Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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time of day comparison...




Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
This is fantastic.

Loved the alpha but having story beats and cinematics in the beta makes it so much better.

God this game can't launch soon enough.
For new page:
So how to I check on the GAF clan in-game ?

I'm signed up for both the main and NA East + set it as PS clan.

In-game there's no clan option whatsoever.
Game's actually pretty fun. I expected to hate it cos I had no hype whatsoever for it but I like the art style and lore. Gameplay is so so I guess, nothing exactly revolutionary but it gets the job done
Really dumb the way they did this beta. Started the download from work and when I get home I go into the dang thing and find out that I NOW have to download almost 11 gigs :/. Wish I could do something else while this dang thing downloads.
Ugh, Bungie really needs to step up their anti-aliasing. The artifacts you see when walking across that metal grate at the first building your enter is distracting and hideous as hell.


One complete hour of Destiny beta. Thank you based Bungie. Thanks you.

I'm going to sleep now, we'll talk about this magnificent game tomorrow GAF.


Feel like I am constantly missing loot.

Bungie: how about a glimmer based map companion that reveals loot locations.

Maybe even make it a limited duration and limited AOE.

Would purchase!


i hope PvP is still as fun as it is for me now a year down the road. because im having a blast and i dont want it to be because of the novelty

I loved the PvP in the alpha.

It might have been because I dominated most games I was in, but regardless, was still really fun.


Neo Member
Finally got to play as I missed the alpha due to being on holiday.

All I can say is destiny you had my curiosity, now you have my attention! ;D



that's my opinion. Triggers are great. Feel natural, springy, easy to use in conjunction with shoulders and such which was the main issue I had with the 360 controller. Had to stretch my fingers too much

Well of course that is my opinion. We are on a forum. We share opinions, not facts.
Played for about 90 mins. Game seems really good so far. I do love a good loot based online coop game (phantasy star online, diablo, warframe etc) and this seems to fit the bill. Could be the first game to get its hooks in me for a fair while.
Playing Destiny without a dedicated group really makes me feel like I have no friends. . I just don't have any friends that play video games. And I keep getting wrecked. Is there anyway to join a squad before you start a mission, like enter into a public one instead of randomly have people join me throughout?


G***n S**n*bi
Hahahaha it finally finished downloading and not a minute after this my parents called me to grab some food with the family.

Why do the gaming gods hate me so... Oh well, free food and drink for me. The food gods are my real allies anyway.

Enjoy the game fellas.


The download was definitely a watched pot situation for me. I went off to a meeting and came back and checked on the status via remote play and it's done! Gonna create a character, then try to think of an excuse to scoot out of here early.


Really dumb the way they did this beta. Started the download from work and when I get home I go into the dang thing and find out that I NOW have to download almost 11 gigs :/. Wish I could do something else while this dang thing downloads.

Uh-oh.. Probably same with mine then
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