its funny, the thing I love about PS4 is its less social lol
Lol well, I wouldn't necessarily disagree with you. I probably should have clarified that SP is still my favorite way to game. My previous post was specifically in response to someone bringing up the peculiar statistical phenomenon in which PS4 has a significant sales advantage but many people with both systems are reporting they have more friends on Xbone. I guess the nutshell answer could be "Xbone is geared slightly more to MP gaming, PS4 is geared slightly more to SP gaming." EDIT: Thus far, the MP games that have grabbed me the most from last gen to now happened to be 360/Xbone/PC exclusives (the Left 4 Dead series + Titanfall). So that's partially how & why I ended up with a lot more XBL friends than PSN friends, despite the fact that I love a lot of the SP exclusives on the PS3/PS4. I mean, TLoU Remaster and Wolfenstein on PS4 are the best overall games I've played on new Gen (honorable mention to Second Son), all of which are SP and didn't necessitate adding a single new PSN friend.
But, then again, I don't think excellent SP & excellent MP are mutually exclusive ideas. Sony could improve the appeal of their online/social experience & still offer great SP experiences.

And i don't think the better social aspect of XBL in any way detracts from Xbone's SP potential (tho it could be argued focusing on the Kinect has diverted resources/attention away from the core gamer and resulted in the hardware being gimped vs PS4...but that's not MP vs. SP...thats just MS doubling down on chasing the Wii motion control dollars
