Out of curiosity, do we have an LTD for Lego City Undercover (Wii U) or 3D World? Last I remember LCU was at like 230K and 3D World was 570K+.
3D World was at 655k in january (eShop included)
Lego City- 242k (december 2013)
Out of curiosity, do we have an LTD for Lego City Undercover (Wii U) or 3D World? Last I remember LCU was at like 230K and 3D World was 570K+.
Sonys PlayStation 4 was the No. 1 platform for hardware sales in April for the fourth month in a row, followed by Xbox One, said Callahan.
Back in 2004-2006 that used to happen to a large extent.
the numbers for kirby td aren't that bad for two days. i thought i would be able to just go into gamestop and pick it up but they were out of stock last weekend. so i went next door to target and they were also out of stock. what gives.
3D World was at 655k in january (eShop included)
Lego City- 242k (december 2013)
Boy is that the understatement of the year. Everything was leaked. Literally everything. Hundreds of pages of Excel data. Even a game that sold one single copy was tracked. My god it was glorious.
I hope NPD understands that not releasing data basically allows the Chartz of the world to exist.
NPD could crush them in one night if they just share more data.
I found this funny, I didn't expect you not to find it at Target. lolthe numbers for kirby td aren't that bad for two days. i thought i would be able to just go into gamestop and pick it up but they were out of stock last weekend. so i went next door to target and they were also out of stock. what gives.
:/The XBO being the second best selling platform isn't from Microsoft. Does that really sound like something their PR would trumpet? It's from NPD.
The XBO being the second best selling platform isn't from Microsoft. Does that really sound like something their PR would trumpet? It's from NPD.
NPD could crush them in one night if they just share more data.
I'm sort of curious how the other charts work out their data and how they are run. I'm not talking those dumbfucks that are taken too seriously, I mean Media Create and the like.When NPD wasn't so tight on the leaks (they've rarely willingly "shared" data), VGC would just wholesale take the NPD numbers and mess around a bit with them. Then people thought VGC was more accurate than they were. With NPD tightening down on leaks, people who still have access to NPD can see just how whacked out VGC's "methodology" really is. In that case, sharing more data would actually serve to improve VGC's "accuracy" and potentially impact NPD's bottom line. :/
I'm sort of curious how the other charts work out their data and how they are run. I'm not talking those dumbfucks that are taken too seriously, I mean Media Create and the like.
I mean Media Create and the like.
Would really like to know the LTD for Danganronpa. Anyone?
what would you consider to be good for that game?
I dunno, 40k?
:Ci thought the mobile games were both popular and critically well received.
Media Create, Dengeki, and Famitsu all have to compete against each other for business, which is why they all release weekly numbers in order to convince 3rd parties they have the right methodology to accurately gauge the market.
Ah, so it's legit competition then. Too bad it sounds like no one cares to compete with the NPD in that regard.Think MC and Enterbrain (Famitsu) both have ~60% of the retail market covered but not all of it is overlap. Both extrapolate the remainder of the market resulting in usually close, but not exactly the same, numbers.
Real talk now guys... can Wii U outsell Xbone next month in US?
Ah, so it's legit competition then. Too bad it sounds like no one cares to compete with the NPD in that regard.
Can we also have some numbers for Yoshi's second month please? In Europe it seems to hold really well, I'd love to have a number for month two.
How many weeks are the Kirby numbers (41k) for?
Yeap... I guess the Kinectless SKU announce was premature and it will kill the sales in May... a late May or early June announce with units on sale in few days could worked better.It likely will. The MK8 bundle will be mostly preorders, so even with only 2 days of sales, it could very likely push Wii U over a much depressed XB1 with the Kinect-less SKU right around the corner.
Only 115k... I guess there is a reason why MFST had to cut the price. Titanfall did literally nothing to bosst the sales, they declined actually. May will be even worse with the early pricecut announcement. I bet that even this wont help them much. This is pretty much a WiiU situation where price is not the problem anymore, but the brand recognition and the mix of PR and bad word of mouth surrounding "xbox".
Yea big holder. 90k Or so.
Should I get it?
Only Yoshi island I haven't played
well it didn't do that, but it still did very well.
Yea big holder. 90k Or so.
Should I get it?
Only Yoshi island I haven't played
199Anyone leaked ps4 numbers?
Not sure I follow? It's a quote from Liam Callahan from NPD. I suppose he could be ignoring the handheld market, does he normally when giving soundbites?i have yet to see evidence that sony also acknowledges the handheld market.
How do you know this? Thanks for the info still.
Not surprising, probably why the chartz site resorts to seemingly throwing darts around a room to get their numbers.Because its expensive as hell to set up the retail partnerships that NPD has done over the decades.
Not sure I follow? It's a quote from Liam Callahan from NPD. I suppose he could be ignoring the handheld market, does he normally when giving soundbites?
i can't reveal my sources.
Sony will present some at E3 but I guess the gap got wider now in the US.Anyone leaked ps4 numbers?
No thats fine,i just wanted to know if you are a credible source and not just some random poster lol.
No thats fine,i just wanted to know if you are a credible source and not just some random poster lol.
for once i am not fucking with anyone here. the game did well.
This is my thinking. June will show whether demand is simply not there or whether price will really help. It really seems like a similar pattern to WiiU, albeit at a higher absolute number. First two months around launch were huge, then huge drop off
Ah shit the true Next Gen King is here!Paging theprodigy, Yoshi outsold infamous in its second month![]()
Wanna talk about the opposite of Yoshi and holdovers?
There isn't a Souls SKU to be found in either Xbox or ps3 top 10
Wanna talk about the opposite of Yoshi and holdovers?
There isn't a Souls SKU to be found in either Xbox or ps3 top 10