Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

What is your favorite class?

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I'm sure you'll be able to get a code soon enough!

Also, is there a chance we can add the option to see who chose what?

Not without restarting the poll. Want me to?

I certainly could be in the minority, but wouldn't anonymity be better for polls in general? And clearly, it's not out of self interest given my status.

Edit: Guess it's not possible to do, so kindly ignore this post.


I redeemed a beta code and a bunch of other unlock things ages ago and now I can't remember anything about it or where to find my beta access. Anyone have any ideas?
Some of my fave shots from the Alpha







Map of the Tower Hub



I can't accurately vote in the poll as I love all 3 as if they are my very own zombie children that possess super galactic abilites
What, I can't even vote!?

Alright, admins, I've been in Junior mode for like 6 months now. I get it. But now you're messing with my Destiny polling rights, so shit is getting personal...
Titan SMASH!

I had fun with the alpha and finally preordered it, because I am a fool, and therefore can be easily parted from my money. I'm normally not thrilled about FPS on consoles, but this should be alright. I still want it to be more Halo and less CoD, though.


Tagged as I see fit
Man oh man, I cannot wait!

If you want to add me on PSN, my id Tokunbo. Just put a note of GAF or Destiny in the message.


Quick question for those in the EU PSN with a preorder.
Has Sony charged the cards/ funds yet for the preorder? I preordered the game and it's in my download list and etc ... but they have yet to charge my account or remove funds from my wallet. This normal?

Reposting for new page


Really enjoyed the Warlock class in the Alpha. I try a new class for the Beta. Can't wait!

In answer to your thread title I say the answer is yes for PvE but not so sure about PvP.

Double jump is a lot faster than the rest and it actually has a lot more maneuverability since you can jump once in one direction, then double jump in another and it's all very fast. I found myself scraping walls trying to get to a higher vantage point with the Warlock and Titan a lot, but not with the Hunter. The Warlock's jump ability in particular was just really bad IMO. You're kind of just hovering there without much speed meaning you're a hovering duck, atleast the Titan moves kind of fast.

The special isn't as good since there's more work on the player (you actually have to aim), but I still liked it. It was a lot more consistent than the rest, especially compared to the Titan's which is a great AOE attack and can take out a bunch of things at once but you're never (well, I was never) really sure how far the character is gonna dash to smash.

I dislike the throwing knife though, since you can accidentally press it and put it into cooldown. The other classes' special melees don't go into cooldown when you don't hit anything.

Overall, they're all pretty much the same. I guess they'll change more as you progress but it was pretty disappointing. I was sort of expecting classes more like those in Borderlands, but I suppose the PVP won't be very balanced that way.


So Bungie describes the classes as being:

Warlock: A Jedi Knight/Gandalf/Morpheus
Hunter: Han Solo/Clint Eastwood
Titan: Master Chief/Terminator

Damn that's a hard choice. Han Solo/Eastwood sounds so amazing but I'm gonna stick with my Jedi knight/Gandalf.


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