i ate an entire dominos pizza and cheese stick order over the summer and i've legitimately never felt so bad after eating anything ever without it being food poisoning. not even nauseous, just comatose

I had Dominos last night before the thread was even mentioning it.
For bad fast food pizza, it's still pretty great. Their pizza rewards of a free medium every 6 orders of $10 isn't bad either for a pizza reward program.
Ended up with 3 of their medium pans (1 free with rewards) and some breadsticks for $20. Not a bad deal at all for what you get.
This is true. Though I haven't had it in years because there aren't any in a near neighborhood. I used to eat it all the time.why would you get dominos when you can get papa johns
it's better
I sent this in as an email to the Bombcast, but it probably won't get read, so I'll ask here as well.
Why do you guys think there's such a stigma socially about alcoholic beverages that taste good? Smirnoff Ice, ciders, wine coolers, etc. Stuff on the weaker end of the spectrum that tastes better (or at least sweeter) than your typical beer or hard liquor. They talked about it a bit on the Ryckertcast, especially as something guys do to each other. Why? "Real men" are only supposed to get drunk on stuff that tastes mostly like either piss or fire?
It's something that's always bugged me since I started drinking.
why did people order Dominos?
I'm going to be starting my job as a Domino's delivery expert soon so I hope you all tipped your delivery person something, hopefully well but I'm not going to hold my breath.
Bruh, nothing beats half off Papa John's coupons. I can get a pizza, cheesesticks and a big ass brownie or cookie for less than $20 with a tip. Can't beat it.
You don't know this song from life? Pony is one of the best songs.
That 6-pack is kinda scaring me...
Tano Yuka says hi
Tano Yuka says hi
Tano Yuka says hi
thanks, stump, now i've got a new fetish
thanks, stump, now i've got a new fetish
You mean you didn't love the pack before?
Tano Yuka says hi
One of the four talented cake makers will have their winning creation front and center at a huge bash celebrating Disney's newest Star Wars video game and walk out $10,000 richer.
Pieces are falling into place as to why Jeff stepped up his baking game;
I'm slowly running out of old premium content to go through and i'm think of doing the Persona 4 endurance run when that happens. Is the series worth that huge time commitment?
I'm slowly running out of old premium content to go through and i'm think of doing the Persona 4 endurance run when that happens. Is the series worth that huge time commitment?
I'm slowly running out of old premium content to go through and i'm think of doing the Persona 4 endurance run when that happens. Is the series worth that huge time commitment?
content drought is real, this might be the worst single page in GAF GB thread history
pretty much the best ER on the site. so wish they did Golden for all the new content.
pretty much the best ER on the site. so wish they did Golden for all the new content.
I came close to buying a PSTV today to play Golden but managed to resist and thought I could instead just watch the endurance run. Did I make a poor choice?
I came close to buying a PSTV today to play Golden but managed to resist and thought I could instead just watch the endurance run. Did I make a poor choice?
I'm going through P4G on a PSTV and all I can say is... do it.
PSTV + P4G was how i played it and it was awesome. and yes, vanilla P4 is missing a ton of new content in Golden so you should play it. i didn't watch the ER until after i beat Golden with True Ending. WORTH IT
Gahhh. >.<
Where does one get a white PSTV?
Get an actual vita.
Specifically get a white/pink vita.
Sweet. I didn't know there were other SMM players in here. I will give your level a go soon!