Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition |OT| Two girls, one motivated Vergil


Sorry if this has been asked to death, but I'm a little confused on the other characters' campaigns. I know when you're playing as Vergil or Lady/Trish, there's a new cutscene involving them at the beginning and end -- but are all the other cutscenes still with Nero and Dante? Or do they get replaced too (or just left out entirely and there's no cutscenes period)?


Santa May Claus
Sorry if this has been asked to death, but I'm a little confused on the other characters' campaigns. I know when you're playing as Vergil or Lady/Trish, there's a new cutscene involving them at the beginning and end -- but are all the other cutscenes still with Nero and Dante? Or do they get replaced too (or just left out entirely and there's no cutscenes period)?

There's one single campaign.

You can play in this campaign with the following combinations:

If you play Nero/Dante, you just get all the regular cutscenes. It's like playing through the game normally. If you pick Lady/Trish or Vergil, you just get two cutscenes. All other cutscenes in the game are replaced with something short or removed.

Thinking of picking up the limited edition.
I need that pizza box! Also, dat survey.

As far as I can tell, Nin-nin might be the only place that still has some, and they only have 3 left.


Alright! Just got the game loaded up from Steam and it plays very good, in my opinion.

Got my ass kicked a few times, but hey it's a learning experience.


There's one single campaign.

You can play in this campaign with the following combinations:

If you play Nero/Dante, you just get all the regular cutscenes. It's like playing through the game normally. If you pick Lady/Trish or Vergil, you just get two cutscenes.



I have a 760 gtx i5 and I can run it at 2880x1620 with 2xMSAA, not sure how it compares to a 570.

I'm running it on an AMD FX 8120 and a GTX 770 and have experienced 0 drops so far. Got an S rank in the benchmark with everything maxed.

Game is so sick. Still not entirely adapted to Vergil's style of play, granted I don't have anywhere near close to all the moves yet, of course. :p

Didn't know they updated some of the effects. Don't remember Berial's lava effects looking like that.

Thanks for the replies. Doesn't sound like an absolute trainwreck at least. May jump on it after work.


Is anyone else having problems with the audio? The boss themes and stage ambience occasionally fail to play, or are noticeably delayed. Regular combat music doesn't seem to be affected, though.


i just realized that playing on Legendary Dark Knight will practically unlock everything for you, by beating a few levels and you're ready to max out lol


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
i just realized that playing on Legendary Dark Knight will practically unlock everything for you, by beating a few levels and you're ready to max out lol

Yeah, but having to juggle numerous enemies while bare/new game though...


I'm loving Virgil's play style. The whole mechanic of building concentration by doing those cool sword sheaths at the end of combos, and being forced to teleport between enemies rather than run is incredibly satisfying.
So goddamn motivated right now.


Yeah, but having to juggle numerous enemies while bare/new game though...

i aint having any problems, but it might be better to just start the games on normal and work your way up, i started LDK mode to try it out and i pretty much got all the skills at this point

EDIT: its also a heel of alot easier to start LDK mode as Lady since she's pretty good default
The game runs great on pc. Textures and effects seem improved, and in-game cutscenes are excellent. My only problem is the weirdly excessive depth of field/background blur in the cutscenes.

I tried playing as Lady but Dante was beating me up lol. Couldn't seem to hit him with anything other than kalina ann's rockets.

I'm motivated to play through the same levels 3 (is it actually 6?) times though!




Any tips for Lady? Can't seem to get a good flow going with her at all; couldn't even beat the first secret mission because she's sluggish in my hands.


Santa May Claus
Song is good but it doesn't really fit that trailer tbh.

I think the way it's cut, the song works well. To be honest, I'm tired of hearing the same song over and over again in the trailers, heh.

Also, the "Acclaimed Director" thing. I love that they're pushing Itsuno-san hard.


Any tips for Lady? Can't seem to get a good flow going with her at all; couldn't even beat the first secret mission because she's sluggish in my hands.

Ease up on melee, and go all in with your firearms. Your first upgrades should be with the guns. Charge them up and fire away. She's a beast once you get the hang of her.


What should my first upgrades be as Vergil? I've been mixing it up between Yamato and Summoned Swords. I tossed in a bit to Beowulf and Force Edge (that's his other sword right?)

I don't use the other two weapons as much as I probably should considering I'm in LDK.


These are my settings and it runs at a locked 60fps, practically perfect even on a single 4GB 670.



On my way home, today. Seeing all these combo vids that show how OP Vergil is just makes me salivate all the more for the pizza box waiting for me at home...
Ah, capping the game to 60 fps seems to have solved my crashes. Settled for 4K@60 though I would have preferred 120fps in a fast-paced game like this. Maybe some patch will fix it down the road.
The game ultimately isn't that demanding but the scaling is horrible compared to the original. People losing huge amounts of frames compared to the original.

I just don't feel like playing the game knowing that it's being bogged down by unnecessary shit I always disable like motion blur and probably SSAO, but there is currently no way to disable those. It looks awful and can barely keep 50-60 fps on my laptop.


God rays making the game blurry, motion blur that can't be turned off, terrible video options, slow motion problems, bad optimization in general.

How did this happen? Another goddamn botched Capcom port when they had one of the best PC ports ever to work with.
Bad optimization? This game is run perfectly for me at 1440p even.
Bad optimization? This game is run perfectly for me at 1440p even.

It doesn't scale well, I just made a different post. Aside from some better textures and lighting, which are fine, it seems to have had "modern" visual effects haphazardly tossed in with currently no option to disable them. That's a problem.


Really does seem like the game performs all over the place, for all intents and purposes it should run perfect on my rig, but of course I had to be unlucky and get DMC4: Everyone is Baked and moving slowly edition.
The requirements for this game have definitely gone up a lot. I can't seem to get 120FPS on my machine - changing any of the settings doesn't seem to really affect my FPS much. So I guess I will be playing it maxed @ 60fps. If I was to guess, I think the CPU requirements have gone up a lot.


Santa May Claus
I just cleared Heaven or Hell and got the below message:

Was the "Next Devil May Cry" message for Hell or Hell?

If it is, it would make sense it's a tease. I think Hell or Hell is only unlocked after DMD, so it's the last effective difficulty you unlock.


I think the way it's cut, the song works well. To be honest, I'm tired of hearing the same song over and over again in the trailers, heh.

Hmm yeah , it doesn't fit because of gameplay parts( a cut-scenes trailer would have been better).

Oh yeah, finally something new to hear.


Santa May Claus
That previous image was from the Japanese version, right? Maybe the English text they chose ended up as something different, though the intent behind this one sounds about the same.

I'm playing the Asian version, though. I don't think they'd be different. People are claiming they're the same.
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