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Polytron Hacked?

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Which pretty much seals the deal for me as far as "is this fake?" Phil may be dumb and reactionary at points, but he is not going to expose himself to enormous legal liability just to convincingly fake a hacking story in order to garner support of a girl he likes. I mean, really.
I dunno, from the way Phil Fish behaves on Twitter, I get the image of a man who lets emotion override good judgment whenever certain buttons are pushed (which seems to be all the time). It's not impossible for him to get so pissed off that he would something so stupid, especially when he has very little to lose after publicly quitting game development multiple times.


it's depressing how often the 'phil hacked himself' thing is coming up :/

it's not that it's 100% inconceivable, so it's worth entertaining briefly, but that it's so often the first thing that's coming to people's minds here is a bit worrying given the low chances. there seems to be such deep cynicism and suspicion of motives in gaming these days. you see it in all the 'x is a planned leak' stuff too, everything is a conspiracy.

an excellent piece


So you'd rather we vilify people with vaginas?

Are you implying that /v/ as a whole engages in this behavior because there exist some bad eggs who despise females or masturbate to lolis or some other inane shit? That there's some "women-hating agenda" synonymous with the entire board because it's an anonymous site with unfiltered opinions?

Grow the fuck up.
Cloudflare's a CDN; they cache webpages that they don't host. They could very easily have gotten access to his origin server (not hosted by Cloudflare), which is just getting cached by Cloudflare.

So is it possible they constructed their own attack to look like a fake?

Also, the leaked contain legitimate sales data from PS+ among other things. Something I'm sure is not to be disclosed per contracts. Why he would willingly expose himself like that to play the victim is beyond me.


especially when he has very little to lose after publicly quitting game development multiple times.

Wait a second right there.
Even the leaked data alone, completely disregarding the absolute assassination of his internet persona, is a LOT to lose.
We are talking about financial records and confidential documents here, not about the number of Twitter followers.


Unconfirmed Member
Or this one:


Source: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/quinnspiracy
Do you know the story behind the AnnoyedGamer tweets? The quoted conversations is basically two assholes calling each other assholes.


it's depressing how often the 'phil hacked himself' thing is coming up :/

it's not that it's 100% inconceivable, so it's worth entertaining briefly, but that it's so often the first thing that's coming to people's minds here is a bit worrying given the low chances. there seems to be such deep cynicism and suspicion of motives in gaming these days. you see it in all the 'x is a planned leak' stuff too, everything is a conspiracy.

I don't think it is a deep cynicism in gaming. I think it is an investment in criticizing Phil FIsh.

Although saying that, I've seen people also push these claims at Renaud and the other good people who worked at Polytron. Looking over Twitter there are people telling him to "put up or shut up" and provide proof. It's honestly complete shit all round. Pure victim blaming.
I've been having a hard time keeping track.

But is it me or do a lot of the people who want to focus on how bad "SJW" are end up banned for slipping in slurs and what not?

I swear Surt's like the 2nd or 3rd person to go down that way.
Started reading about this about an hour ago. A lot of people on Reddit seem to believe that he would have leaked everything himself (with tons of differing views on why that's the case)

I'm a bit skeptical, you'd have to have a pretty huge martyr complex to do something like that. Main question right now, the information that was leaked, was it confirmed that that was Phil's actual information? Not saying he would leak it himself or anything, I don't know the dude's SSN or address or whatever so I can't be sure at all.

Dude's a dick but this is just wrong.
But that just leads to a vicious cycle of dicks dicking each other in a dick storm.
And that in no way means Phil should get the amount of shit he does for some of the stuff he says. The way majority of people who criticise his comments act as if he has just said this stuff randomly to unsuspecting victims yet a lot of it is aimed at people who have attacked him unprovoked. He decides that the person deserves to be called a prick etc. then he is perfectly entitled to do so since he did nothing to deserve the personal attacks.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Can someone post a non-biased summary of this entire debacle from Depression Quest's greenlight onward?

I'm trying to explain to a friend what is going on, and everything I've found is just full of conjecture and finger pointing.
Can someone post a non-biased summary of this entire debacle from Depression Quest's greenlight onward?

I'm trying to explain to a friend what is going on, and everything I've found is just full of conjecture and finger pointing.

Bad breakup. Reddit/4chan VS Tumblr Social activists. Insanity
I'm a bit skeptical, you'd have to have a pretty huge martyr complex to do something like that. Main question right now

From what I understand:

1. Phil fish hacked himself.

2. Anita sarkeezian intended to get harrassed and threatened over her videos

3. Zoe faked her harrassment campaign.

It seems to be the standard reaction for 4channers and the like to automatically assume people do this to themselves for some absurd reason.


What is there to like about the guy? He's a jerk, plain and simple. Doesn't excuse someone being an asshole and pulling this stunt though.

Meh. Said some dumb stuff on Twitter, but I'd chalk that up to him not being able to pull back when people shit talk him. I'm not gonna hold that against him.

He seems like a good guy when I've seen him outside of Twitter, on a couple of Giant Bomb GDC streams for example. I have no problems with Phil Fish.

Bad breakup. Reddit/4chan VS Tumblr Social activists. Insanity

I would argue that it was MRAs from Reddit/4chan against the world here. Saying it was against Tumblr Social Activists can lead someone into believing that they were actually provoked before they did the shit they did.

From what I understand:

1. Phil fish hacked himself.

2. Anita sarkeezian intended to get harrassed and threatened over her videos

3. Zoe faked her harrassment campaign.

It seems to be the standard reaction for 4channers and the like to automatically assume people do this to themselves for some absurd reason.

Yeah, pretty much...


Can someone post a non-biased summary of this entire debacle from Depression Quest's greenlight onward?

I'm trying to explain to a friend what is going on, and everything I've found is just full of conjecture and finger pointing.
I don't think a non biased summary exists, really. So much of the events are based on hearsay and stuff that may or may not be true. I don't think we're getting the full story on a lot of this.

As for suggestions of Phil doing this to himself--Occam's razor and common sense say he might be crazy, but he's not crazy enough for Joker style self-implosion.

Do wonder how you could crack a PW manager unless it was hosted online though. This seems more complicated than "crack an email and then change passwords via reset."


A word about censorship:

No one owes you a platform for your ideas or statements. Kotaku doesn't, GAF doesn't, Reddit doesn't, no one does. Particularly if those statements are a pack of lies, half-lies, personal assaults, and bullshit.

You can howl your filth into the wilderness as much as you like, but none of us are required, legally or morally, to amplify your sad, pathetic whining.

I'd encourage anyone who thinks we owe you a megaphone to feel free to log out and not return. There are plenty of other places happy to let you revel in your inner man-child. Go find one and don't come back.


Can someone post a non-biased summary of this entire debacle from Depression Quest's greenlight onward?

I'm trying to explain to a friend what is going on, and everything I've found is just full of conjecture and finger pointing.

Not happy ex-boyfriend posts claims about Quinn using her girlparts for favors for her game. (there is no actual mention of sex from his blog posts - he just talks about relationships with a few names)
Internet reads: Quinn slept with Kotaku guy for favorable review and did the same with other indie devs.
Shit storm happens, including 4chan (supposedly it was them) starting to leak personal information from her, death threads against her and her family and tons of personal agendas being pushed: Media is corrupt, feminist is using sec to get attention, are the most used ones.
Some people are angry that the corrupt media is being discussed much more than her ex releasing very personal details about her love life to the internet (and the other way round). Everyone is pushing their own agenda.

Phil Fish starts to defend Zoe very outspokenly (in his normal manner) on twitter. Some Gamers get really pissed off.

Polytron's Website and twitter account get hacked and that someone releases every single bit of Phil's personal information on the internet, claiming it's 4chan declaring war on all indie game devs trying to push "SWJ Feminism".
Are you implying that /v/ as a whole engages in this behavior because there exist some bad eggs who despise females or masturbate to lolis or some other inane shit? That there's some "women-hating agenda" synonymous with the entire board because it's an anonymous site with unfiltered opinions?

Grow the fuck up.

I'm not implying that at all, I'm saying that an unmoderated discussion board is the perfect place for people with vile opinions about women to gather and meet like minded shitbags. So if you are one of those people, that's where you should go.

And honestly, it's hard to argue with the notion that a lot of really shitty people flock to 4chan. The situation with Zoe Quinn blew up because of the undercurrent of sexism and MRA sentiment which flow through 4chan and Reddit, in her comments about it she specifically mentioned having been visited at her house by someone who said they were "from the internet" the last time 4chan got angry with her.

So no, I'm not saying that everyone on 4chan is a revolting piece of shit. I'm saying that there are a lot of revolting pieces of shit on 4chan.
Wait a second right there.
Even the leaked data alone, completely disregarding the absolute assassination of his internet persona, is a LOT to lose.
We are talking about financial records and confidential documents here, not about the number of Twitter followers.
To be blunt, I don't know or get the feeling that Phil Fish gives a shit about any of that. If he did, I don't think he'd be actively offending entire swathes of potential consumers and sympathizers by lobbing insults whenever he goes public on Twitter. I don't things like logic and pragmatism are high up on his decision making hierarchy - if anything, I'd say extreme emotion is, and that's not really conducive to sound decisions.
I'm on my phone running a yard sale filled with grabby old people right now, so I can't reply in detail. However I appreciate this post, and agree. Your original post was misunderstood, so thanks for clarifying.

Good thing I was more thorough in my response, then. And good luck with that yard sale.



Other posts that quoted this image seem to have been removed by the mods... 2spooky4me

Anyway, I want to point out something wrong:

"Judging from previous examples, it's incredibly unlikely an actual hacker would upload the files back to the hacked webserver. Why would ... "

I just checked the cached version of the website Google has, and the 1.5 GB file is NOT hosted on the actual site itself. It's hosted on hugefiles.net .


Ok, I'm really sorry but been at work and no idea what has happened.

Saw a tweet from Zoë saying everyone should report Polytron or something.
Didn't get it then..I think I do now? They actually got hacked?
This is more than the usual "for the lulz" campaign.... What the hell is happening?

So here comes the part I'm sorry about, anyone mind filling me in?


the holder of the trombone
To be blunt, I don't know or get the feeling that Phil Fish gives a shit about any of that. If he did, I don't think he'd be actively offending entire swathes of potential consumers and sympathizers by lobbing insults whenever he goes public on Twitter. I don't things like logic and pragmatism are high up on his decision making hierarchy - if anything, I'd say extreme emotion is, and that's not really conducive to sound decisions.

You're being nonsensical if you think twitter tantrums equate to actively wanting to destroy yourself.

The most logical thing is that others hacked him, but why do you keep trying to push the "Fish hacked himself" angle based on, what? His twitter interactions? Were you able to create a psychological profile using twitter?



For the record, Renaud is considering reporting the whole thing but needs to gather the evidence together. Hopefully this helps silence the fucking ridiculous "Phil did it!" group a little.

At this point, all this stuff just makes me question my involvement in the video gaming community.

I've been questioning for a long time. There's plenty of scum to be found in the community but I try to block them out.
No? On the basis of that being an incredibly stupid thing to do.

Do you understand what I'm asking? I'm asking if the hacker(s) performed things in such a way that they could draw suspicion on their own attack?

Or is the image in question simply circumstantial and inaccurate in ways a layman wouldn't notice?


To be blunt, I don't know or get the feeling that Phil Fish gives a shit about any of that. If he did, I don't think he'd be actively offending entire swathes of potential consumers and sympathizers by lobbing insults whenever he goes public on Twitter. I don't things like logic and pragmatism are high up on his decision making hierarchy - if anything, I'd say extreme emotion is, and that's not really conducive to sound decisions.

He does give a shit. That's his problem all along. I have met him twice in person and talked to him for quite a while on both occassions. The whole JRPG incident was still really a big issue for him. He cares, he cares a lot about topics and is very passionate. He is not afraid to talk his mind which gets him in trouble because he is not only passionate but also very hotheaded and opinionated.

You might not like him, you might even hate him but he is a human being who really cares about what he is doing. He is also one that doesn't hide behind a fake persona to speak his mind. Very few human beings deserve this crap that is happening right now and he is not one of them.


While I make no secret of my dislike of Phil and my hopes he'll leave the community he apparently despises yet spends all day mocking and calling rapists, this is certainly too far.


"GAF is a hivemind!"
*Creates hivemind subreddit for complaining about the hivemind*


I love the "NeoFAG is racist!" the irony is strong in that subreddit.

Edit: Poor Phil, I've always been OK with his tantrums, he's allowed to say what he wants. As he went too far sometimes, this also went too far. Wouldn't wish this on anyone.


There is a subreddit where banned Gaffers call everyone liberal faggots because they got banned for their wisdom

So yeah people think like this and they are pretty pathetic

I love how they tell people to grow up if they aren't accepting of bigotry. Is anyone still confused as to why GAF has such a lengthy membership process? Really glad I was patient enough to become a part of a forum where people are capable of having rational conversations.

Well, yeah. Because people who view others who care and post about anything related to diversity as SJWs out to ruin gaming and "their" hobby likely already hold some pretty gross opinions about minorities. I've yet to meet someone who uses that term unironically and doesn't hold weird views about minorities or let slip a slur.

Yeah, if you hate the idea of equality that much, then you're going to let it slip at some point. Good riddance.
I've been having a hard time keeping track.

But is it me or do a lot of the people who want to focus on how bad "SJW" are end up banned for slipping in slurs and what not?

I swear Surt's like the 2nd or 3rd person to go down that way.
Well, yeah. Because people who view others who care and post about anything related to diversity as SJWs out to ruin gaming and "their" hobby likely already hold some pretty gross opinions about minorities. I've yet to meet someone who uses that term unironically and doesn't hold weird views about minorities or let slip a slur.


To be blunt, I don't know or get the feeling that Phil Fish gives a shit about any of that. If he did, I don't think he'd be actively offending entire swathes of potential consumers and sympathizers by lobbing insults whenever he goes public on Twitter. I don't things like logic and pragmatism are high up on his decision making hierarchy - if anything, I'd say extreme emotion is, and that's not really conducive to sound decisions.

So because he talks back at people who call him the vilest things on Twitter, he'd release tons of personal information about himself? And for what? Sympathy? That's an insanely dumb argument.
Maybe this is still relevant enough that those missing it the first time, should take a look.

This is Phil Fish

No matter how you slice it. Telling people to kill themselves and "insert expletive here" is not an acceptable response to anything on the internet.

Nobody deserves to be hacked, but I definitely don't think it's ok to condone this kind of behavior. That he's espousing the social justice flag right now is pretty ridiculous, considering *he has told people to go kill themselves* and that he has shown himself to be a bigoted jerk in the past.

Sometimes people are just dicks and really shouldn't be vouched for. He can make good/bad games, I don't speak for or against his work. But as the person I can see on the net, no, not acceptable behavior.
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