Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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Just finished my download. Made a Warlock and the randomized default was this lady. I didn't change a thing. I love this game!



Mine is still downloading the 10GB file and will probably continue to do so throughout the day.

So those of you who already got it, how's the character customization? Is it much more detailed than the one in Alpha? Or should I forget doing human character design?


Neo Member
Am I the only one here who did not pay that much attention to Destiny until the past couple weeks? The Beta Build is a ton of fun. Did not have a chance to do the Alpha.
Man I had this same problem downloading the alpha for this game too, and so did many other people with FIOS. The only other game that I've had this problem with was a recent Guild Wars 2 download.

Just as an example, I've downloaded 0.76/10.97 GB after about 2 and a half hours, and my download speeds when I check on the PS4 are at like 27 mbps

Odd, I have FiOS as well and had the SAME issue with Guild Wars 2...but I didn't have any problems with the Alpha of Destiny. I mean I'm making progress very very slowly.


Well hit the cap and did every story mission on hard.
The game is still great but with them having said that the beta will be much bigger and better than the alpha, I kinda expected a bit more...

Oh well, maybe there will be more throughout the beta if not I will just play PVP whenever I feel like it :D


I'm nearly lvl 6 awoken warlock. Really like what I've played so far. What I do think is cumbersome is the party/social features of the game. Surprised there is no chat system in place or easier ways to find people in your clan/friends list that are currently doing the same missions/areas you are to team up with. Was hoping for a more seamless social experience from the game but otherwise really digging everything else I've played so far.
That bunker on the Forgotten Shore (Bunker Ras 2) that was empty in the's "nope land" now...lmao

I think there are 2 yellow barred ?? enemies there now so I ran away as fast as I could


Come on this is such bullshit.

Download started at 2:30est.

Goes up to 40% in the first hour.

It's been crawling now. Jesus. It's at 96%


Am I the only one here who did not pay that much attention to Destiny until the past couple weeks? The Beta Build is a ton of fun. Did not have a chance to do the Alpha.

I played and loved the Alpha, but nothing about this game grabs me when I'm not playing it.

It's a ton of fun, but entirely forgettable.
Odd, I have FiOS as well and had the SAME issue with Guild Wars 2...but I didn't have any problems with the Alpha of Destiny. I mean I'm making progress very very slowly.

The alpha eventually downloaded. After like 6 hours something seemed to click and all of a sudden it started downloading normally. That Guild Wars 2 download was something else though, so many people online with Fios were having trouble with it
My d/l took under 15 minutes around 200mb I think. Can anyone confirm if you didn't delete the alpha the d/l is smaller? The install took about an hour once booted up.


The question is whether people will care come launch, and in the weeks/months after. Titanfall also had a successful beta.

Oh they will. It's well down MMO FPS. Look how well Borderlands 2 has done across all platforms...

This game is even more ambitious. Also, since I've played it, I understand how addictive it is. In the alpha, it was also pretty accessible (partially because of the insane amount of aim assist)

And damn, as I've been typing this post, I've been enjoying the music while waiting for this thing to download and install. Going into the open world and spending hours grinding is going to take me back to the days of grinding while playing FFX because the music made it so much easier to.
So is it just me or does no one use a mic?Played the strike and no mics and just had my first crucible game and not a single mic in the lobby. Maybe I should pic this up on xbone if this is what the playststion community is like.

REV 09

The game is much improved over the alpha in many small ways. Dinklage is MUCH better. I wish that we could try a different area though. It kinda feels like I'm playing a better version of the alpha. Don't see myself putting a ton of time into the beta since it's a retread.

Looking forward to seeing the new mp maps though. Almost up to lvl 5.

I can see this being goty material or possibly fizzling out like Titanfall. It really depends on the amount of interesting content. I'm already kind of tired of this planet.


Pretty sure the explore map opens up as soon as you have the ability to choose your destination from orbit. A word of warning though, even though it says level 4 I was encountering pretty high level mobs in there!

Ha yeah. On level 3 I encountered level 7 mobs, not to mention those unknown level mobs to which I literally do no damage... damn.
So is it just me or does no one use a mic?Played the strike and no mics and just had my first crucible game and not a single mic in the lobby. Maybe I should pic this up on xbone if this is what the playststion community is like.

People party up. Persoally I prefer the silence to swearing 13 year olds, but each to their own.


never seen such a slow ass download

more than 5 hours and I'm at 35% wtf

whilst on steam a 10gb download takes <20min
I wasn't exactly hyped for destiny, I thought it'd be a band and dull affair.

Fuck me was I wrong. I've been completely hooked to it all night. Incredible game


The game is much improved over the alpha in many small ways. Dinklage is MUCH better. I wish that we could try a different area though. It kinda feels like I'm playing a better version of the alpha. Don't see myself putting a ton of time into the beta since it's a retread.

Looking forward to seeing the new mp maps though. Almost up to lvl 5.

I can see this being goty material or possibly fizzling out like Titanfall. It really depends on the amount of interesting content. I'm already kind of tired of this planet.
The gameplay is absolutely solid, but everything else about the game doesn't scream GOTY to me.

I don't mash every button on the controller trying to desperately skip the cutscenes in my GOTY. I would prefer for all that worthless and boring ass lore to be strictly in the background and not forced upon the player, like PSO.


I've been playing for longer than most in the public and I still have no idea what they're for.

They maybe give a reward in town. I found one and returned to the City and got a reward from one of the npcs. Not sure if that was because of the dead ghost.
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