The classic pulp comics pose is cool, probably more Star Wars-inspired than anything else. I can dig it.
I just don't like the thought of collecting games. They're not baseball cards, or comics, or beanie babies or whatever. They're not complete sitting on someone's wall. They need to be played. They need your interaction to be complete. I like video games a hell of a lot and I have a hell of a lot of games, but I can tell you what makes each of them special. Who made it, why I like it, why it's important, the thing it did that was new and worked/didn't work, why it's fun, why it's on my shelf.
All I hear these days from the vast majority of the people flocking to the hobby I've been a part of for nearly 30 years is collecting. Collection, collecting, my collection, collect, collection, add it to my collection, need this in my collection. Collecting. Every Youtube personality that buys up giant game lots and doesn't recognize half of what they're getting, every person that can barely play and will never beat the NES games they line their walls with, every fly-by-night collector that uses internet community forums to quickly build up a collection and then sells it off at a profit on eBay, every person like the Game Chasers who only know or care about dollar amounts, every person with little to no understanding of what makes a game good but can't resist sharing their worthless opinion with the world...
It makes me wary of people who collect. I just play games, man. They're fun.