Watch Da Birdie
I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
My second stage...
Highway Stage - 20XX
To be fair, this level is sort of weak gameplay wise---it's definitely one I did more so for the visuals "hey that's neat!" effect than being a challenging level, but perhaps you'll find it fun still. Ending's a bit weak, but perhaps somewhat of a challenge.
And I'm gonna repost my last stage, Bramble Blast ( (C477-0000-001C-6682)) too because last night right when I posted there was server maintenance. :{

Highway Stage - 20XX
To be fair, this level is sort of weak gameplay wise---it's definitely one I did more so for the visuals "hey that's neat!" effect than being a challenging level, but perhaps you'll find it fun still. Ending's a bit weak, but perhaps somewhat of a challenge.
And I'm gonna repost my last stage, Bramble Blast ( (C477-0000-001C-6682)) too because last night right when I posted there was server maintenance. :{