Storm Raider
So.. I guess we're really not going to get Fez 2 now...
What are you trying to say here?
You just know a certain group is going to have a field day with that tweet.Is that an issue or something?
Isn't it strange, that this kind of stuff only happens to 'Infamous' indie developers.
I mean a few days ago there was this Quinn event and now its Fish, both are completely unpredictable personalities who always have/had some kind of weird zealous against everyone on the net citing odd reasons.
What are you trying to say here?
Is that an issue or something?
Same here, as soon as he tweeted that "do good" thing with Zoe's Patreon.
"The industry isn't corrupt at all. By the way I'm in a bar with Zoe right now, you should totally give her money!"
Oh well. Can't wait to see if anything comes of this, if/when the suspect(s?) are caught.
What happened?
What does Phil have to do with censorship?
Sounds like some other leaps of logic we've been seeing from Sessler recently, unfortunately.> Phil Fish, a guy who is pretty much universally disliked in certain circles, takes a stand on a topic that caused a shitstorm in the same circles
> some guy doxxes Phil Fish
> it's a war on indei devs
She was sleeping around with journalists and devs for positive press, or so it's claimed. Don't know if it was ever provem true
He isn't a journo. He started a consult firm when he left Rev3.
Yes, if everyone was forced to use their real name all the time, it would prevent people's personal info from being revealed against their will. Wat.
I'm like 95% sure that it was them precisely because of that.
Last time that indie devs got doxxed over this crap, they continually insisted that it wasn't them because there was something signed "/V/" with the capital V and that they were being framed.
This reads exactly like they deliberately included that "flaw" so that they could play innocent again.
After all that has happened why is she hanging around with more games journalists?
I'm not trying to stir up stuff it just seems a strange move :/
It was proven false.
I'm a shitty writer so can't blame you for getting the wrong idea but that's not what I said at all. If everyone was forced to use their real name all the time there would be far more accountability. But discussion would inherently be filtered. You would always have to introduce points with tact or not introduce certain points at all for threat of being ostracized.
Been on /v/ the last two days and today, even. Sessler Tweeted a photo of himself and Quinn at the bar browsing 4chan to berate them. Saying he was watching Zoe get hacked live... Whatever that means. /v/ went nuts and was trying to talk to Sessler and everything... But they were mostly making jokes about how Zoe was getting "hacked" right in front of Sessler's eyes.
No one on /v/ talked about or eluded to this hack. Their whole end-game was to raise 10K for their charity and run an ad or something.
This just appears to be bait from someone other than /v/ in order to discredit /v/.
No one calls it "/V/", no mods talk on /v/ like this. Hell, mods don't ever post. /v/ can barely have threads related to gaming without it devolving into nonsense.
There was no discussion on this on /v/. Could a group on /v/ have done this in secret? Yes, but they do not represent the majority of /v/'s opinions. Heck, go there now and look. Even they can't believe it.
This feels like a blatant attempt to ruin everything /v/ has tried to do these past few days. Whether or not what they've done these past few days is beneficial at all is another topic entirely...
Berate me if you must, but looking at this page and lurking on /v/ the past few days this just screams "bait" to me. Just go take a look over at /v/ for this though before you pass judgement. They're extremely confused.
Phil was hacked. Was it /v/? Perhaps or maybe it was someone else claiming to be /v/.
Just seems slightly convenient that they're able to hack Polytron, post all that information, but still leave Phil Fish access to his personal Twitter.
It's terrible this happened to Phil. No one deserves this information posted. But that whole website just screams "bait people into believing /v/ did this" to me. Maybe that was /v/'s goal, but it makes more sense that there's another party involved in this... idk. Maybe these hackers on /v/ really are that dumb. It just looks incredibly unlikely.
Just my $.02.
It was proven false, and none of the other allegations were ever proven either.
Then it was a whole bunch of controversy over nothing. Seriously, what a rollercoaster
Been on /v/ the last two days and today, even. Sessler Tweeted a photo of himself and Quinn at the bar browsing 4chan to berate them. Saying he was watching Zoe get hacked live... Whatever that means. /v/ went nuts and was trying to talk to Sessler and everything... But they were mostly making jokes about how Zoe was getting "hacked" right in front of Sessler's eyes.
No one on /v/ talked about or eluded to this hack. Their whole end-game was to raise 10K for their charity and run an ad or something.
This just appears to be bait from someone other than /v/ in order to discredit /v/.
No one calls it "/V/", no mods talk on /v/ like this. Hell, mods don't ever post. /v/ can barely have threads related to gaming without it devolving into nonsense.
There was no discussion on this on /v/. Could a group on /v/ have done this in secret? Yes, but they do not represent the majority of /v/'s opinions. Heck, go there now and look. Even they can't believe it.
This feels like a blatant attempt to ruin everything /v/ has tried to do these past few days. Whether or not what they've done these past few days is beneficial at all is another topic entirely...
Berate me if you must, but looking at this page and lurking on /v/ the past few days this just screams "bait" to me. Just go take a look over at /v/ for this though before you pass judgement. They're extremely confused.
Phil was hacked. Was it /v/? Perhaps or maybe it was someone else claiming to be /v/.
Just seems slightly convenient that they're able to hack Polytron, post all that information, but still leave Phil Fish access to his personal Twitter.
It's terrible this happened to Phil. No one deserves this information posted. But that whole website just screams "bait people into believing /v/ did this" to me. Maybe that was /v/'s goal, but it makes more sense that there's another party involved in this... idk. Maybe these hackers on /v/ really are that dumb. It just looks incredibly unlikely.
Just my $.02.
I know how GAF feels about Ben, but I think this is a pretty solid point:
Even if #NotAllGamers, the ones that do stuff like this are so loud and obnoxious and impactful that it feels really large. I've been looking at Twitter mentions and conversations all week and I don't think I could survive if I had to look at that abuse all day, despite all the positive stuff.
I'm a shitty writer so can't blame you for getting the wrong idea but that's not what I said at all. If everyone was forced to use their real name all the time there would be far more accountability. But discussion would inherently be filtered. You would always have to introduce points with tact or not introduce certain points at all for threat of being ostracized.
Wait... how is it even possible to hack into a corporation's website and get all their information? Surely they must be secure?
Again, easily explainable. They have access to business info, probably a 1password account that multiple people have access to in order to run Polytron.Why is the Polytron twitter hacked, but not Phil Fish's personal twitter?
Why did Sessler make bad jokes about hacking right before this happened?
Sounds like some other leaps of logic we've been seeing from Sessler recently, unfortunately.
Sessler is no longer a journalist.
Holy crap, I never thought I'd see the day when I agreed with that dude. Very well said
Poor Phil. Say what you want about the guy but seriously, this is just fucked up as it can be.
They both make me sick right now for lot's of reasons I won't express. I don't wanna get banned.
What wasn't proven false was the Doxing, falsely accusing the Disney board of harassment, ruining the game jam, or abusing the DMCA to take down bad press however, and that should be the real story.
I think the people that did this are the scummiest of all the scum, but Phil isn't helping. He keeps tweeting that "this is your audience" and "this is video games". No its not, it's a small, vocal, malicious minority that probably doesn't represent even 10% of the gaming community. Stop the fucking generalizations. does someone even get this kind of information? Crazy stuff.
Wait... how is it even possible to hack into a corporation's website and get all their information? Surely they must be secure? does someone even get this kind of information? Crazy stuff.
She was sleeping around with journalists and devs for positive press, or so it's claimed. Don't know if it was ever proven true
There's also accusations that she doxxed someone and that she abused the DMCA system on YouTube to censor bad opinions
Edit: it was proven false
Again, easily explainable. They have access to business info, probably a 1password account that multiple people have access to in order to run Polytron.
You wouldn't keep your personal passwords in your work's shared password system.
Not expressing it isn't going to insulate you. This kind of drive-by posting has been getting cracked down on a lot lately.
You've taken one step, why not take the next?
Let's see how outspoken Phil is now after all this.
A lot of people on Youtube and Twitter still treat him as a gaming god, though. His words still have some weight.
Yeah, using tact sounds awful
Yes. And that's what makes this latest development all the more tragic and wtf worthy.Then it was a whole bunch of controversy over nothing. Seriously, what a rollercoaster
That game jam was fucked from the very beginning.
Online anonymity is a double edged sword. It allows for a great deal of abuse and deflection of any sort of accountability. But it also allows for true, unfiltered discussion.