Divinity: Original Sin |OT| Sandbox RPG. Co-Op friendly. Bread.


Great OT Casimir, not bloated and very informative. This game really feels like a new Ultima, and for that it is an instant classic.

So how does this game "launch" since it has been playable for some time now? Is there going to be one final big patch maybe some reviews? You can pretty much play the game already, right?

You can only play the first area in EA, also saves are not compatible with the final release.


I feel like buying this a week before release wasn't worth the 20% savings.

It's sitting there, in my Steam account... installed even. Waiting for me to play.

I can't do it though! Not with the inevitable character wipe coming. So I have to wait.

Damn you Steam sales.


So how does this game "launch" since it has been playable for some time now? Is there going to be one final big patch maybe some reviews? You can pretty much play the game already, right?
Well, as I said just above it's playable, yes, but patches and fixes aside, supposedly there's also a massive chunk of the game missing right now.
Plus, incompatible saves.


Waiting for me to play.
I can't do it though! Not with the inevitable character wipe coming.
You can. I did it.
I just took the chance to familiarize more with the game.
I don't mind starting over after release, it's not like the game is a chore to play, anyway, and I'm fantasizing already about new builds to try.
I will enjoy it.

EDIT: goddammit, double post.


You can. I did it.
I just took the chance to familiarize more with the game.
I don't mind starting over after release, it's not like the game is a chore to play, anyway, and I'm fantasizing already about new builds to try.
I will enjoy it.

EDIT: goddammit, double post.

I messed around for about an hour when I bought it. Just enough to know that I'm going to lose a lot of time in this game.

How robust is the campaign creation toolset? I'm guessing that's not included in the beta?


So how does this game "launch" since it has been playable for some time now? Is there going to be one final big patch maybe some reviews? You can pretty much play the game already, right?

Only the first town area is in the early access (Cyseal), there's like 75% of the game that we haven't seen or played yet.


I feel like buying this a week before release wasn't worth the 20% savings.

It's sitting there, in my Steam account... installed even. Waiting for me to play.

I can't do it though! Not with the inevitable character wipe coming. So I have to wait.

Damn you Steam sales.

Well, you can go in and goof off and learn about characters abilities.


I can't wait till the full release. I was surprised by just how much fun I was having with the beta. This is the first time I've been into a game like this. I wanted to love Baldurs Gate but I just could not get into it but this game.....

I have a couple of questions about the full release though.

Are there gonna be any new mechanics in the full game (like sneaking)?

Are there gonna be new skills? I'd imagine there would be seeing as the beta is only 1/4 the full game.

Are there gonna any changes to the starting areas?

Are there gonna be any new customization options for appearance? I was severely disappointed in the options available in the beta.


I've always thought wRPG battle systems are incredibly boring and unfun, but this looks absolutely amazing! Can't wait to give it a try
Well, I can't say I agree with the first part of your post -- at all -- but if you've finally seen the light that's something at least.


Well, I can't say I agree with the first part of your post -- at all -- but if you've finally seen the light that's something at least.

Haha, we probably have pretty opposite tastes in RPGs (PS:T is still pretty goddamn awesome though)

Uh. When I think about the best battle systems I know in RPGs, almost all of them actually come form WRPGs (or computer RPGs, more specifically).

Just to clarify, I'm talking about purely AD&D battle systems. Stuff like Baldur's Gate. There are many PC RPGs that have fantastic combat systems.


I bought this mostly due to Durante gushing like Cythrea about the game. Gave it a whirl for an hour, doing the tutorial dungeon and liked what i played. I can tell this is going to swallow my spare time.

Holding off until the game fully releases before i dive in proper. I only really have one question and that is whether there's a key to highlight pickups and items like there was in Baldur's Gate 2?


Press Release said:
Larian Studios announced today that the editor for Divinity: Original Sin, will be available as part of the Early Access beta on June 26th.

Not only is the Divinity: Original Sin editor the first multiplayer game editor since Neverwinter Nights, it comes with a sample module called Cow Simulator 2014.

Cow Simulator 2014 is perhaps the finest cow simulation ever released. It serves as an example mod for would-be creators and permits users to play as a cow (even in co-op with up to 4 players) and complete a quest or fight in the arena.

Just got this on my email, this is probably the announcement that was teased last week. Larian will stream a bit of the editor today @ 18:00 CET


I bought this mostly due to Durante gushing like Cythrea about the game. Gave it a whirl for an hour, doing the tutorial dungeon and liked what i played. I can tell this is going to swallow my spare time.

Holding off until the game fully releases before i dive in proper. I only really have one question and that is whether there's a key to highlight pickups and items like there was in Baldur's Gate 2?

Yeah, ALT I think is the key. The higher your character's perception is, the further you highlight items.

Just got this on my email, this is probably the announcement that was teased last week



Coop cow simulation? Amazing.

I bought this mostly due to Durante gushing like Cythrea about the game. Gave it a whirl for an hour, doing the tutorial dungeon and liked what i played. I can tell this is going to swallow my spare time.

Holding off until the game fully releases before i dive in proper. I only really have one question and that is whether there's a key to highlight pickups and items like there was in Baldur's Gate 2?
I'm at work now, but I think it was alt?


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I am so god damned hyped for this, it's unreal.

I'm far too old and bitter to be getting this giddy about a video game.

Very nice OT. Well-chosen subtitle - it gives a good overview of the game for anyone interested.

Misleading? What are you talking about? In every trailer they specifically mention "Tactical Turn Based Combat". How could it be an action rpg?

If you're not paying a great deal of attention, it's easy to mistake DOS for something entirely different. For example, I thought this was an action RPG in the vein of Diablo up until the Steam sale when I decided to investigate further. I think the problem is just the general appearance of non-combat stuff, which highly resembles a generic ARPG set-up.

In any case, I'm glad to have discovered it.
Picked this up during the sale. It looks delightful. Oof is it rough on my PC though. I don't have a beast of a machine but it's fairly decent and I've noticed a few stutters when moving around. Hopefully the "optimization" message in the beta will reduce that.


Great OT .

Been a while since I had hype like this , trying to find a game to pass time till the 30th but I only feel like playing this game :p

Did they mention if we could have a house later in the game ?
Or I can always find my own like I did in Ultima 7 *evil grin*


No bald cap? Lies!
So ready for this. Wish it came out on a Friday like it was supposed to, but I guess I'll just have to tease it out a couple hours a night after work next week until I can waste my whole weekend with it.


If you're not paying a great deal of attention, it's easy to mistake DOS for something entirely different. For example, I thought this was an action RPG in the vein of Diablo up until the Steam sale when I decided to investigate further. I think the problem is just the general appearance of non-combat stuff, which highly resembles a generic ARPG set-up.
I think a large part of the problem is that the games media is totally failing when it comes to Divinity: OS.
I think a large part of the problem is that the games media is totally failing when it comes to Divinity: OS.

Unfortunately, that is entirely accurate.

It seems like the only developers that can inspire any sort of media reaction for turn-based or strategy games are Paradox and Firaxis, with everyone else falling by the wayside. The one exception to this that I can think of is Rock Paper Shotgun; they cover a lot of unusual stuff.


Unfortunately, that is entirely accurate.

It seems like the only developers that can inspire any sort of media reaction for turn-based or strategy games are Paradox and Firaxis, with everyone else falling by the wayside. The one exception to this that I can think of is Rock Paper Shotgun; they cover a lot of unusual stuff.
Actually, Brian Fargo is pretty good at playing the (American) media game. Wasteland 2 certainly got a good deal more coverage than Divinity: OS, even though it's farther from release
and a much less ambitious or polished game


I think a large part of the problem is that the games media is totally failing when it comes to Divinity: OS.

Problem is also the fact that this kind of game is no longer common so everyone is expecting a Diablo hack and slash clone when a RPG got a 3d isometric view (or similar)


Actually, Brian Fargo is pretty good at playing the (American) media game. Wasteland 2 certainly got a good deal more coverage than Divinity: OS, even though it's farther from release
and a much less ambitious or polished game

I still can't believe some of the stuff you're able to do in Divinity:OS. It really boggles my mind that they pulled this off on a game that IMO looks amazing.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I even have the week this comes out off. But I'll be playing the whole thing start to finish coop with a bud, so I'll be sitting there staring at it in my steam list waiting for him to get home from work all day.



I bought the collector's edition two pack for 20% off. I'm really stoked for the 30th, but I'm waiting until it gets here to start it up.


For the Giant Bomb followers, I wonder if Dave Snider would consider visiting the offices and driving a quick look, blind if necessary. He certainly loves his old CRPGs. Just having a video with Dave in it would be enough to pull in many viewers who otherwise would gloss over Divinity I think. The ingredients are there in the game for a lot of GB's typical dumb, emergent, poison-okay-oh-shit-i-just-exploded-my-whole-party-now-everyone's-on-fire style of content.


Terrific OT, Casimir - thank you for your work on this, and also to all who contributed.

Very excited about D:OS - have kept my copy sitting in my inventory to ward off the temptation to fire it up before release day, and battled to avoid Swen's stream the other day (aside from some sneaky peeks at the bits concerning the editor).

Looking forward to hearing of everyone's experiences, and your thoughts on the game once it launches. It's a good time to be into RPGs.


Everytime I see a thread about this game, my first reaction is to see if it has already been released on GoG. Seems it's still not the case.

If it's released without a discount, I will have to postpone its purchase.
And that would be a shame.
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