Just Cause 3 |OT| Procedural Chaos


What time is it?
I've played 23 hours and it hasn't got any better. Movement/traversal in this game seems to be a love it or hate it thing, and I think those that played JC2 might lean towards the latter. Just an impression I've got from reading comments.

I absolutely love Just Cause 2 and the wing suit is about the only thing in Just Cause 3 I'm enjoying. It did require some getting used to and a few upgrades but it's a really fun traversal mechanic. The wing suit challenges really make me wish we'd get another Pilot Wings. It's too bad everything else about this game is such a let down.
It's been awhile since I've played JC2 so I had no idea if I was just misremembering the mechanics or what. I've finally gotten the hang of the wing suit but...I dunno. I'm not having nearly as much fun with this as I did JC2. It just doesn't seem to be as much fun to play. I'll give it a couple more hours before I decide to delete it or not.

I'm enjoying it, but this isn't nearly as good as the last game.


liberated everything and beat the game. 25 or so hours. i'm done.

probably give the game a 7 or so. wingsuit is by far the best thing in the game, and of course the explosions are nice. just was way too repetitive.


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
I'm having so much fucking fun with this game.

I keep putting boosters under cars and jumping off the daredevil ramps while riding the car like a hover board Lol

This is the best sandbox game ever. No question.

Freedom of movement is unparalleled, and the ease of mobility is such that nearly everything I do in each encounter is new and fresh and awesome.

Fucking love it.
I don't play too many open world games but I enjoy this one more than GTAV. I'm one of the few that can't get into that game series though so take what I say with a grain of salt.


Yeah, I'm gonna send this back. Been playing for about 6 hours and this just isn't fun. The horrible loading times, constant disconnections that require a 30 seconds reconnect every time you pause even if you go into offline mode, unfun challenges, boring story, weird unlock system, etc. Just not worth it.

Oh well.
I'm posting here for my buddy. He bought the game on release and hasn't managed to run the game for more than 30 minutes without the game crashing out and having massive FPS drops.

His Specs are:
3.6ghz i5 2500k
8gb 1333mhz RAM
850mhz 2gb Radeon 6950

Installed on an SSD too.

I'm posting on behalf of him, he's had no luck with any of the patches. My only suggestion was to upgrade his RAM but he ended up with dud RAM so had to send it back... Pretty unlucky.
It's weird, I actually had much more fun with Mad Max than this game. The Wasteland looked more interesting, had a ton more atmosphere and personality, the day/night cycle was better, combat was more satisfying, and progression was more satisfying. They're both highly flawed games, don't get me wrong, but JC3 has no spark. The wingsuit's amazing, as is the ambient music, but beyond those......
new PC patch fixes the game crashing to desktop when exiting

I looked up the patch notes. The patch released 12/21/15 for PC it seems, not sure if it came to PS4/XBO; seems PC-only. Here are the notes for reference:

Patch 1.021 Now Live on PC!

Hot on the heels of last week’s game update, we’re bringing you another patch specifically tailored to deal with a pressing PC issue.

With the 1.021 patch ( 99 MB ), you can expect:
Improved Stability When Exiting To Desktop
Improved Memory Management

Improved Stability When Exiting To Desktop
As some of you will be aware, there was an issue that would sometimes cause the game to crash when exiting to desktop. The cause of this issue has been identified and addressed with this update.

Improved Memory Management
In addition to fixing the exit to desktop crash, this update also improves Just Cause 3’s memory management across a variety of hardware configurations. Some systems will feel this beneficial impact more than others.

We will continue to work towards introducing more performance improvements in the future, if you didn’t see an improvement today, you may well see benefits from some of the optimizations we’re working on at the moment.

Our continued thanks go out to you all for your perseverance in helping us to track down and crush bugs found within the game. Those of you still experiencing issues, fear not, we’re working on further improvements and updates to bring to Just Cause 3.

If you are still encountering any issues following the patch, please contact our support departments in Europe of North America.
I'm playing just cause 3 on ps4 and having a problem I can't shoot anymore with my assault riffle and the other gun keeps firing by itself. I'm not pressing any buttons when this happens. I tried taking the disc out and restarting my ps4, but that doesn't do anything. I'm wondering if anyone else is facing this problem?


I'm playing just cause 3 on ps4 and having a problem I can't shoot anymore with my assault riffle and the other gun keeps firing by itself. I'm not pressing any buttons when this happens. I tried taking the disc out and restarting my ps4, but that doesn't do anything. I'm wondering if anyone else is facing this problem?

Sounds like your R2 is faulty or the controller might be dying.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Does anyone know why I can't start any bike/ATV challenges that are on my map? I'm on the first Island and I have a lot of white Bike/ATV-icons that I can't find on the ground to start.


Gold Member
Haven't yet picked up the game on PC yet, mainly because of my strong concerns with that online leaderboards nonsense. Are people still having trouble performance-wise or otherwise in relation to them, or has the issue been addressed by Avalanche (or is there a reliable work-around)?


Haven't yet picked up the game on PC yet, mainly because of my strong concerns with that online leaderboards nonsense. Are people still having trouble performance-wise or otherwise in relation to them, or has the issue been addressed by Avalanche (or is there a reliable work-around)?

I haven't experienced any degradation in performance because of them, they're just annoying as fuck. Thankfully all you have to do is block the JC3 executable on your firewall to completely eliminate them (and occasionally open it back up so Denuvo can do it's DRM phone-home).


Does anyone know why I can't start any bike/ATV challenges that are on my map? I'm on the first Island and I have a lot of white Bike/ATV-icons that I can't find on the ground to start.

Are they races or bike jumps? If it is a race then I suspect you can't start one if there is no bike available to use? Maybe you have to chop one first.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Are they races or bike jumps? If it is a race then I suspect you can't start one if there is no bike available to use? Maybe you have to chop one first.

OHFORFUCKSSAKE. I'm an idiot. They're ramps. I had no idea they were actually marked on the maps. (They weren't in JC2.)

Thank you. (banging head)


Gold Member
I haven't experienced any degradation in performance because of them, they're just annoying as fuck. Thankfully all you have to do is block the JC3 executable on your firewall to completely eliminate them (and occasionally open it back up so Denuvo can do it's DRM phone-home).



I liberated Manea and went to the garage to process vehicles, and Mario told me to meet him on the outskirts or the border of the town and I don't see it in the map.

Since then, I just went to three other towns and liberated them. I don't know where to find him. Is this just the case of causing enough chaos to move forward?


I liberated Manea and went to the garage to process vehicles, and Mario told me to meet him on the outskirts or the border of the town and I don't see it in the map.

Since then, I just went to three other towns and liberated them. I don't know where to find him. Is this just the case of causing enough chaos to move forward?

No, chaos limits don't exist for mission unlocks anymore. Zoom out on your map and look for a golden bull skull icon. You might just missing the logo. Use map filters to help you out if need be.


Likely to be eaten by a grue

Just Clause
Game is on sale as of today:

Microsoft - Just Cause 3 Standard Edition / XL Edition
Runs from 12/22 - 12/29
20% Discount ($47.99 - Standard / $67.98 - XL Edition)

Steam - Just Cause 3 Standard Edition / XL Bundle
Runs from 12/22 - 1/4
20% Discount ($47.99 - Standard / $67.98 - XL Edition)


Game is on sale as of today:

Microsoft - Just Cause 3 Standard Edition / XL Edition
Runs from 12/22 - 12/29
20% Discount ($47.99 - Standard / $67.98 - XL Edition)

Steam - Just Cause 3 Standard Edition / XL Bundle
Runs from 12/22 - 1/4
20% Discount ($47.99 - Standard / $67.98 - XL Edition)

Not bad. Square Enix seems to like holiday sales


Thinking about getting this for 25€, do you think it is worth the price? This would be my first Just Cause, and it really caught my attention after watching some gameplays, I'm in the mood for some chaos and senseless destruction. Does it become repetitive after 10-15 hours?


What's different and apparently worse about the traversal mechanics compared to Just Cause 2?
I assume you're all referring to the use of the grappling hook and parachute, that seems bizarre, I'd be interested to read some elaborations on this subject.
What's different and apparently worse about the traversal mechanics compared to Just Cause 2?
I assume you're all referring to the use of the grappling hook and parachute, that seems bizarre, I'd be interested to read some elaborations on this subject.

Only seems better to me. Parachute controls are similar to JC2, but now we have the wing suit on top of that which is insanely fun and useful.


Does it become repetitive after 10-15 hours?

Yeah, it gets repetitive and still needs some patchwork. Not sure when the next patch will be out since I'm guessing the devs are on vacation for the holidays. For the price I guess you can just hold onto the game until it has had more work done on it.


And I think I might be done with this game until there are more updates to it. I want to keep going back and play it but each session I am hit with something annoying so I better hold off until later. Too many games to play at the moment to stick with a game that needs so much more work.
Thinking about getting this for 25€, do you think it is worth the price? This would be my first Just Cause, and it really caught my attention after watching some gameplays, I'm in the mood for some chaos and senseless destruction. Does it become repetitive after 10-15 hours?

It's a repetitive game like Just Cause 2 was. You have to keep liberating towns and settlements, which means doing a lot of the same things. But it's like an action movie where you're blowing shit up and causing huge explosions, plus have an arsenal at your disposal.
So far I'm pretty disappointed in this game. There's no real differences in the areas... It's almost all the same. Just Cause 2 had so many different areas and climates, here's just... da beech or a small military compound. Story missions are shit but that's to be expected. Movement is better, but because of that, outside of a few story missions i've never entered a car/tank/heli. It's almost pointless.


Just gone on sale on PS4, is performance really as bad as it's made out to be?

IMO the slow downs are very noticeable and can be a pain sometimes....I have more complaints with the online login crap. Overall I'm loving it..I do find it lacking something JC2 had but I am still enjoying it.


Is anyone else super annoyed by the camera controls in vehicles? I hate how the camera always follows the vehicle, it makes cars super hard to drive, and helicopters are a nightmare to aim.

The helicopters are extra bad, and I really wish it was like in Just Cause 2 where you could aim the weapons independently of the direction you wer flying.


Got this for Christmas and popped it in. Load times were long, but after a bit of gameplay I went into the map screen and decided to go over to the progress tab. Got into the leaderboards tab on the way and the game locked up. Waited more than a minute before closing the application. What a mess.


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
hai gaf

im having a ridiculous amount of fun with this game


Guys. I'm getting really bored. I didn't do many challenges since they are boring too. So I'm focused on freeing up provinces using the same weapons/tactics and playing through story missions. I am not into collectibles. So what do you guys suggest in order to freshen things up?

I am on act 3
Freeing up provinces is getting tedious.
So I'm focused on freeing up provinces using the same weapons/tactics and playing through story missions. I am not into collectibles. So what do you guys suggest in order to freshen things up?
Why endlessly recycle the same tactics? It sounds like you're needlessly punishing yourself. Steal a helicopter and blast everything from the sky. Tether a car to a chopper and use it like a wrecking ball. Rain C4 down from the sky while you're parachuting overhead. Try finding creative ways to pull stuff down with your tethers. Swap out your weapons every province to try to keep things from getting too stale.

If you're determined to do the same things the same way in every location, you might as well give up on Just Cause 3 and move onto a more traditional game.

With the variety of challenges, I'm surprised you find every single one of them uninteresting. My approach was to try to get at least 3 gears in each of them (which I could generally do without too much effort) to get me mods pretty quickly, and then I'd retry older challenges later with new mods to try to 4/5 gear them. I'll never get five gears in every challenge, but I did well enough by the end to get all the mods.

Two of my favorite vehicles are behind collectibles: the stunt jumps (which I thought were fun, anyway) and the audio tapes.


Guys. I'm getting really bored. I didn't do many challenges since they are boring too. So I'm focused on freeing up provinces using the same weapons/tactics and playing through story missions. I am not into collectibles. So what do you guys suggest in order to freshen things up?

I am on act 3
Freeing up provinces is getting tedious.

You'll have to switch up your tactics. I stopped doing the challenges as well. I wanted to freshen up stuff by limiting myself to one weapon to liberate an area or use as many tethers as possible to destroy a place.

To keep things mildly interesting you'll have to use some of your own creativity to keep going. Maybe start with something simple like limiting the number of enemies you kill in a base or only allowing yourself to destroy chaos objects with a certain vehicle type.

It might be good to skip freeing the provinces and just do story missions and wrap up the game.

Is the stuff you want locked behind mods? You might be able to force yourself through the challenges for a few gears each.


It's weird, I actually had much more fun with Mad Max than this game. The Wasteland looked more interesting, had a ton more atmosphere and personality, the day/night cycle was better, combat was more satisfying, and progression was more satisfying. They're both highly flawed games, don't get me wrong, but JC3 has no spark. The wingsuit's amazing, as is the ambient music, but beyond those......

I can see that.
I think it's one of the best looking games yet, and i think the WingSuit is brilliant (even if it takes a bit to learn to control it, which isn't a bad thing)... but beyond that i had to mod it a lot to start having serious fun with it.

Spawning an anti-air Sam, is pretty cool.

Also wanted to say, JC3 is one of the few games that actually does "god rays" right.
Overall its fun.. The wingsuit was a genius idea.

My issues:

This game has crashed my PS4 at least 3 or 4 times.

I never cry about framerate like some gamers do... I couldnt care less if its 30fps or 60fps, as long as its steady. But I gotta say, this game has framerate problems...

I love open world games, but I hate side challenges...I HATE THEM. The fact that I'm forced to do these challenges in order to get upgrades pisses me off to no end.
Loving this always online future, seeing "connection lost" messages every ten minutes - wait a minute or so and it eventually lets you continue in offline mode, until you press the map button and it automatically reconnects to online mode! Wonderful.
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