Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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I played 3.5 hours. Not feeling it. 4 story missions i completed were soo boring. Strike was better, 6v6 was ok too. But man, shooting is this game is meh. Hits have no power, you as well might just shoot the wall. Not sold on the game.
Changing my DNS settings seemed to help a bit. Instead of downloading 1 GB every 4 hours it will now probably be 1 GB every half an hour, which is at least better than before


Whats with this level 8 cap shit? Same as the alpha, and exactly the same content. The new crucible maps are awesome but they should let us play more than the alpha again.
Uhhh, what? 4+ story missions, and new MP maps and you say it's exactly the same?! I see you must not have played the alpha.


I played 3.5 hours. Not feeling it. 4 story missions i completed were soo boring. Strike was better, 6v6 was ok too. But man, shooting is this game is meh. Hits have no power, you as well might just shoot the wall. Not sold on the game.

I find the gunplay to be surprisingly satisfying, despite the bullet-sponge enemies. And I don't even like Halo because of that.


Pretty fun so far. Up to lvl 6 with my Warlock. Which then I got to do some goddamn awesome PvP. Playing on PS3 is strange though. With the low res going on, I'm really excited to get this on PS4.


Oh yeah!

So how come I don't see any group/clan tags under peoples names? Is that going to be implemented? I was surprised not seeing any DGAF anywhere in the tower or out exploring.


So I finished like 6 of the story missions and I'm about to enter The Crucible.

I take back everything I said about this game looking generic . The fun simplicity of the gameplay reminds me of Halo CE (which I still play on the PC from time to time).

Some bad things though:

Graphics still haven't wowed me. I know its cross-gen and that was always going to be be an uphill battle, but I was really hoping to be wowed the same way KZ SF, Second Son and Watch Dogs (during the day) did when I started playing those games.

Maybe its just me, but I've yet to see a situation where the co-op brings anything unique, though that might just be because all the people I've played with so far are content with just doing their own thing and not giving a damn about actual teamwork.

Not enough customization for your character's appearance, though being a huge fan of the Soul Series' character character creation perhaps I've been spoiled by them.


Uhhh, what? 4+ story missions, and new MP maps and you say it's exactly the same?! I see you must not have played the alpha.

i get that theres a few extra story missions but that was literally maybe an hour of additional content for me, and thats fine they owe me nothing its alpha and beta but i played the hell out of alpha and this feels simply like some extra time with that

dunno i was at least hoping to get some time on another planet or the moon for example, and i know theres a venus multiplayer map and the map is actually very solid imo but ugh

i guess i just wanted some more shit to do


I played 3.5 hours. Not feeling it. 4 story missions i completed were soo boring. Strike was better, 6v6 was ok too. But man, shooting is this game is meh. Hits have no power, you as well might just shoot the wall. Not sold on the game.

Did you upgrade your weapons at all? If you feel like you aren't doing much damage, it's probably because your weapons suck.

You should be able to oneshot or headshot most enemies in explore.


Uhhh, what? 4+ story missions, and new MP maps and you say it's exactly the same?! I see you must not have played the alpha.

No I played the alpha and it is the same old Russia stuff just repurposed. I haven't seen anything that I didn't in the alpha and I just killed the big purple eye.
I'm just trying to join up with a random for at least one mission -_-. I'll invite them and they wont join, or I'll dance around them indicating that I'd like to join theirs'. but either they don't want me to join or they're not getting the message. *sigh*


I'm just trying to join up with a random for at least one mission -_-. I'll invite them and they wont join, or I'll dance around them indicating that I'd like to join theirs'. but either they don't want me to join or they're not getting the message. *sigh*

I don't know why they didn't implement a PC target + quick chat system. Something like target PC - "party up?" message to them

The social features to me are the wonkiest and thats unfortunate for a game that focuses so much on the social part of the game.


I got to the part where I unlocked the crucible, played a match and now what? It's telling me to go to orbit but nothing from there. Are you supposed to play more than 1 match[I really don't want to]????????????


Once your in mission can you team up with others? Or only in the tower? I never see that R3 icon anywhere but the Tower.

Looks to me like you can only team up in orbit or explore mode?

Not 100% sure on this but that is what I thought from my experience.

Once you go down to a strike or story mission you can't invite or join at that point b/c its like your own instance.


i get that theres a few extra story missions but that was literally maybe an hour of additional content for me, and thats fine they owe me nothing its alpha and beta but i played the hell out of alpha and this feels simply like some extra time with that

dunno i was at least hoping to get some time on another planet or the moon for example, and i know theres a venus multiplayer map and the map is actually very solid imo but ugh

i guess i just wanted some more shit to do
The Moon is on the map, and considering how Bungie has been hinting at things recently, I'd not be surprised if that Moon mission becomes available post-maintenance next week, as well as some other stuff.


So the final product has to have more exposition, right? Voice over said it was a golden age for humanity and lifespans were tripled, then all the sudden I'm a revived dead guy and there's only one city left on Earth. I have very little idea what's going on.

Really though, I had virtually no interest before I begged a code this afternoon, now I'm probably going to buy it. Seems like it could be addictive if there's enough content and a variety of environments (I've only seen Russia, the moon is on my map but I can't go there).

Also, I was running with a random dude during the first story mission - to get the warp drive - and he disappeared when we entered the 'respawn restricted' zone. Did he bail, or were we supposed to do something to properly join up for the mission?


Damn thread is flying by. Still stands though.

Whats with this level 8 cap shit? Same as the alpha, and exactly the same content. The new crucible maps are awesome but they should let us play more than the alpha again.

You haven't played the beta have you? It's not exactly the same content. Alpha had 1 campaign mission and started you at level 3. Beta you start from the beginning and have 5 campaign missions including the first one at the start of the game that can't be replayed. So yea it's not "Exactly the same content".

Is it possible to toggle to first person in the tower? I'd like to keep it there rather than go third person.



Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Hopefully the JP beta download is up when I get home tonight. I'm a little concerned that SCEJA has been handling all of this without Bungie, but I'm sure they've got it figured out.

I do find it funny, though, that if you don't have PS Plus, you had a chance to download a ticket from PSN between the 13th and the 16th that would get you into the beta. The code you get from that ticket? 2 days of PS Plus lol

Is it possible to toggle to first person in the tower? I'd like to keep it there rather than go third person.

You don't want to stare at your gear the whole time? That's pretty much all I do when I go into towns in MMOs.


So the final product has to have more exposition, right? Voice over said it was a golden age for humanity and lifespans were tripled, then all the sudden I'm a revived dead guy and there's only one city left on Earth. I have very little idea what's going on.

Really though, I had virtually no interest before I begged a code this afternoon, now I'm probably going to buy it. Seems like it could be addictive if there's enough content and a variety of environments (I've only seen Russia, the moon is on my map but I can't go there).

Also, I was running with a random dude during the first story mission - to get the warp drive - and he disappeared when we entered the 'respawn restricted' zone. Did he bail, or were we supposed to do something to properly join up for the mission?

Sounds like you didn't join a party/firestrike together. You do this (PS4) by looking at character and pressing R3 button then pressing the options button then invite to firestrike

This happened to me too except I invited the other guy but he had already disappeared probably before seeing my invite.


comical download update #4: 63% after 7ish hours.

it's going to download in standby right? i've seen a few people say yeah but i just wanna make sure. figure i'd give my ps4 a rest for the remaining 37%
Has anyone found the relative stats for armor, regen and speed? I'm wondering just how much of a difference having more armor than another person compares. There's not any listed numerical values to compare. For example, what's the difference between having a full bar of armor vs a half bar of armor. Sure, you can take "more hits" but how many more exactly?


G***n S**n*bi
Yooooo the Exo looks dope as fuck. On some T-1000 shit. I always choose human classes when given the option, but I think I'm rolling with this....


My Warlock is now level 8 and I'm still going. I just don't get bored with this game, from re-doing missions on hard or the strike on very hard or the crucible (don't think pvp will ever get old). This game has drawn me back in just as it did in the Alpha.

I noticed a few tweaks added to the game. Better textures and def. more color in the areas I've visited. Also, your Guardian will grunt or cry out when they get major damage. Here's hoping they open up the moon when Xbox goes live.


Junior Member
Is it just me or did they throw in a mission on The Moon that we can't access just to troll us? Weird.

I played through all of the missions. The co-op Devil's Lair mission was very intense! I'm really excited for the full game.


Urgh, so the
isn't accesible...


The only thing they've added between now and the alpha is the moon on the map, and the 2nd subclass, neither of which is selectable. I'm betting that that's what's going to be unlocked on the 23rd.


The only thing they've added between now and the alpha is the moon on the map, and the 2nd subclass, neither of which is selectable. I'm betting that that's what's going to be unlocked on the 23rd.

Well, that and 2 multiplayer maps and 4 new story missions + cutscenes. But I agree, the moon will probably be unlocked after the maintenance thing. Just annoying that I can do nothing but look at the map for the next several days, hoping that I can actually go there in the later part of the beta, because as always, Bungie is doing their flawless impression of a mute and not giving out any specifics about their game.
Did you upgrade your weapons at all? If you feel like you aren't doing much damage, it's probably because your weapons suck.

You should be able to oneshot or headshot most enemies in explore.
Where can i upgrade them? Or you mean get new ones with more damage? Because i did that.
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