I'll take a stab at it:
Total US Console sales LTD since Wii U launched in Nov 2012:
PS4 = 3,111,000
XB1 = 2,644,000
Wii U = 2,347,000
I'll take a stab at it:
Total US Console sales LTD since Wii U launched in Nov 2012:
PS4 = 3,111,000
XB1 = 2,644,000
Wii U = 2,347,000
Oh, did he?
Hint: Loot at the chart.
Oh, did he? In that case congrats to Sony. That's damn impressive. And I also just saw that Infamous was the best selling next gen title, which means it definitely outsold Titanfall on Xbox One. Would be interested in the numbers, but I'm happy to see the game do well. I expected both it and Titanfall weren't done just yet in last month's NPD, and that seems to be proving true.
I think that was a special case. That was super, super close, like 95-96% close lol. The Kagari info is good enough for me. He apparently confirmed it's near double, just like in January. I haven't seen the post, but I'm assuming opticalmace is correct.
I know you're being sarcastic but Mario Golf was only available on 2nd May. How many days of tracking is that? Not that it's going to change the overall big picture but it's probably not that bad compared to first glance at the figure.
It was kind of expected for a campy game like that. In Japan, the first week was 20k Vita and 5k 3DS
So has anyone figured it out?
So what are people thinking 3DS numbers were?
I guess <115k because of the XB1 placement?
With Wii + Wii U + 3DS < PS4
-> 199k > Wii + 49k + 3DS
-> 3DS + Wii < 150k
So if 3DS < 115k -> Wii < 35k???
I guess that's maximum so Nintendo family could be significantly lower than 199k and Wii could be all of 6k or less
The only way I can think of deciphering this is:
The fact that I see no PS4 number, or even a credible hint as to how much more it sold, leads me to believe the PS4 and Xbox One aren't that far apart this month. If it were close to double, for example, we would have heard as much, same as in January.
What was the Wii last month? That could give us a range for this month.
My guess is they're saving their announcement for numbers at E3
It's a she
Does creamsugar work for NPD? How does he know this info?
Does creamsugar work for NPD? How does he know this info?
Does creamsugar work for NPD? How does he know this info?
Why doesn't dream sugar just reval everything in one post?
Why doesn't dream sugar just reval everything in one post?
We should get Tearaway's LTD
The epic battle with TW101 continues!!!!
Does creamsugar work for NPD? How does he know this info?
Summary so far (thanks to creamsugar):
PS4: ~199k
XB1: 115k
360: 71k
Wii U: ~49k
PSV: ~3.3k
8th Gen LTD's
PS4: 3,111,000
XB1: 2,644,000
Wii U: 2,347,000
Kirby ~41k
Mario Golf ~17k
Titanfall (standalone) ~77k
Titanfall (standalone + bundle) ~140k
Infamous ~82k
Conception 2 Vita:18k, 3DS 13k
Demon Gaze 6k
Titanfall 360 > Infamous SS first month
LTD's (Wii U software):
Luigi U > 250k > DK > PIKMIN3 > 230K
TW101: 74K
How many weeks are the Kirby numbers (41k) for?
We should get Tearaway's LTD
The epic battle with TW101 continues!!!!
How many weeks are the Kirby numbers (41k) for?
Conception II Vita outsold Mario Golf I can feel steve's wrath coming down like a wave across the US.
Can we also have some numbers for Yoshi's second month please? In Europe it seems to hold really well, I'd love to have a number for month two.
How many weeks are the Kirby numbers (41k) for?
So If the Wii was 28K last month, why would it be 35K in a smaller April?
If anything wouldn't it be closer to 20K?
But that would make the 3DS 120K, and it should be lower than the X1.
Wait, did anyone confirm the 3DS was lower than the X1?
Wow... Infamous really didn't see to do all that well in US. I mean even the not at all advertised sku of Titanfall managed to beat it's first month.
We should get Tearaway's LTD
The epic battle with TW101 continues!!!!
Conception II Vita outsold Mario Golf I can feel steve's wrath coming down like a wave across the US.
Yeah, the hyper-massive industry-record setting marketing campaign-backed immensely saturated XBOX_Titanfall_XBOX on the American favourite console, the 360, certainly did beat Infamous: Second Son, a sequel to a kinda-sorta semi-hit franchise on a console that's six months old.
I mean, come awn fellahs
I don't think it was confirmed. Plus Microsoft ignores handhelds.