Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

What is your favorite class?

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Really dumb the way they did this beta. Started the download from work and when I get home I go into the dang thing and find out that I NOW have to download almost 11 gigs :/. Wish I could do something else while this dang thing downloads.

You can still play other games on your PS4 while the beta downloads. You can close the beta client and it'll continue downloading in the background.


Sorry if i repeat this question but I'm dl the beta and it has a weird method where it gets files via the game itself as well as from the PSN, so does it mean i can't enter stand by mode and keep the download working?

I don't want to have the system working for the entire time.


I just realised that this is only 3 player co-op. As I play co-op games in a group of 4 people, this is a huge letdown. Pretty much confirms that we'll be playing Destiny just for a month or so until Halo MCC comes out. Really sucks. :(


As expected, some people you meet during gameplay just want to run to the objective and don't explore much, so my co-op experience with randoms has been in small patches.

Did a public event and some guy saved my ass (he was higher level with better abilities), was pretty cool.

Very enjoyable beta so far, I have put so much work into my character that now I hope some things carry over into the final game although initially I didn't :p

Keeping my pre-order.
Yeah.. this is still awesome after falling in love with the Alpha. Tempted to try the PS3 beta out too to see what they got out of the old boy.

I read somewhere on here that someone got a message in-game telling you that items you haven't picked up in a mission are available in your mail box or something? Handy.


I just realised that this is only 3 player co-op. As I play co-op games in a group of 4 people, this is a huge letdown. Pretty much confirms that we'll be playing Destiny just for a month or so until Halo MCC comes out. Really sucks. :(

Well there will be missions and strikes for 6 players but yeah story content and such is limited to 3 people.

So level 8 reached. Time to start a new class.


After playing the Alpha with nothing but the Hunter class, I decided to go with the Warlock class this time (seems to be the popular choice), I've not put much time into it yet but so far I'm not really feeling it, the glide jump is terrible compared to the double jump. Still have 1 other class to try out but so far it's looking like the Hunter class is what I'm going to choose when the game is released.


Sorry can anyone confirm is there only 5 story missions in the beta?

That is correct. 4 story missions and one strike (which I guess can be considered a story mission).

Then you get the free roam from the alpha again with random missions. Nothing new though from what I saw.


After playing the Alpha with nothing but the Hunter class, I decided to go with the Warlock class this time (seems to be the popular choice), I've not put much time into it yet but so far I'm not really feeling it, the glide jump is terrible compared to the double jump. Still have 1 other class to try out but so far it's looking like the Hunter class is what I'm going to choose when the game is released.

I have no clue why Warlocks are liked so much as the glide really is awful.
Can someone please help me out! I can't download the Beta!

I redeemed my code, "purchased" it through the PSN web store, but couldn't get it to work on the download queue. So I booted up my PS4 and this is what I see:

It's there in my Download List, which is fine, but this is what I see when I click the box:

There's no place to download it!

Does anyone know what I can do? I tried redeeming another of my 3 codes, but it wouldn't let me. For what it's worth, I'm in Canada.

Thanks in advance.


I just realised that this is only 3 player co-op. As I play co-op games in a group of 4 people, this is a huge letdown. Pretty much confirms that we'll be playing Destiny just for a month or so until Halo MCC comes out. Really sucks. :(

3 players only? Hype deflated.
Has anyone experienced their 'freezing' once starting the european beta? My friend keeps having to pull the plug on his ps4 cause it won't load the beta or allow him to return to the home screen.


Can someone please help me out! I can't download the Beta!

I redeemed my code, "purchased" it through the PSN web store, but couldn't get it to work on the download queue. So I booted up my PS4 and this is what I see:

It's there in my Download List, which is fine, but this is what I see when I click the box:

There's no place to download it!

Does anyone know what I can do? I tried redeeming another of my 3 codes, but it wouldn't let me. For what it's worth, I'm in Canada.

Thanks in advance.
that second screen, keep hitting the ps button until overview changes to download


That is correct. 4 story missions and one strike (which I guess can be considered a story mission).

Then you get the free roam from the alpha again with random missions. Nothing new though from what I saw.

There's also at least one story mission on the moon.
So I just played the intro, and I have to say I was really impressed with the game. The controls feel really tight and responsive. The enemy AI seemed competent. The world seemed huge.All I kept thinking while playing is that the beta just sold me on the game.

Is day one now, and I feels is just going to get better. Fucking hell.
Are people still having trouble connecting/downloading? Because it's really weird seeing the tower completely empty. Never saw it like that in the alpha.
Ok, so I've modified my Mario Kart 8 technique in an attempt to play this on PS3. What I've done is move my television to one corner of my room and placed my chair at the end of the hallway. This gives me a solid 35 feet of space between my eyeballs and the screen, so the IQ should appear mostly fine, right?!


I wish I had the cash for a PS4, to the point that I'm considering picking up a second job next semester merely to fund my hobbies. Problem is at that point I won't have time for them.


My biggest complaint is the combat feels limited without extra grenades and more explosions since I find myself holding onto abilities longer, since they take so long to charge. Combine that with the removal of the constant weapon salvaging of halo games, where you always need to swap things up on the fly and I'm left with combat that feels a bit repetitive.

I believe they will make the abilities load faster more we level up and unlock stuff.
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