Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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Does anyone else think the story missions are a little short? I love the content they provide, but cant help but think that they should be a bit longer. Maybe the first few missions are only short for tutorial and learning purposes?

It seems to be an amazing game though, cant wait for the full release.


Thanks guys. And the numerical value? Numbers pop up as you deal damage I noticed.

I'm more curious about the numbers associated with damage and health.

The higher number amount of armor you have, the longer it will take for enemies to reduce you to critical (red) health.

Does anyone else think the story missions are a little short? I love the content they provide, but cant help but think that they should be a longer. Maybe the first few missions are only short for tutorial and learning purposes?

It seems to be an amazing game though, cant wait for the full release.

Story missions still definitely feel bite sized, but at least the strikes feel meaty.

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i don't think you can voice chat with people who are not in your fire team.

I've been walking up to people for like the last hour and a half saying "CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?!?!"


Great experience so far in the beta. Progress feels purposeful which is nice. Loving the no respawn zones. Had some better encounters in the story missions which leads me to believe the ia has improved. Very reassuring.


My friend has it dosnloading SUPER slow even though he has fast internet (2% in an hour slow).

Can someone answer whether it will download in standby? It has to be in an app not regular ps4 downloads, so no?

Mine is doing this too. Purposefully reset and made sure no other connections were downloading. Still slow as molasses. I'll be lucky if I come home from work tomorrow and it's finished.


Treasure chests feel incredibly out of place imo, I wish they looked more like something that actually belonged in the world, and wasn't something created completely seperate from the world, and the placed after the world was already built

I'm guessing the story will pick up slowly as we get further away from earth and learn more about what the state of the solar system is. But I really am not a fan of how the enemy is presented as "the darkness", it's just unbelievably cliché, and it even seems to manifest as black smoke, I mean sheesh...Same goes for the Traveler and the light stuff. Too many clichés.

Funny you say chests seem out of place. I feel they don't stand out enough. I always feel like I should be finding a chest but never do and then I kind of just stumble on one without noticing what it was as I'm running up to one.
God, tried one of the story missions on hard, it was brutal when the enemies came at you in waves with very few places to hide... Had 6 eyeball things after me at one point. Each quite a few levels higher than me. Took me and my mate so many tries to complete that level.

Also is it just me or are way more people rocking titans? In the alpha I remember there being tonnes of hunters, quite a few warlocks but very few titans. I'm personally using this class for the first time as I was rocking warlock for the entire alpha. Gotta say, loving the melee and health on this class so much! Hating the super though. It's weird as it has to be on the ground and the range is terrible. Much prefer the nova bomb. So much better. The grenades are pretty awesome though. Especially the flash bang.

Are we getting any more areas to explore? Other than the promise of more multi maps, I don't see this as being that different to the alpha. There's a few more story missions, and the beta logo is bigger and annoyingly more prominent sure, but other that I don't really see much difference.


Haha, I would prefer it to have better lore and a tighter narrative and no PSO.
I don't like Bungie narratives and lore in general, so I would rather it just wasn't there at all. It actively hinders my enjoyment of the game.

This world is somehow less interesting to me than Halo was. Shooting stuff and getting new gear is sufficiently enjoyable, but I wish the other stuff was more interesting to me.
I'm really glad that the playable character has some amount of dialogue, even if its just small stuff like "will it work?" The E3 trailer last month had me worrying that it would be a full on silent protagonist with nothing but Phantom Pain E3 demo miming and Alyx Vance exposition from Ghost.
Funny you say chests seem out of place. I feel they don't stand out enough. I always feel like I should be finding a chest but never do and then I kind of just stumble on one without noticing what it was as I'm running up to one.

I think he means that the art style of the chests doesn't feel like it belongs in this world. And I have to say I gotta agree with him. And you too. The chests could be made more visible.


My Hunter. I think this is one of the few games where the created characters look good.



I'm actually impressed at how little I care about the story and the world.

I sure hope I missed like 2 extra hours of exposition because it's beta so far because the gist of the story progression just got under way and so far it's just:

-you wake up
-you get the thing to get to the city
-you get another thing to go to other places
-you kill a big dude
-you go to the leader and he says you must stop the darkness
-now you must stop the darkness with little in terms of motivation outside of " I want to level and get loot"

Also Dinklage's lines are hilarious. "They're IN the WALLS"


So, has anyone been to a Crucible map that isn't Venus or the Moon in the beta so far? Because they led us to believe the earth map from alpha as well as a Mars map would be here, but I have yet to go anywhere besides the Moon and Venus x.x


I think he means that the art style of the chests doesn't feel like it belongs in this world. And I have to say I gotta agree with him. And you too. The chests could be made more visible.

Ah yeah that makes sense. The art style for them definitely doesn't seem to quite fit.


Hmm came home to find it didn't download. For future reference: is there a way to set up so it automatically downloads if you redeem a code from the sony website? Now I gotta wait forever >.>

Edit: oh great launch it to download a 10GB update in app anyway so it wouldn't have mattered.


Heh, I'm a dumbass... I clicked on Destiny and kept getting "Cannot connect to servers..."

Probably because I selected the Alpha lol! Damn you GAF and your convincing me to listen to the pretty music from time to time. Guess I'll start playing tomorrow, work made me tired today :(


Holy crap. Finally got home, started my download, and it is taking forever. I normally get insane download speeds! Blehhhhhh... I don't want to wait!


Equipment makes a huge difference in this.

I couldn't beat the level 5 story mission, so I went around doing odds and ends missions and ended up getting a new uncommon gun. Came back to it and it was pretty easy afterward.


Take off your system and wait a few seconds and put it back on, I had a hanging install on the alpha and it fixed it

if I restart my ps4 it won't need to re download everything? I just want to make sure I don't lose anything.

EDIT - you don't lose your download.
From the beginning of the game. Yeah, that was interesting.

Played through a few story missions and while I like the world building I haven't experienced any huge story moments yet to get me excited.
Yea pretty sure they want to keep the deeper story moments for the final release. They did say it has a traditional storyline campaign, full cutscenes, special characters and everything. Should be great.


Can someone explain the classes? I'm new to mmo's, but play plenty of shooters. Maybe relate them to cod of bf classes?

The classes aren't really similar to anything in Call of Duty or Battlefield, they are more similar to something in an RPG, but I'll go ahead and give you a run down:

Warlock: They can hover around, have a "super" ability that allows you to throw out a giant beam of energy. Throw magic grenades. Think space wizard.

Titan: Have a jetpack, are more up close and personal class, their "super" allows you to come crashing with both fists forward like the Hulk and smash everything in your way. They are like the juggernaut class.

Hunter: Have a double jump ability, can throw knives and their "super" is a golden super gun that allows for one shot kills. They also have a single target grenade that makes it easy to take down a singular tough enemy. More of a sleuth/mobile class.


Hmm came home to find it didn't download. For future reference: is there a way to set up so it automatically downloads if you redeem a code from the sony website? Now I gotta wait forever >.>

Settings>power saving settings and setup how it downloads while in standby.


Question... So my friend downloaded Destiny, yet now it saying it's installing and for 10gb? Didn't it already install? And it didn't do this for my game.
Peter's Dinklage's dialogue is terrible.

He was probably looking at his script and thought, "Who the F is writing this crap?"

Bill Nighy, on the other hand, is freaking awesome.
Yea pretty sure they want to keep the deeper story moments for the final release. They did say it has a traditional storyline campaign, full cutscenes, special characters and everything. Should be great.

Definitely don't mind if they are holding back. I want to experience the story in the full release.

Will upgrade to the Digital Guardians Edition this weekend. I'm all in for this.


Funny you say chests seem out of place. I feel they don't stand out enough. I always feel like I should be finding a chest but never do and then I kind of just stumble on one without noticing what it was as I'm running up to one.

I think it's possible to make something stand out, and still make it look like a thing that belongs in the world. My problem with the chests lies in their design, I mean how does a treasure chest fit in the world in any sensible way?

Said person alluded to that...

I need you to use your powers and get someone in the know to confirm/deny multiple zones per planet.

The removed the "It's the hive!" line too haha

Pretty sure that's still in?


Peter's Dinklage's dialogue is terrible.

He was probably looking at his script and thought, "Who the F is writing this crap?"

Bill Nighy, on the other hand, is freaking awesome.
The robotic voice filter they added in between the Alpha and the Beta alone makes it 100x better.

Before it was some of the worst shit I've ever heard in any video game.


I'm happy it seems the loot drops are more generous this time around, I guess it makes up for the lack of glimmer compared to the alpha.

Yup I'll gladly take less glimmer for more loot. I think they finally found the right balance. Now Glimmer means something due to not being as abundant and you feel like you accomplished something for having loot drop more often. It's win win.


Whats with this level 8 cap shit? Same as the alpha, and exactly the same content. The new crucible maps are awesome but they should let us play more than the alpha again.
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