Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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zero chance I'll be playing tonight with this slow as shit download.

question is, do I wake up at 4 or 5am to play and stream the British Open from my laptop. hmmm
Hmm. The game is still great but after powering through the alpha on 3 toons and maxing them out I might only do a little with the beta since I'll be doing these missions again in a month.


It's disappointing to see so many having download speed issues. I didn't start my download until about 3:30pm PST, and I downloaded both the PS3 and PS4 versions in about an hour, starting one after the other.

On a side note, holy hell does the PS3 version look bad. It is so incredibly blurry. The resolution seems to be painfully low among other things.


Fuck. I'm not going to get to play this tonight so I guess it's not until Sunday for me where I'll finally get to play it. I should started the download in the morning before heading to work..


Man, this is a HUGE improvement over the alpha. Absolutely love it!

Beta is so much better than the Alpha. Loving it.

I would have played longer but I had my dad and another guy wanting to play tonight. I promised them. :/


Can't believe people are still have trouble getting the download. It's hard enough to believe that some of you have been downloading all day. Crazy shit.


I'm still disappointed visually. Looks a lot like a last gen game, other than resolution. I hope they fix up some of the textures by launch.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Isn't the tower supposed to be teeming with other players?

Mines empty. :(


Can't believe people are still have trouble getting the download. It's hard enough to believe that some of you have been downloading all day. Crazy shit.

been downloading since 3pm EST. haven't checked it in the past hour but it was at 43%. abysmal. my internet isn't very good by any means but i've never had this slow of a download


Um, is there additional content compared to the alpha? Haven't seen anything new other than adding some polish to the mission structure.

Drops seems to have improved which is kind of nice.


I'm still disappointed visually. Looks a lot like a last gen game, other than resolution. I hope they fix up some of the textures by launch.

I disagree, I think it looks sufficiently next-gen. I notice plenty of framedrops, but I'm certainly not disappointed in any way by how it looks, though.

And at least there's no screen tearing.
Started my download the second codes went out and mine finished in 5 minutes. Started my nephew's download at 4pm PT and it just now finished at 6:20pm PT. We're on the same network with 300Mbps, so I think the slow downloads are simply due to everyone being home and off work and downloading the beta.
Holy shit at this intro mission. Holy shit at the visual bump. Holy shit! This game is going to fucking ROCK on release. I said god damn, god damn


Hmm. The game is still great but after powering through the alpha on 3 toons and maxing them out I might only do a little with the beta since I'll be doing these missions again in a month.

Feel the same way. I plan on spending some time with it this weekend and that will probably be it. I want to keep the game fresh for release day.


I'm still disappointed visually. Looks a lot like a last gen game, other than resolution. I hope they fix up some of the textures by launch.

In some areas the lighting looks flat, but aside from that I think it looks solid and what makes it for me is the aesthetics; the game has so much style (I said wow at some of the sky boxes)

I never expected much graphically from Bungie, but you never know, the jump from Halo 3 to Reach was pretty big.


Once the 11GB download starts, can you turn off the system and resume the download from where you left off? Having the same slow speed issues as a lot of folks and want to try either that (or putting the system into standby) to see if it helps any.


i notice the respawn rate is still too fast. maybe it's just a Beta thing but enemies respawning literally 10 seconds after i killed them is kinda lame especially for a large mob.

Laguna X

Nintendogs Member
I just got back from work and started my download. Looks like it'll take about an hour to finish, which gives me enough time to fix and have some dinner. Can't wait to kill some Fallen bastards.


Yeah I don't even get the point of that shit. We know it's in the game, why put that there.
I was so pumped to see it pop up. Ah well, will make the full game that much more exciting.

Also they need to do a better job of showing you what the story mission progression is... Right now it's not super obvious.


Just got home and switched on my PS4 from stand by. ...89%?! 7.5 hours and counting to download is absurd. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I guess both.
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