If a developer makes a funny remark while quoting Futurama you delete their game?
"Suck my dick. Choke on it."
What was the popular culture reference for this one?
I don't think you're old enough to know just yet."Suck my dick. Choke on it."
What was the popular culture reference for this one?
"Suck my dick. Choke on it."
What was the popular culture reference for this one?
Phil has "feminist sjw tendencies"? Don't think I ever heard that before.double edit tldr: Polytron Corp website hacked, a ton of Phil's personally details leaked online. Hacked by whoever the hell. All so Phil won't destroy the gaming industry with his "feminist SJW tendencies."
Did you read what it was a reply to? Or do you judge the comment without context?
Actually, I was asking you to explain calling people "fairies." But dropping "PC white knights" tells me all I probably need to know.
It stems more from WHOM it was. And what those people was pushing through that median. It gets people thinking that their is some agenda at work being shoved down their throats And I wouldn't put them past it, but at least marvel is straight up about it. But censoring people who have a different view, and or not posting VILE stuff about you, that is wrong. whole site taking down? comments being deleted? WTH?
If a developer makes a funny remark while quoting Futurama you delete their game?
If you don't like it you can scurry back to shitheaps like 4chan where vilifying someone because they have a vagina is considered to be quality discourse.
Phil has "feminist sjw tendencies"? Don't think I ever heard that before.
"Suck my dick. Choke on it."
What was the popular culture reference for this one?
Michael Bay did it. Do you stop watching his movies now?
And it probably doesnt stop there.
Off-topic, but agreed. One of the worst comments you can possibly say, because some people do take it to heart.You should never tell someone you are arguing with to kill themselves, whether it be from a TV show quote or not.
What episodes were "suck my dick, choke on it" and "i wish videogames was a building so i could burn it down with all you people in it" from?
Irrelevant to the situation at large but the accurate perception of him as kind of an asshole isn't a misunderstanding based on him quoting cartoons.
I want people in his public position to be able to speak their mind as they see fit. It's refreshing to see a developer not restricted by a PR department. That said, he's not half as aggressive as the internet mob that he occasionally snaps back against. Those attacking him for being himself and not communicating through a filter are the same people that hate NDAs and canned responses crafted by PR departments and marketing plans. If it's generally accepted that all public figures, especially those surrounding "geek culture," have to tip toe around the internet, in fear of this kind of response, then the whole thing is broken.
This is off-topic, so excuse the side road, but I find it a fascinating thing that when a person becomes disliked or discredited, that their works also become so. Michael Bay is generally known as an asshole, yet people still watch his films gladly.
A recent example would be removing the works of Rolf Harris since his prosecution. Is he a worse artist because he assaulted a child? Does his talent then cease to be recognisable?
It seems to vary wildly, not just based on a person works, but on their popularity in culture and the nature of their ill deeds. Phil Fish being a not nice person, does nothing to discredit his work, as Picasso or anyone else. Yet people view it that way.
It is a real strange thing.
I call an orange a orange. there is a difference in attacking a person. and challenging a persons opinion. the latter is fair game, but not the first.
Women and men stand side by side. or they should. but there are those that still feel man and women should still stand side by side yet still a man should do all in his power to open doors for them aswell. We open our own doors. They can't open their own doors? Again that not EVERYONE. Those that I have met that are like that get that title from me.
Maybe you are genuinely unaware then that "fairy" is a gay slur, so I would advise against misusing it on people with whom you have a disagreement of gender politics. Actually, I'd advise against using it at all.I call an orange a orange. there is a difference in attacking a person. and challenging a persons opinion. the latter is fair game, but not the first.
Women and men stand side by side. or they should. but there are those that still feel man and women should still stand side by side yet still a man should do all in his power to open doors for them aswell. We open our own doors. They can't open their own doors? Again that not EVERYONE. Those that I have met that are like that get that title from me.
The context was that Fish was berated for a tasteless comment. He has no sense of tact.Did you read what it was a reply to? Or do you judge the comment without context?
What happened to him is unfortunate, but the discussion of this thread veered towards Fish's character. Good straw man, though.You're right. Guess he deserves his social security number and his bank details posted on the internet
What, I don't even know what you are trying to say..
Personally I have said far worse thing in real life. I have a pretty macabre sense of humour. I've rubbed a lot of people the wrong way and I know how it feels to be misunderstood from a comment taken out of context by someone who doesn't know me. Why the hate? Just let it be. He's not an asshole; he's a person just like everybody else. Nothing special.
There is a subreddit where banned Gaffers call everyone liberal faggots because they got banned for their wisdom
So yeah people think like this and they are pretty pathetic
I want people in his public position to be able to speak their mind as they see fit. It's refreshing to see a developer not restricted by a PR department. That said, he's not half as aggressive as the internet mob that he occasionally snaps back against. Those attacking him for being himself and not communicating through a filter are the same people that hate NDAs and canned responses crafted by PR departments and marketing plans. If it's generally accepted that all public figures, especially those surrounding "geek culture," have to tip toe around the internet, in fear of this kind of response, then the whole thing is broken.
In the case of Rolf Harris most of his output was around children so watching a show where he is surrounded by children after knowing what he did is highly uncomfortable viewing to say the least.
This exactly. I love the Internet and all, but things have been spiralling into a vortex of knee jerk hate. And people seem to love it. You see a sensational title for an article or thread, or god forbid an opinion, and suddenly there's a hoard of people in there championing each other on in their anger about it spending very little effort, if any at all, to read or look into why they're angry. It's like they're there specifically for the drama. They drown out rational discourse, and make it difficult for people on the same side of the discussion to lay out their thoughts without an uphill battle or being disregarded.They're not "defending against the passionate consumer," they're condemning the distressingly large number of immature reactionaries in the community.
Of course everyone should have the ability to speak their mind as they see fit, but that doesn't change the fact that they are your words and you have to face the consequences as I have stated. Free speech is nice, but with it comes responsibilities and you can be held accountable.
I would never go into a biker bar yelling "Bikers can suck my c***. You're all shit" and expect not to be beaten. I'm not condoning the beating happening, but if I am stupid enough to put my life at risk, it is partly my fault.
Right, as opposed to GAF, where patting each other on the back for not being complete assholes is considered to be quality discourse, and snarking about a topic in a roundabout way instead of discussing it directly somehow means that you've avoided contributing to the gossip.
This is off-topic, so excuse the side road, but I find it a fascinating thing that when a person becomes disliked or discredited, that their works also become so. Michael Bay is generally known as an asshole, yet people still watch his films gladly.
A recent example would be removing the works of Rolf Harris since his prosecution. Is he a worse artist because he assaulted a child? Does his talent then cease to be recognisable?
It seems to vary wildly, not just based on a person works, but on their popularity in culture and the nature of their ill deeds. Phil Fish being a not nice person, does nothing to discredit his work, as Picasso or anyone else. Yet people view it that way.
It is a real strange thing.
There is a subreddit where banned Gaffers call everyone liberal faggots because they got banned for their wisdom
So yeah people think like this and they are pretty pathetic
Personally I have said far worse thing in real life. I have a pretty macabre sense of humour. I've rubbed a lot of people the wrong way and I know how it feels to be misunderstood from a comment taken out of context by someone who doesn't know me. Why the hate? Just let it be. He's not an asshole; he's a person just like everybody else. Nothing special.
People already had a hard time separating art from artist. Now that social media and 24/7 news often gives you a direct, unfiltered view of their opinions/actions, even more so.
There will always be exceptions, of course (Michael Jackson is another obvious example) and everyone has a different line they draw in the sand...but in general, most human beings like gawking at the personal lives of others. It's why social media "works". And the thing is, once you start looking through that window, it becomes very hard to keep your opinions uncolored.
I'm all for being held accountable for what someone says, however, the repercussions for saying shitty things in public on the internet should be decreased sales of his games or fewer people following him, not the exposure of all his private information personal and professional.
If a developer makes a funny remark while quoting Futurama you delete their game?
"Suck my dick. Choke on it."
What was the popular culture reference for this one?
I really don't think he was referencing a cartoon.
Hm, interesting observations.
Sorry man. I wish I could elaborate more. But I don't want to get censored as many have gotten already. Just that their is a reason why this shit storm took place. and a lot of damning evidence that came out. And no man those aren't faked. And why everyone is so pissed.