Also I have to say Japanese Maka is AWFUL compared to the English version.
Too far.
Also I have to say Japanese Maka is AWFUL compared to the English version.
Also I have to say Japanese Maka is AWFUL compared to the English version. If she was worse in the original SE I can understand why people who watched the sub probably didn't like it as much.
First episode had great choreography, but the actual transition from novel to anime was a little weird. That said, I enjoyed watching it on screen, hated Miyuki's voice to be honest and didn't mind anyone else's VA. Seriously, what was that VA.
Saori Hayami too goddess for you.
Soul Eater Not 1
Also I have to say Japanese Maka is AWFUL compared to the English version. If she was worse in the original SE I can understand why people who watched the sub probably didn't like it as much.
Are you hating on the greatest voice actress of all time?
English Maka was a fine performance, but she could never hold a candle to the original.
Also I have to say Japanese Maka is AWFUL compared to the English version.
Saori Hayami too goddess for you.
Black Bullet Episode 1
So far I've enjoyed the action bits, and interested in the Masked Villain with his smug face. But overall it's pretty great and enjoyable. Oh yeah the people who seem to think its lighthearted are wrong because the people who have read the LN have said that it's dark and contains deaths that may contribute to feels moments and also being gory unless it'll be censored, but so far it hasn't.
So far LN adaptions have been great with Mahouka, No Game No Life, and Black Bullet. Though I'm really hyped for Mahouka's 26 episodes.
If I could speak again on Selector Infected WIXOSS for a second, I just want everyone to be aware that this is the kind of show that this actually is:
I could complain about how it fails as a card battle show on the most fundamental level because it has zero interest in explaining the rules of its own game and establishes its characters' "power levels" solely through bystanders remarking "wow, she's so powerful!" or "I can't believe that there are people this good at WIXOSS!" with the expectation that the viewer will unquestioningly take the onlooker's word for it, but the fact that that most loathsome rot at the heart of the otaku industry has reached even shows with the relatively benign commercial purpose of advertising TCGs is even worthier of scorn. What a terrible show.
I watched Coffin Princess....
It's Scrapped Princess as fuck. Even down to the trio of siblingsand people after them and the magic/science. Dude didn't go far from his comfort zone.that aren't really siblings
Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin-1
Finally, another show that I've actually enjoyed. Really good storyboarding in some of the sequences, good character design, fun character interactions, interesting premise, and likable characters.
Turned out much better than I expected.
Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san - 01
Sdburton told me to watch and i'm quite surprised ..., indeed i'm very surprised
And i'm gonna follow this one too![]()
EDIT: Should probably mention I'm talking about Golden Time
Just one more to go, episode 23 was also brilliant, it's impressive how great the leap in quality was when this final arc started. I can't even tell how many times I cried during those last two episodes.
Banri and Mitsuo talking was quite something.
I never imagined the same anime that was overly dramatic about every single non issue possible could be so spot on with actual meaningful drama and move me to tears several times.
cajun was right once again, doing my best to endure the shitstorm was definitely worth it.
Please don't screw up the ending.
no uNeon Genesis Evangelion 11
Asuka really is the worst, such an annoying brat.
Have we finally reached the stage where retardation is now moe? This child can't speak proper sentences like an adult.
Ok, I think I'm over the crying episodes 22 and 23 brought me, time to sleep and wish the ending was better.
Good night, AnimeGAF
It wasnt the best but it resolved things and ended the way it should. I was happy with it.
This was exceedingly stupid. Have some PABLO POWER though:
Thanks, now I don't have to watch that show to get the goods, as it were.
Also, thanks to everyone else for watching bad anime like Black Bullet, Nananna, Hitsugi no Chaika etc. Your sacrifice means I don't have to waste my time with crappy anime!
Yeah, it wasn't bad, I just feel likethe happy ending wasn't entirely deserved, but more importantly, wtf was that shit at the bridge?
Now I'm going for real >_<
no u
I guess everyone has shit taste.
I'll probably only watch No Game No Life, Escha & Logy, Date a Live II and Isshuukan Friends, with maybe Mahouka if I get over Miyuki's VA.
Don't really see how Miyuki's VA is annoying personally, I thought it was fine.
Do people actually like her? I'm just going to assume it's all ironic appreciation from now on.
That song had to be perfected by people on youtube:People want to make Frozen the new disney classic. It was really good, just not Disney Classics good.
'Let it Go' is good, but it's no 'I'll Make a Man Out of You'
People want to make Frozen the new disney classic. It was really good, just not Disney Classics good.
'Let it Go' is good, but it's no 'I'll Make a Man Out of You'
...If I could speak again on Selector Infected WIXOSS for a second, I just want everyone to be aware that this is the kind of show that this actually is:
I could complain about how it fails as a card battle show on the most fundamental level because it has zero interest in explaining the rules of its own game and establishes its characters' "power levels" solely through bystanders remarking "wow, she's so powerful!" or "I can't believe that there are people this good at WIXOSS!" with the expectation that the viewer will unquestioningly take the onlooker's word for it, but the fact that that most loathsome rot at the heart of the otaku industry has reached even shows with the relatively benign commercial purpose of advertising TCGs is even worthier of scorn. What a terrible show.
Shows This Season Actually Worth Watching (ranked by first episodes):
Ping Pong
Mushishi Zoku-Sho
One Week Friends
Rowdy Sumo Wrestler Matsutaro
Shows This Season Actually Worth Watching (ranked by first episodes):
Ping Pong
Mushishi Zoku-Sho
One Week Friends
Rowdy Sumo Wrestler Matsutaro