Sony announces gamescom line-up (incl. Journey, Until Dawn, Unfinished Swan for PS4)


I've become more accepting of it. I just hope we can get these games cheaper or free if we bought em on PS4, like I did Journey.

So far they've basically been free if you purchased them already. There's no way to fault that. I'd happily pay for Journey again. If a game deserves a "tip," that's the one.
Never got round to unfinished swan, sort of waited for it to come to plus while I got through some of the backlog ...I assume this won't happen now so will grab it on ps4




After that list of Vita games at Gamescon, it's pretty much the end for one of the best and underutilized devices ever. :( Not sure how the Japanese localized titles can really sustain the Vita market that is already dying. I think Minecraft might be the last injection for the system to sell any additional hardware.

I was reading there is a Minecraft bundle releasing alongside the game release.
Really excited about Journey on PS4. Hopefully it's free for those that have it already on PS3 like they did with flOw and Flower.

I'm also excited for Unfinished Swan. I've never played it on PS3 but since it's coming to PS4 I may have to give it a try :)


GAF's Bob Woodward
Hoooo, Journey. I was kind of thinking I'd get a PS4 around Alien/DriveClub time, but I'd honestly be tempted if Journey is out earlier.
Rime: just because it's not in the playable list doesn't mean it won't be shown in a playable build. (IE a stage demo and no public hands on)

Just like E3, surprises will be at the conference. Don't expect the list in the OP to be all they're bringing.


That Vita line up! So disappointing! :/

Anyway, I hope for 2 things for that gamescom, that they show more Rime footage and Persona 5 for PS4 announcement!

Please make it happen!!


I think it's quite obvious that it's the playable demos line ups...? Of course there will be more Vita games. I think Journey and TUS Vita are almost guaranteed.
Bloodborne, Galak-Z, Project Cars, Helldivers, Until Dawn, Frozen Synapse, Assault Android Cactus, and Nuclear Throne.

Indiestation be damned, those games look amazing and I will gladly throw wads of wallet dust at the screen when I see them. And Gamescom is before classes start! But Sony's still going with the "4theplayers" thing... It was tacky last year, it's annoying now, and it'll be cringe inducing if I hear it from someone at Gamescom.


Bloodborne, Galak-Z, Project Cars, Helldivers, Until Dawn, Frozen Synapse, Assault Android Cactus, and Nuclear Throne.

Indiestation be damned, those games look amazing and I will gladly throw wads of wallet dust at the screen when I see them. And Gamescom is before classes start! But Sony's still going with the "4theplayers" thing... It was tacky last year, it's annoying now, and it'll be cringe inducing if I hear it from someone at Gamescom.

I have near 30 hours on Nuclear Throne Early Access version on Steam. It will finally take Spelunky place of my Vita when it releases.
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