Winter-Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time

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Magical Girl Pretty Sammy TV 7

Oh God this fucking episode lmao!.

I feel like I should be a bit offended by that scene with Washu and the President of the United States, but I was too busy laughing. Best part was the paper boy who brought Washu that newspaper when she was standing on THE FUCKING WHITE HOUSE LAWN! Also what's the president's "assistant"? His Chief of Staff? The VP? Either way, apparently he and the president are having an affair. Sounds like a killer light novel set-up.

Oh and yeah, Washu totally kills it in this episode, just like she did in Tenchi Muyo! and the Pretty Sammy OVA. Ending was amazing with her moving next door to Sasami and singing that ballad about finding Sammy outside her window.

Also lol'd at Misa's disguise when entering the room. That was so random.


Captain Earth 1
Whoa, these animations are pretty damn good along with the great character designs, really impressed on that front. Also some of the music pieces used in this episode were nice to listen to.

Outside of that, second half of the episode lost my interest. Villains saying dumb one liners, kid piloting mecha saving the world cause why not, usual namedropping made up words to sound cool, and the substandard writing. It's a shame since it all looks really nice and that mecha launch sequence was visually impressive. Oh well, not something I can see myself enjoying unless the story takes a different turn at one point. Will keep an eye on future impressions from this thread and see if it will be worth it to pick it up again.


Mahouka ep 1
At least the incest here isn't as bad as some shows where the sister is blatantly trying to jump on the brother's dick.

But still Tatsuya is at fault for not doing anything here to stop it and unknowingly allow it.

But anyway is it wrong to enjoy trashy anime? It give me a entertainment value of being stupid and trainwrecks.
Captain Earth - 01


But really that's the only highlight in the episode. Mech animation is nice but as for the actual plot/story.... ehhhhhh....

Fact of the matter is that why the kid is fucking piloting the mech in the first place?
So far I got some silent schoolgirl who can only nod/shake her head tells the MC to pilot the mech somehow (even I didn't get that conclusion) and how the hell did the MC know a giant ass villain mech came from space? Speaking of villains I hate the character designs for our supposed villains.

So yeah mechs, pretty much it. Not sure if I'll continue this, we'll see.

Great list of some early Detective Conan stories which work completely on their own. I'll definitely second all of these choices, and I hope that some people are willing to check the episodes out. They're all very good stand alone mysteries.

Seriously, anyone who has 45 minutes of free time could do much worse than watching the Moonlight Sonata Murder.


I think the Persona 3 movie will be the first Collectors Edition I will buy from Aniplex USA. Preorders start on Monday

Collector's Edition Exclusive Bonus Materials
■Original Soundtrack CD (Including the theme song "More Than One Heart"by Yumi Kawamura)
■Exclusive Box Art by Keisuke Watabe (Character Designer/Animation Director)
■Newly Illustrated Cover Art
■ 48-page Deluxe Booklet
■10 Super P3 Stickers
■4 Key Art Illustration Cards

That sounds reasonable for $80
Soredemo Sekai - 01

A combination of the irish sounding folk music and the general middle-age-esque type setting definitely gave me some Spice and Wolf vibes from the outset but the comparisons between the two pretty much end there. Political intrigue going on in the background devolves into a sort of saturday morning TV show level of villainy and some light breaking of the 4th wall proceeds to take out what little of the tension that came about during the episode. There's not much to write home about on the animation front either. It all contributes to a feeling that not much actually happened here to write home about. A weak start for the series for sure.
Pretty good as an ending , even if it was quite "classic" feel like it's only the first book out of a dozen that is over.
I mean MANY plots and sub-plots are still open ...well more like all the plots are open , nothing was remotely solved , except the audium stuff but it's probably far from being over since Gabriel is still being the dickest angel around.

On that note , it seems that every world , every faction was doing the best they could to be as dickish as possible. gabriel , the administrators , the black world beasts damn that's a lot to accept.

And everyone parted ways ..... not gonna lie i'm curious on how this ends but the road seems quite long to get there.

ZX IGNITION should have been a long tv serie like yugioh to treat all this stuff as it stand 12 eps was not enough ( even ifit was good )

Conclusion :
An alright anime and what seems like a decent adaptation of the game it's inspired of with good music and some nice effects here and there.

Would watch a second season


Setec Astronomer
Magical Girl Pretty Sammy TV 7

Oh God this fucking episode lmao!.

I feel like I should be a bit offended by that scene with Washu and the President of the United States, but I was too busy laughing. Best part was the paper boy who brought Washu that newspaper when she was standing on THE FUCKING WHITE HOUSE LAWN! Also what's the president's "assistant"? His Chief of Staff? The VP? Either way, apparently he and the president are having an affair. Sounds like a killer light novel set-up.

Oh and yeah, Washu totally kills it in this episode, just like she did in Tenchi Muyo! and the Pretty Sammy OVA. Ending was amazing with her moving next door to Sasami and singing that ballad about finding Sammy outside her window.

Also lol'd at Misa's disguise when entering the room. That was so random.
Nananaaaa nanananaaaaa....

It was also brilliant how Misa leaves the room going "ok yeah whatever just get it over with". LOL


Matsutaro the Biggest Dickbag in Japan - Episode 1

This show sure is "special". I thought it was a sumo show, but it turned out to be a really strange and in-depth look at what spending a day with the biggest dickbag in all of Japan would be like. Matsutaro is the king of assholes, the lord of dickbags, the emperor of shitheels, etc. Not only is he impossible to relate to, like, or even sympathize with, but by the end of the episode I wished the worst suffering possible to befall him. I don't know how he goes on to become a sumo wrestler like the title of the show suggests, but I hope it involves having his balls ripped off.

Also, it's amazing how nice the art and some of the animation is, considering this is a Toei show replacing Saint Seiya Omega on its time slot. There's some really nice production with a very retro look, but sadly for everyone in the show, all that was just used to showcase in detail what a sack of rotten shit the main character is! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah.


Matsutaro the Biggest Dickbag in Japan - Episode 1

This show sure is "special". I thought it was a sumo show, but it turned out to be a really strange and in-depth look at what spending a day with the biggest dickbag in all of Japan would be like. Matsutaro is the king of assholes, the lord of dickbags, the emperor of shitheels, etc. Not only is he impossible to relate to, like, or even sympathize with, but by the end of the episode I wished the worst suffering possible to befall him. I don't know how he goes on to become a sumo wrestler like the title of the show suggests, but I hope it involves having his balls ripped off.

Also, it's amazing how nice the art and some of the animation is, considering this is a Toei show replacing Saint Seiya Omega on its time slot. There's some really nice production with a very retro look, but sadly for everyone in the show, all that was just used to showcase in detail what a sack of rotten shit the main character is! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

I agree with all of this, so far the worst show of the season.
Matsutarou 1
Ugh. I'm sure from the look of the intro, the MC is supposed to have some sort of redemption path involving sumo wrestling. But based on the time I wasted on the first episode, with his delinquent antics, I may not come back to this one. I'll give it one last chance next week.

Captain Earth 1
Build up for a Mecha anime, but this was definitely enjoyable.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Matsutaro the Biggest Dickbag in Japan - Episode 1

Also, it's amazing how nice the art and some of the animation is, considering this is a Toei show replacing Saint Seiya Omega on its time slot. There's some really nice production with a very retro look, but sadly for everyone in the show, all that was just used to showcase in detail what a sack of rotten shit the main character is! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
maybe some of the people who made robot girls z needed something to do.


Magical Girl Pretty Sammy TV 8

What the hell was Washu watching on the TV at Sasamis house. But lol at her calling Sasami's dad "Johnny". And I lost it when she showed up dressed as Santa Claus riding robotic reindeer to give Sammy that machine.

Best part was Misa changing in and out between her and Misao behind that wall to make Sammy think she had Misao hostage but not make her realize she's manifested from her.


Has there been any word on which studio is animating Terra Formars? I'm actually excited for the adaption but looking at the key visual it looks Madhouse-y, what with the filter over the image as they tend to do. (I really hope it isn't Madhouse, I don't want far shots of cg roaches).


So this season is my first foray into reverse harems with Kamigami no Asobi and La corda d’oro - Blue Sky. Something about them always put me off. It wasn't the construction (the reverse harem) perse, but something that caused me to avoid them.

And after watching these I think a big part of it is the male character designs and their demeanors. Though I think I might watch the latter for a bit longer simply because I'd like to watch another show about classical music, at least for a while.
Witch craft Works - 12

WCW was a fun anime , plagued by Cg and circumstances that prevented his cast from being as good as it should have been.
Don't get me wrong the cast of WCW is easily the best part of this show but in 12 eps they didn't explore remotely properly the possibilities such a cast had.

It's a shame because i feel ( unlike many ) that week-end was a decent antagonist for a first arc. Problem is that we kinda need a second arc to capitalise on this and that just ended so we could not really see the characters grow and answer some mysteries.

Witch craft works was decent.Great ED too.
D Frag Episode 3

Holy shit did this anime get even more hilarious, with the Alien porno magazine being 200+ years to read, thus the establishment of magazine hunters. Though the funniest scene is the Takao and Roka moment where Roka completely ruined the mood.
Daimidaler 01

This is probably one of the dumbest things I've ever seen in my entire life. And I actually enjoyed it? I tend to hate animes based around boobs and fan-service but this one is os stupid that it actually works for me. Let's see if it can hold on my interest.

Plus, the OP song is pretty catchy.


With the way this season is panning out this is not too far from the truth.

I swear I hear people say this at the start of every single season. Usually before most shows have even started! It's pretty funny because by the end of the season, everyone is still here, and most people are watching multiple shows, and then there are debates about which the best show of the season is, and which are anime of the year candidates. It's pretty funny. :p
I swear I hear people say this at the start of every single season. Usually before most shows have even started! It's pretty funny because by the end of the season, everyone is still here, and most people are watching multiple shows, and then there are debates about which the best show of the season is, and which are anime of the year candidates. It's pretty funny. :p

Don't you know? Us plebs demand INSTANT GRATIFICATION


I swear I hear people say this at the start of every single season. Usually before most shows have even started! It's pretty funny because by the end of the season, everyone is still here, and most people are watching multiple shows, and then there are debates about which the best show of the season is, and which are anime of the year candidates. It's pretty funny. :p

I figure I would get that out of the way now.
Wow. Rowdy Sumo Anime was horrible. You brahs really were right. Where's the sumo? Where's the funny? I haven't watched an anime so bad since Gundoh Musashi. Ill give it one more if yhe sumo arrives.
Gaming side is getting introduced to Aniplex USA.

I am amazed at how many people don't appear to understand the pricing model behind anime, especially when Japanese imports come around. Anything over $30 for a complete season is price gouging to the uninformed. At least there are a few Gaffers explaining Aniplex's pricing reasons.


Wow. Rowdy Sumo Anime was horrible. You brahs really were right. Where's the sumo? Where's the funny? I haven't watched an anime so bad since Gundoh Musashi. Ill give it one more if yhe sumo arrives.

I can't even give this a second episode, one of the few titles I am outright dropping right now.
Screw Log Horizon, Buddy Complex, and Kill La Kill the true top winter anime is D Frag it's so fuckin good and hilarious, I should of seen it sooner.
Though that doesn't mean I didn't think Log Horizon and Buddy Complex were great except for Kill La Kill though.
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