of japan but instead I got someone really refreshing as a protagonist even if his an asswhole bully :LOL

Matsutaro the Biggest Dickbag in Japan - Episode 1

This show sure is "special". I thought it was a sumo show, but it turned out to be a really strange and in-depth look at what spending a day with the biggest dickbag in all of Japan would be like. Matsutaro is the king of assholes, the lord of dickbags, the emperor of shitheels, etc. Not only is he impossible to relate to, like, or even sympathize with, but by the end of the episode I wished the worst suffering possible to befall him. I don't know how he goes on to become a sumo wrestler like the title of the show suggests, but I hope it involves having his balls ripped off.

Also, it's amazing how nice the art and some of the animation is, considering this is a Toei show replacing Saint Seiya Omega on its time slot. There's some really nice production with a very retro look, but sadly for everyone in the show, all that was just used to showcase in detail what a sack of rotten shit the main character is! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

The character designer (& possibly chief animation director not sure yet) is Noboru Koizumi the man that made the best saint seiya omega episodes (like episode 40 & 62).

His a better animation director then yoshihiko umakoshi.

If you look at the staff list it's mostly made of Saint seiya omega guys but now with a better lead animation director and one of episode director of saint seiya omega taking the position of series director.

maybe some of the people who made robot girls z needed something to do.

it's mostly the omega guys making the sumo show in the same time slot as omega.


Brynhildr in the Darkness 1
I would say this is running for the worst anime I saw so far from this season along with Blade and Soul, and Akuma no Riddle, but then there was some unintentional comedy here and there that made me laugh. It's still pretty dumb and bad and it looks visually unappealing and bland as well. Anyway, one episode is enough to know this will end up being crap all the way to the end especially after seeing who wrote the manga.


Tonari no Seki-kun 14

Almost forgot about this one once the TV airing ended. Good thing it's short. The series has still got it. Those poor octopus warriors, their sacrifices were not in vain.


Poet Centuriate
Mushi-shi OVA

Ah yeah back in the saddle again.

Hey, the Doctor and Record Keeper are back!

Oh my god... this montage...
it's all of Ginko's past adventures! Good feels abound...

I really dug this story. Quite an amazing tale of duality between sisters, interwoven with the world of Mushi-shi. Man, this show is just a good chill ride. I can't wait for the second season.

Mushi-shi: Zoku Shou 1

Speaking of the second season!

Ahhhh yeah...that's good successor the Sore Feet Song.

I love the fact that the first episode of the first series started with the kouki and a forest banquet, and they decided to welcome the new series with another episode about it, albeit from a different angle. It's like a toast of sorts.

Welcome back, Ginko-sensei.


Brynhildr in the Darkness 1

I would say this is running for the worst anime I saw so far from this season along with Blade and Soul, and Akuma no Riddle, but then there was some unintentional comedy here and there that made me laugh. It's still pretty dumb and bad and it looks visually unappealing and bland as well. Anyway, one episode is enough to know this will end up being crap all the way to the end especially after seeing who wrote the manga.

From the author of Elfen Lied? LOL


Koi Kaze 10-13

I might write my throughts later, maybe not, but now I don't feel like it much.

I will say this though! I've done some dumb things, and watching these 4 Koi Kaze episodes in a row does classify as ridiculously dumb. Definitely one of the dumbest anime-related things I've ever done.

Because it's heavy. Oh, it's soulcrushingly heavy, despite the ending being a bit more vague in its mood than I remember the manga being.

As I recall I marathoned that. I liked it. I found it a surprising depiction of that kind of relationship for anime.
saki nationals 13

sorry i wasn't paying attention because i was distracted by ero nodoka image.

also her boobs getting larger like tumors each eps... shit is gonna be insane by the time this show ends.

Link Man

Brynhildr 1

Killing off a character in the very first minute. Interesting approach.

-OP is making this look pretty good.

-And they show it again. Brutal.

she's still alive. Huh.

Except she's not, and everyone lied to a little boy in the hospital.

-Yes, the rare transfer student in a Japanese high school. Never seen anything like this.


-She just slapped him so hard that his blood flew halfway across the classroom and splattered on the window.

-Pool episode. In the premiere.

-Amazeballs. Seriously.



-Quality CG Bus

-Starting to feel like Another, guys.

-Doppelganger doesn't know how to do multiplication tables. Yet she passed the transfer test into a school known for academic excellence. Okay.

-Girl says she's stronger than the protag. Can't swim.

-Wait, when did she ever mention rain? How did he come to that conclusion?

horrific car crash.

-And now
mudslide, err, "avalanche".

crushed by a boulder. Well, that was a short show.

-Of course,
she saves him with magic.

-So is this a prequel to Mahouka?

Magic is a surgical implant.
Of course.

-And we get a lingering shot of her armpit.
Which is bare.

This could very well be a list show.
The World is Still Beautiful 1
A very nice fantasy world. Already, we have conspirators against the king and magic. Looks to be a very interesting anime this season


Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow

Fake movie at the beginning looked better and was better than the the actual movie. There's some nice cuts here and there but that's what we have .webm and sakugabooru for though.


Nisekoi 13

Bring on the

(Not that she can measure up to the wonders of Onodera, but new character introductions are always fun.)


Magical Girl Pretty Sammy 9

So yeah, Sammy finds the island where the Love-love monsters reside completely by accident. Turns out the monsters live kinda normally though and follow and listen to some kid named Peter and don't give much of a shit about what Pixy Misa says. What I'm wondering is, did Pixy Misa create Chemistry Girl and other monsters on the spot, or were these all created beforehand and summoned later? Think it's the latter since I don't remember Fake Sick Girl, but that would be weird if true. Like, when they're creating monster, who would think of "Vault Horse Girl". Also is the Pixy Misa on this island manifested from Misao? Cause if she is that probably means Miisao has been missing for days, not like her mother would notice.


Brynhildr 1

Killing off a character in the very first minute. Interesting approach.

-OP is making this look pretty good.

-And they show it again. Brutal.

she's still alive. Huh.

Except she's not, and everyone lied to a little boy in the hospital.

-Yes, the rare transfer student in a Japanese high school. Never seen anything like this.


-She just slapped him so hard that his blood flew halfway across the classroom and splattered on the window.

-Pool episode. In the premiere.

-Amazeballs. Seriously.



-Quality CG Bus

-Starting to feel like Another, guys.

-Doppelganger doesn't know how to do multiplication tables. Yet she passed the transfer test into a school known for academic excellence. Okay.

-Girl says she's stronger than the protag. Can't swim.

-Wait, when did she ever mention rain? How did he come to that conclusion?

horrific car crash.

-And now
mudslide, err, "avalanche".

crushed by a boulder. Well, that was a short show.

-Of course,
she saves him with magic.

-So is this a prequel to Mahouka?

Magic is a surgical implant.
Of course.

-And we get a lingering shot of her armpit.
Which is bare.

This could very well be a list show.
Sounds like a quality show. ARMS?



Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei 1

I like it. The MC's utter infallibility is already fairly entertaining, the girls are cute (I actually kind of like the weird distinctive uniforms, though it's vaguely bothering me why some of the girls have the fancy veil things and others don't), and the action is nice and slick. Can't decide whether I like Miyuki or Erika better, though.
Moonphase 22
Wow. Kouhei got freaked out. I wonder how scary she looks with Kouhei's new vision. Well, she's still adorable in the viewer's eye so that's all that matters


Star Driver 24-

I feel like I've heard this line before...

The mask unveiling shit is absolutely stupid. I understand suspension of disbelief but they look exactly like their real life counterparts that they see everyday at school. It's like the Clark Kent stuff but taken to a high dramatic level.

Oh and Mrs. President is awesome as always.

Star Driver 24-

The mask unveiling shit is absolutely stupid. I understand suspension of disbelief but they look exactly like their real life counterparts that they see everyday at school. It's like the Clark Kent stuff but taken to a high dramatic level.

Oh and Mrs. President is awesome as always.


lol yes the masks were so stupid.

"My god a villain with green long hair and giant tits in an island with not that many attractive women who all apparently go to high school. I wonder who she is?"

*takes off mask*

"whaaaaaaaa no waaaaaaaaaay"

Shingeki No Seki-Kun 14

One of the better episodes for me.

From that day forward, Yokoi swore vengeance against all Seki-titans

"If you don't eat, you don't survive! EAT. EAT EAAAAAAAAAT!"
Nobunaga The Fool Episode 13: Age of Swords (reversed)

I laughed at the scene with Hide appearing to Mitsu. Their one on one talk about how Mitsu needs to be more open with his feelings and just more straightforward instead of hiding them so deep in himself was as thrilling and eye opening/insightful as Mitsu and Da Vinci.

Two episodes in a row with limited mecha action and its still staying quite strong. The painting was great.

Didnt realize cesar and caesar are different.
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