i started it at like 4:30est and im at 83%.............this is no bueno.
i started it at like 4:30est and im at 83%.............this is no bueno.
Beta is so much better than the Alpha. Loving it.
Man, this is a HUGE improvement over the alpha. Absolutely love it!
I would have played longer but I had my dad and another guy wanting to play tonight. I promised them. :/
I had no issues. Downloaded in less than an hour for me. Plus this game has pre loading for releaseThis download reassures me that disc for big games is the way to go.
Isn't the tower supposed to be teeming with other players?
It is the same.
Can this download in standby?
Can't believe people are still have trouble getting the download. It's hard enough to believe that some of you have been downloading all day. Crazy shit.
I'm still disappointed visually. Looks a lot like a last gen game, other than resolution. I hope they fix up some of the textures by launch.
This download reassures me that disc for big games is the way to go.
Team balancing is fucking horrible. Started one match 2v6, and was down two an entire other match.
I'm still disappointed visually. Looks a lot like a last gen game, other than resolution. I hope they fix up some of the textures by launch.
Wow at the moon dick tease, so lame.
Um, is there additional content compared to the alpha? Haven't seen anything new other than adding some polish to the mission structure.
Drops seems to have improved which is kind of nice.
Wow at the moon dick tease, so lame.
You should take a look at the PS3 version...
Hmm. The game is still great but after powering through the alpha on 3 toons and maxing them out I might only do a little with the beta since I'll be doing these missions again in a month.
I'm still disappointed visually. Looks a lot like a last gen game, other than resolution. I hope they fix up some of the textures by launch.
I was so pumped to see it pop up. Ah well, will make the full game that much more exciting.Yeah I don't even get the point of that shit. We know it's in the game, why put that there.
I had no issues. Downloaded in less than an hour for me. Plus this game has pre loading for release