Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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Sony and Bungie when the beta went live


We need the classic Lucy at the chocolate factory it's more accurate.


Junior Member
Yeah, the PSN site officially shit the bed. I redeemed my code but it didn't go through all the way and it says the code is invalid now, so I'm assuming it was activated but I can't get to my download list to verify. I wanted to make sure it is sitting in my queue before I give out my other two beta keys.


i finally got through to the PSN and got to put the code in and it came up to select to DL the beta, i clicked dl and then it lagged out. Doesnt show up in my dl or dl list or anything, and i go back to the PS store and try to put the code in again, and now its just stuck at those like 5 progress/loading bars after i click continue to redeedm the code again??? anyone got any advice that could help me out?? i really appreciate it


Finally it is downloading. Praise Kaz for a vita with remote play so I could do all of this from work so it will be waiting when I get home.
Fuck. I'm stuck at work and when I go to log in to I have to use my psn account. When I click to do so it errors or on me because the psn is down. Was going to get code and go on psn app and remotely download


I successfully did that (used msoft login cause psn is down) but then I found out that what I downloaded was just the launcher which is 179 MB. Once we are home we still have to launch the game to download the remaining 10+ gigs. :(


Majin Boo

Those who did the EU preorder trick (I'm in EU though, but it should work for US peeps too)

You have the preloaded game, but it wont start/is locked

1. Redeem code HERE (login first, and you'll see where you can redeem)
3. Start game.

Just worked for me now, didn't have to download it over again. :)

Thank you!
I have two betas... one is EU and locked, the other is from the Bungie code and is almost done downloading.

One is ~13 gigs, the other around ~14 gigs.

Why the difference?

Edit: Whatever, I'm in via the Bungie code.

Just keep spamming the PSN Store (back out by double tapping the PS button, NOT circle) and you will get through


The install page, is this transferring game content (like it says) from the alpha I still have installed? Or is it actually downloading it? Because its going very very slow...
I can't get anything to work.

I preloaded the beta from the EU store yesterday. It wouldn't boot today so I restored licenses which locked it and gave me an error saying it couldn't connect to the server to check the license. Then I redeemed my NA Store beta code and verified that the beta is in my transaction history for my NA account. Restored licenses on my NA account and it's still locked.


Whoa....I got in.
All I did was scroll down to Purge, hit back after stuff done loading, and went down to Download the Destiny Beta.

Or PSN is fixed, my download is at 90% as I am typing this...


So what's the situation for people who pre ordered on PSN (PS4)?

I was able to download at 12:54pm EST, got the two files and started the game by 12:58 EST. The in-game download of 10.97GB took about 45 minutes to complete. Haven't been able to get into an actual game at all. All I get is the little Destiny icon on the bottom right that says "Connecting..." but if fails to connect every time. Stopped trying around 2pm EST.
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