Putting aside the odd gaming politics of the moment involving the automatic dismissal of indies, there are some things to be said about one's disposition of mind toward the subject. If we can agree that it's foolhardy to reflexively turn off an entire field of games that encompass every genre and visual type, then maybe there's room for those who still retain an open mind to find something they enjoy. After all, that's why we're here, right? Because we love games? And indies are, if nothing else, games.
In this thread, I hope to dispel several ideas about this category of games which include:
● They're all just 'artsy' games!
● They're for hipsters, and the people who enjoy them are pretentious!
● Most of them are just retro inspired platformers or RPGs
● I am so done with the pixelated 2D look! The majority of indie games are like that!
● They're very shallow and don't have much meat to them.
And so on and so forth.
Note: This isn't a thread to air all our grievances regarding those who don't like indies. Similarly, it's not a thread for people who don't like indies to come in and once again shut the door on the entire field of games without attempting an approach with an open mind for a recommendation. This thread is for people who so far have been turned off by indies, but still have an open mind and are willing to try some they haven't thought of before. The rest of us will be trying to guide you toward a suggestion of a game that might fit your tastes, so be specific when trying to garner such recommendations!


Additionally, for those of you who come into this thread with a genuinely open mind, I'm holding a contest. This contest is only for individuals on NeoGAF who so far have not enjoyed indies, but come in here seeking a genuine recommendation.
The rules are simple. Come in this topic and share with us what you're looking for. Be as specific as possible. Then, try out a single game someone recommends to you. Really give it a good go. Then, whether you like the game or not, return to this topic and share a detailed report about how you liked (or disliked) the product. The best report will receive a $40 or less value game on Steam, to be awarded at the end of September 4, 2014. This is to give people time to really try the games out they get.
It is not a requirement that you enjoy the game, and that will in no way factor into who I choose. I will be using a randomizer which will select amongst those who have fairly contributed an opinion.
Thanks to the generosity of Lab Zero Games and Ravidrath, I have five codes for Skullgirls to give away - and these codes include all the DLC characters as well!
These codes will be open to anybody in this topic who actively engages in a back and forth on the subject of indies. That includes those of you who love indies, so everyone is invited! From here on out, all people who participate in this thread will be entered into the contest randomizer for selection by 14 August 2014 @ 4:30PM(EST).
Thanks again for all the recommendations and participation so far!
Happy Hunting!