For anyone doubting the graphical prowess of the graphics, check the screenshot below:
Check out the texture quality on the back of the tent for example. It is so detailed, the parallex textures on the polygons of the tent are extremely life-like, and make a very 1:1 replica of tents, and I'm an expert in camping . The tent itself is procedural generated. Geralt's model is very well textured, with a good mixture of art and vortexs with good light shader on the skin which reflects the light of the setting realistically. The flies have unique A.I designed to make them hover around the flame, with each fly having a unique 3d model. Equally, the lighting is great, the light of the candles illuminates the tent and the colour is refracted as well, showing that there is a very competent lighting system in place. The shadowing is accurate, with sub-scatter lighting showing more accurate shadowing on Geralt's model.
For a game from 2011, it is incredibly well made and even today very competitive.