Just Cause 3 |OT| Procedural Chaos


^ they would have gotten ripped apart for releasing a single player game like that a few years ago...

gotsta stay angry.

Älg;190376646 said:
Is anyone else super annoyed by the camera controls in vehicles? I hate how the camera always follows the vehicle, it makes cars super hard to drive, and helicopters are a nightmare to aim.

The helicopters are extra bad, and I really wish it was like in Just Cause 2 where you could aim the weapons independently of the direction you wer flying.

I find helicopters hard to aim and was a bit annoyed there was no separate invert for vehicle controls, or gamepad vs mouse, but that camera auto reset (if that's what you mean by following the vehicle) can be turned off...I think it was in the gameplay options.

There is no other game where I can have so much fun within seconds of spawning...the wingsuit is just too good. Shame there isn't a bit more to the open world - like cool and fun stuff not just easter eggs. Maybe a bit more variety to the environment...


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
What's the point of the "Enter offline mode" option if the game just automatically reconnects at will? Steam's having server issues at the moment, so every five minutes or so I'm greeted with the login overlay. Annoying, to say the least.
Is there anywhere in the game I can reliably find a fighter jet? I've only used one once now, and it was for one of the side activities. I've never found one just sitting around.


Is there anywhere in the game I can reliably find a fighter jet? I've only used one once now, and it was for one of the side activities. I've never found one just sitting around.

Airport bases. Depends on which act you are in you should be able to get one pretty reliably.


Is there anywhere in the game I can reliably find a fighter jet? I've only used one once now, and it was for one of the side activities. I've never found one just sitting around.

I think they are all on the big island. The first rebel base you move to over there has one for sure. The rest are at the big air bases.
Airport bases. Depends on which act you are in you should be able to get one pretty reliably.

I think they are all on the big island. The first rebel base you move to over there has one for sure. The rest are at the big air bases.

Yeah, I just got to the Rebel Base on the big island. Before that I found a strip that had a few jet fighters and a WWII fighter. Looked like a Corsair, but of course it was called something else in-game.


What's the point of the "Enter offline mode" option if the game just automatically reconnects at will? Steam's having server issues at the moment, so every five minutes or so I'm greeted with the login overlay. Annoying, to say the least.
It's incredibly obnoxious. One should be able to disable such features and have them stay off permanently. I don't give a crap if some random player just beat my best time; get this forced online leaderboard shit out of single player games.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Is there any story continuity between these games? Thinking of picking this one up but haven't played 1 or 2.

I think Sheldon is the only recurring NPC. The premise of each of the games really is nothing more than "Here's a territory controlled by a benevolent dictator; subvert him by causing chaos." They're far more about just having your own fun than following a narrative, which essentially exists for the purpose of being able to tick the "Yes, this has a campaign" box.


I think Sheldon is the only recurring NPC. The premise of each of the games really is nothing more than "Here's a territory controlled by a benevolent dictator; subvert him by causing chaos." They're are far more about just having your own fun than following a narrative, which essentially exists for the purpose of being able to tick the "Yes, this has a campaign" box.
Good to know, that's what I've seemed to gather, just wasn't sure if there was any Rico depth or backstory throughout or if he was literally just an action hero who gets shit done. Seems silly to even wonder that though while taking a look at the gameplay and trailers.

Looks like I'll be jumping on here then thanks. On sale for 49 and with GCU and some gift credit I have I'll be jumping in mighty cheap.
What's the point of the "Enter offline mode" option if the game just automatically reconnects at will? Steam's having server issues at the moment, so every five minutes or so I'm greeted with the login overlay. Annoying, to say the least.

Yeah well said. I can see why they added it in (the leaderboards) but it is frustrating. Makes it difficult to use the map when you're in the middle of a base, for example, and it's trying and failing to connect for the sake of something that isn't so important. It still feels like it needed more time in the oven.
Just bought , despite all the load time / frame rate issues I'm still hoping I'll enjoy it.

I had a ton of fun in jc2 so if is just more of the same I'll be happy with that .


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
It sure would be nice if Chaos Millionaire unlocked. 1.012m and counting...

Edit: I'll try again once Squeenix's servers are back up.

Yeah well said. I can see why they added it in (the leaderboards) but it is frustrating. Makes it difficult to use the map when you're in the middle of a base, for example, and it's trying and failing to connect for the sake of something that isn't so important. It still feels like it needed more time in the oven.

Yeah, it's ridiculous.


Stop judging me Rico.



Got nothing to play till Ryu Ga Gotoku Kiwami, Should I pick this up or just wait for RE zero

I'm having a lot of fun with it so far, if you liked JC2 then you'll more than likely enjoy this one as well.

Only complaint so far is the framerate on consoles. There's a story mission that is really bad in particular, looked like it was chugging at below 20 FPS. How that got OK'd for retail baffles me but if Avalanche NY is committed to patching the game I am hopeful they will address these framerate issues soon.


Assuming you're referring to a command centre, there are story missions related to the disabling of CC defences.

I knew there was something... I've just been liberating bases with no regard for the story, and when I got to that spot I died like 20 times from nukes. The funny part is that I liberated it by never touching the ground and just parachuting around the whole time but it took forever.
Those "Failed" pics remind me how much I love the ragdoll physics in JC3. I really enjoy grappling someone's foot to their head and retracting the hooks; for some reason it's hilarious to me watching their leg fly up and kick themselves in the head.


Tried a couple of minutes with the Xbox One version. The frame-rate just kills the experience; so much of the game is in the fluidity of what you can do, and having that play out in slow motion sucks.

Apparently the smoke is the issue, or something? I really hope they can tighten it up because I really want to play Just Cause 3 without cursing the game's performance constantly.
Few hours in and having a lot of fun , except for the bullshit server reconnection crap . Offline mode should stay offline mode until I choose
I'm in chapter 3 half way through and it's saying I need to liberate more of the big island to the north. How many outposts do I need to liberate on that big Island to progress to complete the story. The game is starting to drag and I don't want to to have to liberate more than I have to complete the story.


I'm in chapter 3 half way through and it's saying I need to liberate more of the big island to the north. How many outposts do I need to liberate on that big Island to progress to complete the story. The game is starting to drag and I don't want to to have to liberate more than I have to complete the story.

I feel like its 3 areas but I cant remember precisely. I think when you hover over the mission icon while it is greyed out it will say the number of provinces that need to be taken care of.
Quick question for the PC gamers, did they fix any of the broken settings yet? Like GI, SSAO and most importantly LOD. I wanna enjoy the game but the pop in is just so damn distracting.


I am having a lot of fun on ps4. The framerate gets bad at times though. I really haven't touched the story yet, I have been liberating everything.
I want to join Avalanche, work my way up as manager and fire everyone involved with the vehicle controls in this game, especially the motorcycles. I haven't felt this much rage in a long time from a racing challenge :mad:

How the fuck do you put out a game with vehicle controls this horrible in 2015?


I want to join Avalanche, work my way up as manager and fire everyone involved with the vehicle controls in this game, especially the motorcycles. I haven't felt this much rage in a long time from a racing challenge :mad:

How the fuck do you put out a game with vehicle controls this horrible in 2015?

Why they tied all the upgrades to the awful turd on ice vehicles is beyond me 😒


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I want to join Avalanche, work my way up as manager and fire everyone involved with the vehicle controls in this game, especially the motorcycles. I haven't felt this much rage in a long time from a racing challenge :mad:

How the fuck do you put out a game with vehicle controls this horrible in 2015?

You can change vehicles, although they still have to be a vague match for the challenge type (e.g. no switching a motorbike for a car). I don't think I ever used a motorbike for a challenge precisely because I'd read numerous reports about how poorly they handled.

Also, still no luck with the Chaos Millionaire achievement. I'm certain it won't unlock until my score has been uploaded to the leaderboards.
Just loaded up the game after a couple of weeks away waiting for a patch (on PC). Performance is worse than ever, I'm talking unpatched Arkham Knight levels of stutter. It's pretty much unplayable for me, at least if I want to enjoy myself. The game used to get extemely stuttery every time I completed a challenge and it showed the video for the new ability I'd unlocked, but now it just straight up freezes for 10-15 seconds. Absolutely terrible.


I want to join Avalanche, work my way up as manager and fire everyone involved with the vehicle controls in this game, especially the motorcycles. I haven't felt this much rage in a long time from a racing challenge :mad:

How the fuck do you put out a game with vehicle controls this horrible in 2015?

I bought this because I figured, at worst, it would be Just Cause 2 with a wingsuit and better vehicle controls. Then I discover, to my confused horror, that the vehicle controls are just as bad or possibly even worse than Just Cause 2.

So incredibly bad. Serves me right for pre-ordering a game, I guess.
I got bored of this a lot quicker than I thought I would based off my enjoyment for JC2. Not sure why though. I can't put my finger on it but JC3 is just missing something.


I want to join Avalanche, work my way up as manager and fire everyone involved with the vehicle controls in this game, especially the motorcycles. I haven't felt this much rage in a long time from a racing challenge :mad:

How the fuck do you put out a game with vehicle controls this horrible in 2015?

Yeah these are, without a doubt, the worst controls for vehicles i've ever had the displeasure of playing with in an open world game.
It rivals Tony Hawk Underground in shittyness, and a big part of it is the drunken camera they went for, that literally makes me motion sick when i play.

I played several hours now, but i just refuse to use anything that isn't an helicopter or a plane (and even planes could use a better camera).
I'm having a lot of fun with it so far, if you liked JC2 then you'll more than likely enjoy this one as well.

Only complaint so far is the framerate on consoles. There's a story mission that is really bad in particular, looked like it was chugging at below 20 FPS. How that got OK'd for retail baffles me but if Avalanche NY is committed to patching the game I am hopeful they will address these framerate issues soon.
I enjoyed 2 but never finished the story the story was wack


I played several hours now, but i just refuse to use anything that isn't an helicopter or a plane (and even planes could use a better camera).

Unless it's a tank why would you, regardless of controls. People really want to drive cars around in this game?
First time playing it post patch, going for the platinum now. I'm glad they fixed the plane glitch so that they are actually usable now. Motorcycles are still garbage when it comes to handling, cars are somewhat better but still trash and spin out/ get wrecked when they git the geometry. I feel like that the devs should have copied Saints Row 3/4 vehicle handling mechanics. They should be disposable resources that cause explosions and not what we got with this game.


Unless it's a tank why would you, regardless of controls. People really want to drive cars around in this game?
Good point.
They should just cut civilian vehicles, concentrate on stuff that actually enriches the gameplay loop of destroying shit.

For example the mod that let you spawn an anti-air missle launcher instead of a pointless monstertruck, underlines this fact.
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