EU PSN: Easter Sale begins today (PS3, PS Vita and Cross-Buy titles)


Tales of Xillia – Discovery Edition
Was £39.99/€49.99/AU$73.95, now £15.99/€19.99/AU$29.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members

No idea what discovery edition is, but having just finished Tales of Graces f, this pleases me GREATLY. ^_^


history legends of war
escape vektor

how are these games? never heard of them? sound cool,....

anyway time to pick up olliolli and txk. was waiting for them to drop below 5€.

oh and the unfinished swan... has that game ever been on sale? this sucks so much.... still didnt buy this game


Not sure if it's already been mentioned but...
Chris Howe / PS Blog said:
Sorry these are errors in the post, Wolf Among Us is PS3 and there is no PS Plus discount on either PES 2014 or Hotline Miami. The post is being updated at the moment.


Is there any game (cross-buy) on that list that will benefit on PS4??? will kickbeat on ps4 be cross-buy?


Dat Ni no Kuni price.

I'm curious to play the Wolf among us or the Walking dead.

How's the Walking reads performance on the Vita?

Also I'm guessing Spelunky for 5 EUR is a no-brainer.... but dat backlog...
It's £20 on Amazon, and thoroughly worth it at that price. Just bought it last week, incredibly fun FPS for the system, very impressive.

EDIT: The above poster is right, Killzone Mercenary is on sale for £14.99/£13.49 with Plus


(I'm an all digital guy when it comes to my Vita!)


Never played 999, but since Virtue's Last Reward is so cheap here I might get it from amazon to play both. I was told I'd miss out on a lot of stuff if I played VLR without 999.
history legends of war
escape vektor

how are these games? never heard of them? sound cool,....

anyway time to pick up olliolli and txk. was waiting for them to drop below 5€.

oh and the unfinished swan... has that game ever been on sale? this sucks so much.... still didnt buy this game

I'm curious about this one also. Got an WWII itch that needs scratching. And at this price I might get it, if it's an acceptable game.


Battlefield 4 has been a couple of times already through the PS3 upgrade, and TR:DE and Thief was just recently half price.

I have Battlefield and TR.Thief sucks.
I am interested in other EA games ,as Fifa,NFS or NBA.
COD also may be included in a sale.

I guess we need to w8 yes.


Junior Member
How does the Vita version of Retro City Rampage compare to the 3DS version?

Also is Batman Blackgate worth it?
This sale is freaking great!

Gonna have to load up on PSN credit, probably gonna buy
Demon's Souls
EDF2017 Portable
The Oddboxx

Tempted to trade/sell my MGS HD Vita and grab that digitally as well.
Now that's what you call a sale. I see a number of titles I'll definitely be getting, Dustforce being the number one game I'm most interested in.

Also, just throwing this out there, I'll fight anyone who buys Aliens: CM. I ain't even joking.


Every time there's a sale, I just want Dragon's Crown for Vita. It never happens

Yep I got sick of waiting too. I got it recently from playasia for around $25.

And great news that tales of xillia is finally discounted. Been waiting for that for like forever. I know that it was way cheaper in the US sale but $20 is reasonable. I want WRC 4 too but would much rather it on the vita. If it was cross buy that would be the best.

Also which tales would people get if they could only get one? Graces f or xillia?
Will PSASBR scratch my Smash itch before SSB4 comes out?

And yes, yes I know, it isn't like a Smash game.
Come on guys though really.

Oh helllll naaaaaah. Goddamn, I'm going to need to buy more PS Store credit, these deals are awesome.

BUY KILLZONE MERCENARY. It is incredible, and the surprisingly deep multiplayer is quieter than I'd like!


Wonder if the separate MGS2 & 3 for Vita will get the same discount as the PS3 one, either way will still buy it as 7.99 is too good to pass up! Same Dragons Crown isn't in there.

The MGS games are not cross-buy. The Vita collection and PS3 games are seperate purchases.


Junior Member
I think so, yes.
And that's coming from someone who:
- loves gaming
- loves fishing
- loves fishing games
- is a self proclaimed trophy whore

Hmmmm...then I'll possibly drop it. Backlog is large as it is, I can do without a game that is considered bad even when it's cheap *must resist* I'm more addicted to great deals now :(


What does Complete Collection mean for Virtue's Last Reward, something extra, anything? Couldn't find info.


Junior Member
Will PSASBR scratch my Smash itch before SSB4 comes out?

And yes, yes I know, it isn't like a Smash game.
Come on guys though really.

BUY KILLZONE MERCENARY. It is incredible, and the surprisingly deep multiplayer is quieter than I'd like!

Don't worry my friend, it's getting bought. 3.3gb though, my 16gb card is crying right now at this sale... Not sure how I'm going to manage. Also £6.29 PSASBR....
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