STEAM | October 2015 - You had me at "game ... comes to Steam".

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Are you counting the translation/localization in that?
I suppose there could be a decent main story somewhere in the game, but after seeing all of the screenshots of various "jokes" or whatever repeatedly posted to Steam by people on my FL, I have lost any interest I ever had in playing the game.

They're typical japanese/anime jokes.
Those are a few out of thousands of lines


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I'm still not sure about Fallout 4. I probably want to play it, but even the GMG deal just feels too expensive for me. I might wait, though it won't go higher than 25% during the winter sale anyway. Maybe I just replay Divinity:OS when the EE comes out.

never realised the series was that old

The game is pretty much a Mario Rip-Off
(Super Mario Bros.
Great Giana Sis.)
That title music is really great though. Like, REALLY great.


I have a feeling I'll be deleting a lot of people from my friends list when I get sick of seeing the same Trails SC screens over and over and over again.

Are you counting the translation/localization in that?
I suppose there could be a decent main story somewhere in the game, but after seeing all of the screenshots of various "jokes" or whatever repeatedly posted to Steam by people on my FL, I have lost any interest I ever had in playing the game.

Is this some sort of roadkill joke? o_O

you should start with me, as writing, dialogue and jokes in Trails are great, of course I'll take screenshots (I take much more than upload btw, no spoilers in activity feed), it would be insane not to, if there is a game where you can basically keep a finger on FF12, it's Trails.
Why would you hate something so good, is beyond me and will remain so.

I think i was the only one saying it wouldn't be this year.

you and Knurek as far as I can remember


Are you counting the translation/localization in that?
I suppose there could be a decent main story somewhere in the game, but after seeing all of the screenshots of various "jokes" or whatever repeatedly posted to Steam by people on my FL, I have lost any interest I ever had in playing the game.

Nah, at least for Trails 1 there's nothing like that. The game starts VERY slowly, but the plot is just the usual stuff about a chosen one and things like that.
Nice to finally see the game, now I can start waiting for a 75% off.
Way too many games in this period, really, I never had such a big wishlist :|
I am, the jokes aren't that bad I don't think.

I'm on the opposite side of that spectrum, clearly.
The treasure chest dialogues I've seen are enough to make me steer clear of the game.

you should start with me, as writing, dialogue and jokes in Trails are great, of course I'll take screenshots (I take much more than upload btw, no spoilers in activity feed), it would be insane not to, if there is a game where you can basically keep a finger on FF12, it's Trails.

Why would you hate something so good, is beyond me and will remain so.

It's quite possible you'll be the first to go. Though when you finish the game and are done with screenshots, you can feel free to add me back if you like. I won't hold your love of terrible jokes and annoying characters against you. ;)


Welp now that TitS:SC is pretty much done and over with (barring fixes/patches), I'm guessing this is the next order of business.

Yeah likely. Before they announced this I figured they might have been going for a Halloween surprise release but I guess it's probably too close now.
Posting via proxy, because for some reason can't access the site on my home network. It works on mobile network though. Every other site works, even porn. Checked my router settings, everything seems to be normal. Odd.


Man, steam is slow and unreliable the last days. Downloadspeed is all over the place. few weeks ago it always nearly capped my 100mbit line, not anymore.


I really didn't expect it to come so soon and bought Zestiria (because of the pre-order deal) to bridge the gap. Potentially going to be a real expensive month for me.

Too many RPGs at the same time!
Man, steam is slow and unreliable the last days. Downloadspeed is all over the place. few weeks ago it always nearly capped my 100mbit line, not anymore.

Wouldnt let me download last night, said "connection timed out" after it was "preparing download files" or whatever
They're typical japanese/anime jokes.
Those are a few out of thousands of lines

The [really bad/cheesy] movie references type-stuff in empty treasure chests are "japanese/anime" jokes? I don't think that's the case. The stuff with actual character dialogue that people decide to screenshot, maybe... but stuff like the Bravehart reference doesn't seem to qualify. Thos are more "dad/uncle' jokes.

I just do not like the style the translation was done in or the sense of humor demonstrated by the team that is responsible for it. I didn't like the "new" translation for the Vita version of Muramasa either, but the dialogue in that game is relatively minimal compared to the amount of gameplay, so when it went on sale for 50% off, I gave in and bought it and played it, even though I tried to skim/skip through most of the dialogue for characters I didn't like the translations for.

Someday I will probably give in and suffer through it, since it's in my library and the actual gameplay looks okay... but I doubt I will ever agree that the translation/writing is good based on my personal taste/sense of humor.

And while I may not like it, I will at least give the team credit for (to my knowledge) not doing something as stupid as the FFV PSX translation team did when they ran Faris's dialogue through a talk-like-a-pirate translator.
The [really bad/cheesy] movie references type-stuff in empty treasure chests are "japanese/anime" jokes?

I just do not like the style the translation was done in or the sense of humor demonstrated by the team that is responsible for it. I didn't like the "new" translation for the Vita version of Muramasa either, but the dialogue in that game is relatively minimal compared to the amount of gameplay, so when it went on sale for 50% off, I gave in and bought it and played it, even though I tried to skim/skip through most of the dialogue for characters I didn't like the translations for.

Someday I will probably give in and suffer through it, since it's in my library and the actual gameplay looks okay... but I doubt I will ever agree that the translation/writing is good based on my personal taste/sense of humor.

And while I may not like it, I will at least give the team credit for (to my knowledge) not doing something as stupid as the FFV PSX translation team did when they ran Faris's dialogue through a talk-like-a-pirate translator.
I'm not even sure what exactly you're talking about but your tastes seem so particular and you seem to be put of by the tiniest of things so it's probably not worth arguing about.

It's a really good game and if you're skipping it because of optional empty chest jokes.. idk
Don't give it too much credit. They replied the same thing (more or less) to me when asking for a Type 0 VIP deal, nothing happened.

They definitely had some sort of discount on it before launch... which is why I ended up pre-ordering once it was confirmed the key would grant the DOTA2 items.

I'm not even sure what exactly you're talking about but your tastes seem so particular and you seem to be put of by the tiniest of things so it's probably not worth arguing about.

It's a really good game and if you're skipping it because of optional chest jokes.. idk

My interest in "classic" JRPGs has waned in recent years. Combine that with a large backlog and the fact that an RPG is mostly [translated] text -- and if I don't like the style/humor/tone of the translation, why would I decide to play it over anything else in my backlog? Especially when I find most, if not all, characters (and optional chest jokes) to be annoying/unlikeable? Ningen pestered me the whole time he played the game... "FROST, YOU HAVE TO PLAY THIS NEXT. FROST, START THIS GAME. FROST, ESTELLE IS SO CHARMING AND CUTE." So not only do I find the dialogue in the screenshots to be annoying, but SC fans tend to be a bit rabid in trying to convert others to liking the game. So you can blame Ningen for taking my intial annoyance/irritation/dislike of the screenshots and exacerbating it into a more intense feeling of dislike for the game. ;)

But hey, if you're that convinced I'll love it, in spite of my current opinion, shouldI sit down and play through it, maybe you'd like to make a wager of some sort? ;)


Trails SC releasing next week is great, but dammit XSeed. I could probably have gotten it Day 1 if it had released during the summer, but now it has to wait until next year sometime.

Aaron D.

Excellent! I've only seen 5 that own it and around 30 added it to their wishlist. Like I posted earlier I am having a good time with it. They should patch in a quick save feature though, having to quit out to the menu to force a save is annoying. Otherwise it'll save whenever you leave a station. I am really liking the soundtrack.

Yeah, I'm pretty smitten with Rebel Galaxy as well. Seems like it came in under the radar for all but the most ardent space sim fans.

The game is fresh, accessible, and an absolute steal at $20. Can't believe it was produced by just two guys and a few contract hires.

It's certainly at the top of my Surprise Hits of 2015 list, right there next to Galactic Keep (iOS). Ironic that the names are so similar.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.



I never expected to see that out on steam. Its one of the better Spider-man games but I don't know how the pc port is. There was a walmart exclusive on disk version. Guess its the same thing.

Ah, well November 25 will be the 5th anniversary of the NA release. Maybe it'll be available on that day because the exclusivity ran out.


- saw that someone mentioned, that Type-0 HD Dota 2 preorder pack is going for 10 bucks
- remembered, i hadnt sold it yet
- installed dota 2 for 13 gb
- start dota 2, get my stuff and close dota 2
- deinstall dota 2
- sell the item on the marketplace
- ???
- Profit


The potential for "Vanillaware on PC" is interesting. I have no idea if they own any of the games they've developed though.

But looking at the games people would generally want, seems like most if not all of the publishers have at least some kind of presence on Steam already. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Also hey more TITS. I still haven't played the first one.
- saw that someone mentioned, that Type-0 HD Dota 2 preorder pack is going for 10 bucks
- remembered, i hadnt sold it yet
- installed dota 2 for 13 gb
- start dota 2, get my stuff and close dota 2
- deinstall dota 2
- sell the item on the marketplace
- ???
- Profit

Yup. I should've held onto it like i planned. Would've made 2 more bucks oh well.
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