NFL 2015 Week 9 |OT| - A Fraud Had Some Nice Shoes


Maybe it's because I'm several glasses of wine deep and watching it for free, but Into Darkness isn't nearly as bad as the nerds said it was.
The league made a mistake by not suspending Pac-Man. Should they now compound that problem by letting Talib off with a fine as well? And where does this end? What can a player on the field do to be suspended, considering that Pac-Man got away with slamming an opponent's head into his helmet? Is that the bar going forward? An incident has to be worse than what Pac-Man did to Cooper to warrant a suspension and anything less gets a fine?

And what is "worse" or "better" than Pac-Man's outburst?

He attempted to assault Cooper with a weapon is basically the worst thing you can do Which is what Pacman did, for one. Talib's is bad and should receive the same punishment that he received.

There are standards. If player does X, then player x gets this punishment. Player Y did the same, he gets the same. That's how any legal system works. There are extenuating circumstances which can lead to an increase of punishment and other things. But that's how it works. League can't pick and choose.. They have to follow the standards set.
Maybe it's because I'm several glasses of wine deep and watching it for free, but Into Darkness isn't nearly as bad as the nerds said it was.

I loved it and even though I haven't watched every star trek eps yet, the nerds make it seem like the show never had ridiculous leaps in logic/tech. I mean TNG had an episode where there was a ghost on the ship.....

Jim Harbaugh had an interesting way to explain his discontent with a weird “intent to deceive” penalty in yesterday’s Michigan victory over Rutgers.

The play: Through a formation change, the Wolverines sent tight end Jake Butt out wide and somehow the Rutgers defense didn’t see him and left him uncovered.

The play was penalized for unclear specific reasons, other than the “intent to deceive” description.

After the game, Harbaugh said the intent was to get a receiver open–and that his QB is coached to recognize that.

Jim Harbaugh said:
We just train our quarterbacks to throw to people that aren’t covered, even if it’s a running play. I was watching an NFL game where they didn’t cover a receiver, and the quarterback handed it off and got maligned by scribes and pundits and so-called experts for not throwing it to him.

Well played sir.


Closest thing to a Harbaugh trollface I could find..


We just train our quarterbacks to throw to people that aren’t covered, even if it’s a running play. I was watching an NFL game where they didn’t cover a receiver, and the quarterback handed it off and got maligned by scribes and pundits and so-called experts for not throwing it to him.



I liked the movies snd that's it. I don't care about the fandom and don't care about the TV show cuz it's boring as fuck.

Benedict's booming voice as Khan is the best.


So, this is kind of actually a good point by PFT Commenter

b/c Ben has been looking like he was on the Lacy diet recently. Most older players embrace fitness and diet in hopes of extending their careers. He was never a thin guy, but he's probably legit husky now
That is moronic.

Most athletes who can't put weight on their legs get out of shape and lose weight. That is to be expected.

Ben has actually lost weight in recent years too, but you have to be healthy to put in that kind of work to begin with.


Colts being inconsistent is all the more infuriating that they're cheesing out stupid wins.

Not really cheesing

We'd win more often if Luck didn't play like shit most of the season.

That said he has a great track record against the Broncos and has a real OC now! Broncos shot themselves in the foot, and they didn't deserve that game.


Maybe it's because I'm several glasses of wine deep and watching it for free, but Into Darkness isn't nearly as bad as the nerds said it was.

It's one of those scenarios where it's a fine action movie, but it's not Star Trek. Although that has more to do with how Star Trek isn't really suited for movies anyway, since it focuses more on societal issues and philosophy rather than the action you'd need in a blockbuster sci fi film


Just be consistent is all I ask.

I'm fine with suspensions or fines as long as they fit the act and are consistent. They never are in the NFL though. That's the problem.

The league is so fucking ridiculous lol

I agree, no consistency whatsoever.


Maybe it's because I'm several glasses of wine deep and watching it for free, but Into Darkness isn't nearly as bad as the nerds said it was.
It was not as good as the first one, which was really good, but it was still a fun movie.

Nerd critics are the fucking worst.

Its amazing how something like Dark Knight offends everyones nerd sensibilities but somehow John Carter and Speed Racer are unknown masterpieces of cinema and art.
What a strange Monday.
On the drive to work, nary a peep was made about the Falcons. It's all Hawks now. Those guys are winning I guess.
Sports new outlets praising Blaine "Damn It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta" Gabbert and shitting on the Falcons from on high.
Gotta hold this L for two fucking weeks.
Holy shit am I salty right now.


It was not as good as the first one, which was really good, but it was still a fun movie.

Nerd critics are the fucking worst.

Its amazing how something like Dark Knight offends everyones nerd sensibilities but somehow John Carter and Speed Racer are unknown masterpieces of cinema and art.

John Carter and Speed Racer are both fun to watch :).

Edit: Everyone knows that Wilfork deserved to be suspended for that. I'm not gonna side with Goodell here, but what Talib did was fucked up and he deserved to be suspended. It was also seven years ago.


Well played sir.

But he did train Kaepernick. That's his quarterback.

Did they make a mistake for not suspending Wilfork for doing the same thing? Or when Timmy Jernigan eye gouged Tom Brady last year?

Yes, definitely. The NFL is run by incompetent morons. There needs to be real consistency in punishments, every week. That's clearly not happening under Goodell and one of countless reasons why he needs to be replaced.


What a strange Monday.
On the drive to work, nary a peep was made about the Falcons. It's all Hawks now. Those guys are winning I guess.
Sports new outlets praising Blaine "Damn It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta" Gabbert and shitting on the Falcons from on high.
Gotta hold this L for two fucking weeks.
Holy shit am I salty right now.

2 weeks?
Falcons are 50 years of L's.

@Tampa Bay
New Orleans

They might beat Jacksonville.
Other than that I wouldn't be surprised if they lost the rest of the way.
They suck. Matt Ryan sucks. Julio sucks. Shanahan sucks. Quinn sucks.
Everyone thought Dan Quinn's big fucking bald head was going to magically fix everything like some kind of glistening crystal ball. But the Falcons are unfixable because they'll always be the Falcons.
Have they thrown Cam Newton under the jail yet for grand theft and attempted murder?

I won't be able to rest easy knowing that that monster is on the loose.


Yes, definitely. The NFL is run by incompetent morons. There needs to be real consistency in punishments, every week. That's clearly not happening under Goodell and one of countless reasons why he needs to be replaced.

We've seen some crazy shit go down on the field without suspensions. Suh, Cherilus, Jernigan, Wilfork, Bennett, Pacman, etc. All fines, no suspensions. All dirty hits.

If they say we are going to enforce with suspensions starting with Talib, then fine that's the standard.

Otherwise, fine the guy and move on.

Kick the can down the road and solve it in the new CBA.


What a strange Monday.
On the drive to work, nary a peep was made about the Falcons. It's all Hawks now. Those guys are winning I guess.
Sports new outlets praising Blaine "Damn It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta" Gabbert and shitting on the Falcons from on high.
Gotta hold this L for two fucking weeks.
Holy shit am I salty right now.

What station were you listening to? I've been listening to the local stations it's been mostly Falcons talk.


Have they thrown Cam Newton under the jail yet for grand theft and attempted murder?

I won't be able to rest easy knowing that that monster is on the loose.

Grand Theft Laptop:

As cops were about to search his room, Newton (then a backup to Florida QB Tim Tebow) was overheard on a cell phone telling someone, “There was a computer and I took it.” After noting that he had thrown the laptop out of the window, Newton remarked, “Huh! Cuz, they bout to search my room.” The football star is pictured in the above mug shot.

After the athlete was placed under arrest, he was handcuffed and walked to a patrol car. That is when Newton’s phone--which had been seized by cops--began vibrating with a series of text messages from accomplice Cesar Perez, who had retrieved the computer from beneath Newton’s window. Unaware that his buddy was in custody, Perez assured Newton that cops, “did not have shit and if they did, he would be under arrest.” Perez advised that Newton should “keep denying it.”

Other records show that when Newton and his father complained about a grand theft charge being filed against the collegiate star, a prosecutor wrote Newton’s lawyer to remind him that his client had already been given “many concessions,” including the dropping of a felony burglary charge and the government’s agreement to allow Newton into a pre-trial intervention program.

Your loss.

yankeehater thinks Bradford is good though, so his opinions on reality aren't meant to be taken without a pile of salt.


So, this is kind of actually a good point by PFT Commenter

b/c Ben has been looking like he was on the Lacy diet recently. Most older players embrace fitness and diet in hopes of extending their careers. He was never a thin guy, but he's probably legit husky now

using a pft poster as some sort of barometer are you fucking kidding you fucking moron. go back into posting your fucking articles pretending to know or care about football christ roll my fucking eyes
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