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Sega Genesis/MegaDrive Appreciation Thread: Alien Storm > Golden Axe


I consider my shit a library, a classic game room & love having people borrow, play or otherwise experience new stuff just like i do.



or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Love the sentment Irish.

Though for my collection, no one's borrowing shit ;)


Oh, I needed some salt with my lunch today, thanks :D

lol, there was a lot of saltiness. I just don't get people like that - I've always been of the opinion that games are meant to be played and there is no way in hell he'll ever do that. To me what's even sadder is that he thinks he's actually accomplished something.


I let people borrow games from me a couple of times when I was younger. I rarely got them back. Never again!

Yeah I'd sooner just give a friend a game rather than let them borrow it.

oh, this has happened to all of us, man. I just realized a few years ago i lost my orange copy of Final Fight Guy to lending, go look up what that one goes for now (;_;)

nowadays i keep a list and loan stuff to friends who are good for it & understand the bro rule that you replace anything you bring back missing stuff.

lol, I've removed shit from my shelves because it ain't good enough.

haha i likewise assume we've all done this too, though i have to admit especially with my Genesis stuff since it was my primary system for so long, ive absolutely bought back stuff like Pit Fighter when i can on the cheap because either nostalgia or part of me thinks in replacing my early 90s collection it's only fair to have a few stinkers in there as i did in the day, haha. can't enjoy the sunshine without a bit've rain


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
I wonder if there's any rhyme or reason for why a lot of JP games will boot on PAL consoles but not US ones. Sometimes starting in PAL mode even loads the English version; sometimes it doesn't.


If I absolutely must lend a game (rarely) I'll lend only the disc in a standard jewel case and keep the box as a reminder I've lent the game out.

Worst case scenario, the disc/cartridge is much cheaper to reacquire. Good idea.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Just picked up Shadow Dancer.

Having a good dog companion in a game makes it like 50x better, I swear.


I've removed stuff that is considered good by others but I just dont enjoy them. Put them in the sale thread. Let someone else get their kicks.

Done that a ton (e.g., RSG, Guardian Heroes, etc.). The only one I'm atm seriously debating booting out of the collection is R2: Rendering Ranger (bought it many years ago at much less retarded prices (but still retarded) but it's such a shit game).
Sentiments like Mzo's are why I don't put much value in software media these days. Speculators looking for the next Stadium Events or Flintstones 2 have pretty much ruined any hope of getting decent games at realistic prices. Everdrive to the rescue...

The hardware, on the other hand, is precious to me.


Sentiments like Mzo's are why I don't put much value in software media these days. Speculators looking for the next Stadium Events or Flintstones 2 have pretty much ruined any hope of getting decent games at realistic prices. Everdrive to the rescue...

The hardware, on the other hand, is precious to me.
I'm not too fond of speculators in any hobby, be it comic books, video games, or what-have-you. They're in it for the money, not the hobby. But, eh, what can you do?

Collectors, on the other hand, I don't have issue with. People collect lots of things: stamps, coins, comic books, LEGO, video games, etc. Some collectors actively make use of what they collect--read the comics, assemble the LEGO, play the video games--and some do not, choosing to keep them pristine for display, or just to have. But regardless of how they go about doing it, I think people into collecting do it from an interest/love for the medium. Some selling may be involved, but it may be to fund further collecting, and it's not the primary motivator, which makes it okay in my book.

I've been playing video games all my life. As an adult, I don't have nearly the time I used to for playing anymore. But I still love the hobby. A few years ago I realized that my purchases were outpacing my available time, that I was never going to be able to play all that I acquired. As a retro fan, there's just so much material out there to catch up on, systems and games I missed out on the first time around. And as time passes, it's all just going to get harder and more expensive to come by. So I'm spending more time assembling a library while it's still fairly feasible, so I can play what I want when I have time. But playing games is now about half of the hobby for me. The other half is spent attending conventions/shows, socializing with like-minded people, learning about the medium, and enjoying the thrill of the hunt for buried treasure. To me, that kind of stuff is as enjoyable as playing the games. But I never forget that it all stems from the games themselves, that how I treat the hobby now is borne from the Atari 2600 my dad brought home, the hours I spent in darkened arcades, the NES I got for Christmas, the Genesis I bought with my own money, and all the other milestones that set the stage for what gaming means to me now.


Sentiments like Mzo's are why I don't put much value in software media these days. Speculators looking for the next Stadium Events or Flintstones 2 have pretty much ruined any hope of getting decent games at realistic prices. Everdrive to the rescue...

The hardware, on the other hand, is precious to me.

Flea Markets and thrift store hunting can be fun though :/


out of curiosity how do you feel about the two E-SWATs?

Unfortunately, I've never had the pleasure(?) of playing the PCB and I have yet to crack open the spanking new JP copy I acquired a few months ago. Sorry.

edit: Just watched some playthroughs, and with the caveat above, the MD version looks amazingly better - the music, the neo noir landscape, the levels, enemies, etc. (it's got a Revenge of Shinobi/Shinobi III vibe to it - if I would have known this, I wouldn't have waited this long to purchase a copy - I just saw some short clips earlier and it looked interesting and a new copy came up and in this day and age new copies don't come up that often anymore so I bought it. I'm going to need to schedule time to play through it as it appears that Sega made another excellent call in not porting the arcade game).

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Hi guys so I've recently decided to buy a Sega Genesis.
I want one of the old ones. I've found a seller on craiglist selling an original 1989 model with the altered beast box. I asked for the serial number and it is 39T10715. According to this guide Means
  • Factory 3
  • 1989
  • Production run "T"
  • Console number 10,715

He is asking 100$ which seems reasonable to me. He plainly states the console has never been used and it looks it. It is missing the game altered beast but it comes with the box with the face on it. Is that a reasonable amount to pay?
$100 is pretty high for just the console, I think.

You should be able to get a good console only in the $40 to $60 range.

Unless the box and such are valuable to you.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
This is the ad, btw.

I'm more just intrigued that he says its never been used before. The extra ~45 is worth it to me if it truly is pristine. I don't want any scratches on that gold 16 bit logo.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I'm just waiting on him to email me back. I guess its seriously never been powered on, I asked him to make sure it works and he said he'd hook it up and take a picture for me. Its just a matter of making the 2 hour drive up to see him.
Okay, I laughed. Hah.

All three parts are always hooked up for me, though. :)

...along with another two or so dozen things...to the same TV and sound system. It takes quite a few video selectors and power strips, though!
Yeah, power strips are required for sure... but I've usually needed power strips anyway, to deal with the various systems, distance from wall plugs, etc., so I had those to begin with. But for anyone who does have a setup with a location near a plug and so few systems that they can just plug them into the wall... well, too bad. If they'd had the bricks in the middle it wouldn't have been quite as bad -- it'd have made them much easier to fit onto a standard power stripe -- but no. Ah well. At least NEC did things right with the Turbo CD, it needs only one power supply (for TG16+CD) and the brick is in the middle of the cord for the US model... though not for Duos, unfortunately. "Plug on the brick" power supplies are annoying... they don't work well with standard power strips.
Yeah, power strips are required for sure... but I've usually needed power strips anyway, to deal with the various systems, distance from wall plugs, etc., so I had those to begin with. But for anyone who does have a setup with a location near a plug and so few systems that they can just plug them into the wall... well, too bad. If they'd had the bricks in the middle it wouldn't have been quite as bad -- it'd have made them much easier to fit onto a standard power stripe -- but no. Ah well. At least NEC did things right with the Turbo CD, it needs only one power supply (for TG16+CD) and the brick is in the middle of the cord for the US model... though not for Duos, unfortunately. "Plug on the brick" power supplies are annoying... they don't work well with standard power strips.

They really are. My power brick for my Master System 2 didn't really fit that well into the plug and would almost hang from the actual plugs, looked like it was going to fall out any moment. The European plugs are more like two rounds pins, and don't grip as well in older and worn out wall sockets.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Somewhere in storage with all my childhood stuff are first party IR wireless genesis controllers.
The guy behind The Mega-CD mega backup RAM cartridge and the various Power Base converters (with and without FM) is playing with a 3-in-1 Sega Genesis power supply. He plans to sell some of those.

There is already the "sega trio" out there. Think they are better at keeping them instock now as well.

Personally I prefer the duo since who cares about the 32x.


Sega seeked to remedy the problem themselves


Unfortunately this power strip is hella expensive now. Would be a nice piece to have.

as a sega fan, this stays on my list & i look everywhere but no luck yet

There is already the "sega trio" out there. Think they are better at keeping them instock now as well.

Personally I prefer the duo since who cares about the 32x.

the trio is awesome but fuckouttahere! the 32X has a few games worth playing, and can be had for beans at this point.
Personally, I decided against the 32X because I'm honestly more interested in checking out the Power Base Converter and the library of Master System games than I am the five or so games I'd have interest in on the 32X.

Also, the 32X wouldn't be compatible with my S-Video mod, which was what prevented me from even considering it pre-RGB, and I'd have to get an all-new Model 2 RGB cable to go that route, too.
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