I'm slightly tempted to cancel my pre-order because of these review scores, although i got the game for half price so i can't decide. It sounds like most of the problems are technical issues so hopefully those will get fixed.
So Kotaku says the missions are boring
Gameinformer says the missions are engaging
...Not sure who to trust here. I mean, anyone in the US can get this game for $40 bucks today so at least it wont cost $60.
Bayonetta 2jesus 90+ metacritic aaa games so far have been tlou:R and Halo MCC . And im sure gta v R will be the same. 2014 has been fun . Hello 2015 get here fast.
The technical issues (framerate, bugs, getting stuck in geometry) alone should prevent anybody from giving this a 10/10 score. Case closed. You can't reward something a perfect score that has so many glaring technical issues. That's disingenuous and wrong.
Not that anybody really cares what I personally think, but anybody who scores this game perfectly, I will no longer trust anything else you review. Ever. There's clearly an agenda or something shady going on if you can hand out a perfect score to something so problematic.
Can you get a refund?
So Kotaku says the missions are boring
Gameinformer says the missions are engaging
...Not sure who to trust here. I mean, anyone in the US can get this game for $40 bucks today so at least it wont cost $60.
It's funny how this is the first year where PlayStation doesn't have exclusive deals for this game and is pushing FarCry 4 instead.
It's like they know at PlayStation HQ what good games are...
Apparently Ubisoft decided to not send review copies of Rogue out
Actually its right in the middle hahaha. Some are great but some of the main missions are somewhat boring while the actual side missions and stuff are fun. It is just oddly designed through and through.
AC Unity: - 8/10
Sunset Overdrive - 6/10
Also, where is the BioGamer Review?
quick dirty translation
jeuxvidé 8.5
AC Unity stills is an excellent wine
Go to the nearest bar, most of the staff is probably there.The Ubisoft Montreal studio is at walking distance from me. I wonder what is going on there at the moment.
The technical issues (framerate, bugs, getting stuck in geometry) alone should prevent anybody from giving this a 10/10 score. Case closed. You can't reward something a perfect score that has so many glaring technical issues. That's disingenuous and wrong.
Not that anybody really cares what I personally think, but anybody who scores this game perfectly, I will no longer trust anything else you review. Ever. There's clearly an agenda or something shady going on if you can hand out a perfect score to something so problematic.
I didn't review the game, but I played an early copy.
These are 8 concerning things I experienced in Assassin's Creed Unity's first 2-3 hours:
(Also this is probably the worst AC since 1).
Everyone read this. There are things in this simple bullet point list that I can't believe aren't mentioned in some of the full-length reviews. Shameful.
I want to give credit here and now to two companies though that have bucked the 2014 trend and deserve a lot of praise.
Microsoft's stable of games this holiday season - Forza Horizon 2, Sunset Overdrive and Master Chief Collection - are clearly designing within the limits of the technology provided for them on the platform and the result is a mostly completely solid 30fps experience (or in MCC case, 60fps). Yes, Sunset is 900p, but it understood what it had to pare back to get it to run acceptably technically and the result is everything else looks wonderful. It's one step back for a dozen step forwards.
Same for Nintendo. Bayonetta 2? Wonderful. Captain Toad? Wonderful. Mario Kart 8? Great. Smash Bros. Wii U? I haven't followed it but I'm sure it'll run great
THANK you companies who continue to ensure we aren't face stuffed with technical abominations.
I want to give credit here and now to two companies though that have bucked the 2014 trend and deserve a lot of praise.
Microsoft's stable of games this holiday season - Forza Horizon 2, Sunset Overdrive and Master Chief Collection - are clearly designing within the limits of the technology provided for them on the platform and the result is a mostly completely solid 30fps experience (or in MCC case, 60fps). Yes, Sunset is 900p, but it understood what it had to pare back to get it to run acceptably technically and the result is everything else looks wonderful. It's one step back for a dozen step forwards.
Same for Nintendo. Bayonetta 2? Wonderful. Captain Toad? Wonderful. Mario Kart 8? Great. Smash Bros. Wii U? I haven't followed it but I'm sure it'll run great
THANK you companies who continue to ensure we aren't face stuffed with technical abominations.
7.8 is nuking?
Sorry to spoil your fun with a positive review, I know here on GAF I should not say anything positive about a Ubisoft title. But anyway, I actually enjoyed the game quite a lot, it has problems (especially the terrible terrible loading times) but damn it's absolutely breathtaking to look at and the gameplay is better than any other AC game before (I mean the core AC gameplay, not the naval stuff from BF of course). I played it on Xbox One and the framerate wasn't locked for sure (dipped to 25 when it got very busy), but it stayed playable at all times and there was no tearing.
Not perfect certainly, but I enjoyed almost every minute of it (outside of that bloody black loading screen...).
As usual, full text on the French version of the site, only the conclusion and + - in English, and many videos from both the X1 and PC version (though 30 fps as our PC guy is still dling the game):
I want to give credit here and now to two companies though that have bucked the 2014 trend and deserve a lot of praise.
Microsoft's stable of games this holiday season - Forza Horizon 2, Sunset Overdrive and Master Chief Collection - are clearly designing within the limits of the technology provided for them on the platform and the result is a mostly completely solid 30fps experience (or in MCC case, 60fps). Yes, Sunset is 900p, but it understood what it had to pare back to get it to run acceptably technically and the result is everything else looks wonderful. It's one step back for a dozen step forwards.
Same for Nintendo. Bayonetta 2? Wonderful. Captain Toad? Wonderful. Mario Kart 8? Great. Smash Bros. Wii U? I haven't followed it but I'm sure it'll run great
THANK you companies who continue to ensure we aren't face stuffed with technical abominations.
Man do IGN and Gamespot ever give a score outside the 7-9 range?
Poor Alien: Isolation.
Got it on Xbox One. I know MS issued refunds for Battlefield 4. Not sure if the game is THAT broken for them to give me one.
I really wish I hadn't gotten it though.
7.8 is nuking?
So would you say its worth $40 dollars?
I suppose when put alongside AC3, AC4 does look "incredible." But this series has gone off the rails and become a victim of Ubisoft's factory-style production process. AC3 was a mess in every possible way. AC4 wasn't a mess, but it wasn't coherent. It was a game of lots of individually great pieces, but they never came together. It sounds like Unity has hit AC3 levels of mess.Legit shocked. Feels like the two games they 'hyped' the most, ACIII and Unity have both turned out to be disasters. After ACIII there's no way I'm touching this one.
Shame, because Black Flag was incredible. Maybe I should look into Rogue?
AC Unity: - 8/10
Sunset Overdrive - 6/10