If you don't think that was a period joke then you don't know Trump
I got some bad news lolOh my god, Jon Stewart is going to love this
Trump is literally the best thing about the US right now. He fits in so perfect.
Oh my god, Jon Stewart is going to love this
It would be funny if the one statement he actually didn't mean that way would break his back.If you don't have a functioning brain maybe you would think it's a period joke. It was more referring to pun "out for blood" as he says "blood coming out of her eyes" right before he said "blood coming out of whatever" unless you are trying to say that a period entails blood coming out of a woman's eye. I'm not sure why media people are going hard at this anyways, Trump has said shittier things in this campaign already.
He really does. Except for a good portion of the population that he would deport in a heartbeat if he could and I wouldn't put it past him to try.
Trump dog is viscous.
If you don't have a functioning brain maybe you would think it's a period joke. It was more referring to pun "out for blood" as he says "blood coming out of her eyes" right before he said "blood coming out of whatever" unless you are trying to say that a period entails blood coming out of a woman's eye. I'm not sure why media people are going hard at this anyways, Trump has said shittier things in this campaign already.
I don't even understand how you link Megyn Kelly being "out for blood" with bleeding herself. When you're out for blood you want your enemies to bleed.
Blood coming out of her eyes refers to the way peoples eyes get bloodshot when they get angry.
@KatyTurNBC: "Whole women's lib movement is exactly how he handles women. If u want to be treated equally, this is what that is."-Female Trump staffer.
Isn't it hard to argue that you don't have time for political correctness when you spend all your time on twitter? (Insert rimshot)
Well that's what he's said if that's what you want to think he said. Plenty of people want to think that, or pretend that they do anyway. But just listening to the context of him obviously trying to say she was, "out for blood," (what he should have said) and the fact that he started with 'eyes' then tried to express it a different way and then just dropped it, the average person's take on this isn't going to jist with thinkprogress' version.
You know he refused to clarify what he meant and has been uninvited from a prominent conservative debate because of it, right?Well that's what he's said if that's what you want to think he said. Plenty of people want to think that, or pretend that they do anyway. But just listening to the context of him obviously trying to say she was, "out for blood," (what he should have said) and the fact that he started with 'eyes' then tried to express it a different way and then just dropped it, the average person's take on this isn't going to jist with thinkprogress' version.
You know he refused to clarify what he meant and has been uninvited from a prominent conservative debate because of it, right?
He's not popular with the base though.This will probably make him even more popular with the right wing base.
You know he refused to clarify what he meant and has been uninvited from a prominent conservative debate because of it, right?
That makes no fucking sense.
The republican governors who keep getting second terms despite killing their states prove otherwise.A Hilary win is a temporary victory that will only strengthen Republican resentment. Dems will get murdered in midterms under 50-foot waves of vitriol for a president that a huge segment of the people that actually vote in midterms already went in hating.
A Trump win, on the other hand, will only work to destroy Repubs. They'll get their monkey paw wish of having their man in the White House, and that wish will turn oh-so-wonderfully sour. I'd put good odds on an impeachment if he poisons the well for some fragile international relations with insults and grandstanding, which wouldn't be a matter of if with him, but when. He could salt the earth for Republican electability for years.
Sometimes the best weapon against backseat drivers is to let them take the wheel. Their criticism loses its teeth real fast when the critic runs off the damn road.
This is the guy disinviting Trump over sexist comments that crossed his personal line of decency:
Yeah I'm sure Mr. Erickson has had a major change of heart and this isn't politically motivated by scared Republicans or him capitalizing on a publicity stunt or anything.
Dolan Tramp pls
He's not popular with the base though.
This is the guy disinviting Donald "My I.Q. is one of the highest" Trump over sexist comments that crossed his personal line of decency:
Yeah I'm sure Mr. Erickson has had a major change of heart and this isn't politically motivated by scared Republicans or him capitalizing on a publicity stunt or anything.
So does this work both ways? All the money Bush spent on bailouts but Obama kept, does that tarnish his record and the debt becomes his instead of Bush? If this was reversed and Bush kept a policy of Obama's you would not be hailing him as "saving the auto industry". What a load of horseshit. I love how in this example just keeping the status quo garners all this credit but the person who actually originated it and did all the legwork to originally implement is just listed as a footnote.
LOL! Donald Trump needs to bring this stuff up. Erik Erikson is quite the a-hole himself . . . 'make a sandwich'? Holy shit.
This is the guy disinviting Trump over sexist comments that crossed his personal line of decency:
What? It's "clarified" right on his Twitter.You know he refused to clarify what he meant and has been uninvited from a prominent conservative debate because of it, right?
lol @ name Erick Erickson