Here are some of the Epic/Rare camos I've unlocked from common supply drops so far:
waw the game looks awesome on your pc
Just got all the skins for Outrider.
Don't know who to pick next to start getting their skins. Probably Seraph as soon as I unlock her, and then just keep rotating until the prestige.
Depends which ARs you're losing to, some ARs with Stock on like the KN-44 and ICR-1 are really good.
No love for the Guardian or Sentry Gun? I especially love the Sentry Gun. Feels more lethal than previous game. Put down 2 of those suckers and you'll force them to come through 1 lane.
Cerberus is such a little beast, especially when you control it.
Rolling Thunder makes all this noise but hardly gets any kills lol.
Talon is like an annoying mosquito but does some work. I didn't know you could call in 2 of them..
When i'm done with challenges, I'll probably stick with Sentry, Talon and HATR.
I understand losing close range gun battles to SMGs with the Razorback, but constantly losing close range battles to ARs needs to change.
Leveling and prestiging the Drakon has been amazing on huge maps.
Still can't decide to prestige my character. :/
Leveling and prestiging the Drakon has been amazing on huge maps.
Still can't decide to prestige my character. :/
Cross posting thoughts from another thread:
Oh god, folks were right Bloos 3's campaign is trash tier stuff :-/
I'm only at mission 5 but I already just have no clue what the plot of the game is, despite a lack of focus, the game keeps throwing these concepts at you with no context. There is zero sense if world building here, you'd never know it was connected to previous Blops games (well I assume it is given its the same series? :/)
Yeah don't play CoD for plot and all that but it really stands out!
Besides that, it's genuinely frustrating to play, which I can't think I've ever said about CoD before?
Playing solo on normal and it's already a chore, and I assume it's down to the coop focus (why can't devs EVER balance these for one player??).
Maps are huge with tonnes of enemies, many of which are total bullet sponges (wtf are there bullet sponge enemies in CoD?!?) and maybe it's just me but you seem to die way easier than usual.
I'm playing on normal and I've never been so frustrated playing a CoD campaign like this before -_-
I just keep getting flashbacks to MW2 while playing this, it may have had a shite plot, but it's set piece moments were plentiful and well done, this is just shite.
Black Ops trilogy has awful campaigns. This was the icing on the turd.
Only up to mission 4 on the campaign and not enjoying it at all , And quite frankly not a clue what's going on.
It is really damn good. One of my favorite LMGs in the series now. I think I'd rather go Thermal Gorgon if I'm playing tactically though.
Funny seeing the sniper feedback now vs the early comments saying they were underpowered. Glad people are seeing how effective they are. Hopefully Treyarch sees the right comments on sniper rifles. They definitely don't need any buff whatsoever. All of them are ridiculously good in their own ways.
Maybe on PC but for the love of god leave it alone on PS4. The thing would be more OP than what the M8A7 is right now.Funny seeing the sniper feedback now vs the early comments saying they were underpowered. Glad people are seeing how effective they are. Hopefully Treyarch sees the right comments on sniper rifles. They definitely don't need any buff whatsoever. All of them are ridiculously good in their own ways.
Shieva just needs a firerate. It should at least fire as fast as the Drakon.
Jeez the Argus is insane. Glad I gave it another shot, routinely posting huge scores on Redwood of all places. Thing is a beast.
Story of my fucking life lol
Got another care package kill. Love the way his teammate is oblivious to what's happening:
Jeez the Argus is insane. Glad I gave it another shot, routinely posting huge scores on Redwood of all places. Thing is a beast.
Joined a Kill Confirmed match against a couple of Optic guys (checked verified Twitch streams to be sure), didn't do that well but my team managed to win.
First time I went up against some Pro COD players.
Even the charge/burst one? I don't think I've seen a single person use it, and I'm halfway through Prestige 2. Haven't really heard anyone mention it in the OP snipers discussion either.
The burst seems kind of pointless in multiplayer, unless you're trying to blow up scorestreaks.
how do you get replays like that?
I use a man o war with rapid fire and shoot from the hip at close range. I win most close range battles against smgs. Sure, smgs have an advantage up close, but it's never a guarantee.I understand losing close range gun battles to SMGs with the Razorback, but constantly losing close range battles to ARs needs to change.
how do you get replays like that?
also imagine this successfully salting some wounds
I haven't finished it yet but there are a few missions I will go back to.Only up to mission 4 on the campaign and not enjoying it at all , And quite frankly not a clue what's going on.
Most lobbies I'm running into on PC on domination are full of people using the rapid fire sniper rifles, to the point of there probably needing to be something done to them. The "idea" of a sniper rifle should be to reward accuracy, yet I keep running into people with sniper rifles firing as fast as pistols, which is absurd.
This. How can I do this? I must know.