Rime and The Witness were two of my most anticipated titles and both seem to have gone dark.
Jonathan Blow was showing off the game at E3. It's taking him longer to finish than he projected, though.
Rime and The Witness were two of my most anticipated titles and both seem to have gone dark.
Unfinished Swan + Project Morpheus = Awesome!
Right? Right?!
I'm out of the loop, is Unfinished Swan the project name for The Last Guardian?
I've become more accepting of it. I just hope we can get these games cheaper or free if we bought em on PS4, like I did Journey.
I do suppose if The Last Guardian and Gravity Rush 2 show up they would more likely be at TGS, but no Rime?
Ooooh! I certainly hope so!RIP PS3
It was said that sony are going to talk about an unreleased japanese game for PS4 at gamescom.
Also on twitter Tequila works said they will have information soon on rime. My guess is that they will be at the Sony Conference.
PS3 is ded
Didn't run like that on PS3?
Journey on PS4? Excuse me while I party
I'm out of the loop, is Unfinished Swan the project name for The Last Guardian?
That is a creepy ass gifJourney on PS4? Excuse me while I party
Where's my PS4 Buzz!, Sony?
That is a creepy ass gif
It was definitely not 60 fps. My guess is it was 720/30
I'm out of the loop, is Unfinished Swan the project name for The Last Guardian?
Please tell me Pixel Junk NNG is for Vita as well =.=
Bloodborne, Galak-Z, Project Cars, Helldivers, Until Dawn, Frozen Synapse, Assault Android Cactus, and Nuclear Throne.
Indiestation be damned, those games look amazing and I will gladly throw wads of wallet dust at the screen when I see them. And Gamescom is before classes start! But Sony's still going with the "4theplayers" thing... It was tacky last year, it's annoying now, and it'll be cringe inducing if I hear it from someone at Gamescom.