I switched to an alt account to ditch my embarrassing tag so I could be an embarrassing Naughty Dog fanboy in peace. Ask me anything!
Looks super fun! Hopefully it turns out great!
Looks super fun! Hopefully it turns out great!
KAre you kidding? They just showed mindless boring behind cover shooting upon bullet-sponge enemies.
Some of us like mindless boring behind cover shooters with bullet-sponge enemies though. Not every game can be a fucking masterpiece.
So that's it? Two extremes? Either it's boring generic rubbish or it's a masterpiece?
GAF eating some crow it seems. Game looks like Destiny without the boring space/sci-fi shit and much better looking locations.
Old gameplay pictures. Share your own compilations for comparison's sake.
Trolling aside, most of GAF have likely never played a game by Massive Entertainment (since they've been RTS PC-only up to this point). I imagine most saw that they were purchased by Ubisoft and immediately jumped to "lulz Ubisoft" drive-by opinions. So many Division threads were nothing but drive-by posts in the wake of Watch Dogs and Unity, and it's somewhat understandable.
Massive is an excellent developer, and Ubisoft has given them a lot of resources to realize this game (more development time, brought on a bigger team, let them develop their own engine, etc). This type of game is something completely new for Massive, but I've always had faith they'd pull through.
Yeah. People should look up "The Execution" mission. Even on PS4 it looks spectacular and truly next-gen. Sure, it runs like crap, but it's still gorgeous. And 1440p Ultra ACU is a truly wonderful experience.
Trolling aside, most of GAF have likely never played a game by Massive Entertainment (since they've been RTS PC-only up to this point). I imagine most saw that they were purchased by Ubisoft and immediately jumped to "lulz Ubisoft" drive-by opinions. So many Division threads were nothing but drive-by posts in the wake of Watch Dogs and Unity, and it's somewhat understandable.
Massive is an excellent developer, and Ubisoft has given them a lot of resources to realize this game (more development time, brought on a bigger team, let them develop their own engine, etc). This type of game is something completely new for Massive, but I've always had faith they'd pull through.
I played Assassin's Creed II and wrote off the series at that point, but I've been seriously thinking about picking up AC Unity just to experience the visuals on PC.
It's going to have to be ridiculously cheap because I'm not a fan of the simiplistic design and, of course, forced Uplay.
dat looming downgrade, but I guess I'm a believer now since that 3min vid actually got me hopeful for the game
Believer in what?
Are you kidding? They just showed mindless boring behind cover shooting upon bullet-sponge enemies.
You wrote off the series after the best game in the franchise?
I played Assassin's Creed II and wrote off the series at that point, but I've been seriously thinking about picking up AC Unity just to experience the visuals on PC.
It's going to have to be ridiculously cheap because I'm not a fan of the simiplistic design and, of course, forced Uplay.
Are you kidding? Someone things a game looks fun and it bothers you enough to post this?
Are you kidding? They just showed mindless boring behind cover shooting upon bullet-sponge enemies.
Feeling a little more optimistic about the game in general but end-game is still rather concerning. Once you complete the story, are the dark zones the only area left to loot etc in a dungeon sense? PvP is fine but I prefer high difficulty activities to complete PvE. I'd imagine if there was such a thing, they'd show it.
I'm not allowed to question your definition of fun?
It wasn't directed to me, but anyways:
I miss high TTK. It puts strategic gameplay upfront, ahead of twitchy reactions. It usually means you have to expertly move around the map and figure out new ways to tackle enemies, instead of just pulling auto-aim with L2 and pushing R2 as quickly as you can.
Besides, they showed some pretty different enemies and settings, something I wasn't expecting from such a game (a Ubisoft one, nonetheless). I expected a monotone, online focused New York, I saw plenty of different factions and underground scenarios.
The only thing that makes me less excited is that it is online only, but the trailer was ace, nonetheless.
No. Fun is subjective. You can't call someone else on their definition judging them by your own.
You think it looks boring, good for you.
The high TTK in itself is not the problem, the issue is that it will be used as an excuse for bad, uninteresting AI.
Hm, how do you know that?
This is actually my main concern regarding this game.
Is there any other endgame activities, especially pve, other than the dark zone?
I'm not 100% against pvp, but if it's the only option I can say goodbye to this game completely.
That's how game design works and has worked for a very long time, the gameplay shown so far shows it.
What a fantastic revelation. Did I say otherwise somewhere?
That does not prevent me from questioning or criticizing what you think.
"High TTK = boring AI" is an absurd statement.
You're ridiculous.What a fantastic revelation. Did I say otherwise somewhere?
That does not prevent me from questioning or criticizing what you think.
What a fantastic revelation. Did I say otherwise somewhere?
That does not prevent me from questioning or criticizing what you think.
That's how game design works and has worked for a very long time, the gameplay shown so far shows it.
The high TTK in itself is not the problem, the issue is that it will be used as an excuse for bad, uninteresting AI.
I'm not allowed to question your definition of fun?
Ubisoft is funding them, they have full control over them, they take all the shots in the end. The only reason they allowed them to create their own engine is for internal use for other titles.
Are you kidding? They just showed mindless boring behind cover shooting upon bullet-sponge enemies.
Is that how you get your kicks, criticising someone for thinking a game looks fun?
I'm done here.
The high TTK in itself is not the problem, the issue is that it will be used as an excuse for bad, uninteresting AI.
Seems like you are going to be quite the great poster and a fantastic addition to GAF....
On topic, I have been going over the videos with a fine tooth comb, and looking at some of the online comparisons. Most of the effects from the original reveal seem to still be in.
The ones that are up in the air are some of the "procedural destruction" and the Global Illumination, which looked great, but seems to be missing from all XBO footage. Hopefully it is retained on PC. Because that alone made the game look soooo much better.
Also one of the videos noticed ice/snow no longer melts with fire/explosions. At least in the latest footage. Along with some real time reflections being replaced by cube maps, although the ground seems to still use screenspace.
Overall, still a great looking game regardless, but I just really hope they still retained the ability to crank it up to 11 on PC.
I played Assassin's Creed II and wrote off the series at that point, but I've been seriously thinking about picking up AC Unity just to experience the visuals on PC.
It's going to have to be ridiculously cheap because I'm not a fan of the simiplistic design and, of course, forced Uplay.
So that's it? Two extremes? Either it's boring generic rubbish or it's a masterpiece?
AC Syndicate and AC Black Flag are legitimately great games - even outside the realm os the Assassin's Creed series.
Unity is also very good, and graphically it is a masterpiece. Gameplaywise it is still deeply flawed like 1, 2, Broth, Rev, 3 and Rogue.
Somehow Syndicate and BF have elevated themselves above that tedium.
Also every single game in the series is a masterpiece of world design, even the gameplay and encounter design is often messed up. Like, I buy them all happily full price because the gameworld are just so mindblowing and fantastic to be in.
In Mart's defence, you seem to be making the same distinction. In your argument "cover mechanics" = "boring and mindless".
I don't think the gameplay on show looks very good at all either, but I'm not going to go deep into hyperbole like you are. You can't possibly no this stuff until you play the game.
If you tried the alpha then came to this conclusion; fair enough.
Well it seems like it did work for other people, as the interest/hype level is increasing.I said that cover mechanics + bullet sponge enemies + unchallenging mindless shooting mechanics = boring.
This is taken from marketing material that is supposed to excite you and make you interested in the game, it's supposed to be showing the best that the game has to offer, and this is what we get?
Well it seems like it did work for other people, as the interest/hype level is increasing.
We got that for you the game is boring, it doesn't have to be like that for everyone else.
Personally, I can't wait for it to be out and try it on with my friends.
How are you measuring hype?
Is the Xbox branding just marketing exclusivity or is there also content involved?
It wouldn't surprise me if they announce exclusive content later on if the Xbox One got an exclusive alpha, but as of right now nothing announce iirc
The Xbox One version of The Division will receive exclusive content first.
The news was revealed during Microsoft E3 2014 press conference. Unfortunately, no concrete details were revealed just yet.
Over the last couple of years, Ubisoft has tended to partner with Sony when it comes to exclusive content. Most recently, the PlayStation versions of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag and Watch Dogs featured additional missions. It's likely the exclusive Xbox One version of The Division will contain something similar.
The Division Gameplay Demo - E3 2014
Recently delayed to 2015, Tom Clancys The Division hopes to mix single-player third-person action games with elements of a MMORPG. Utilizing the Snowdrop Engine, Ubisoft Massive is developing The Division with the Reflections and Red Storm studios, and they are focusing on survivalist themes for this new franchise.
The Division, which has similar aspects to popular games like The Last of Us and Day Z, is set to release next year on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
Find much more information on The Division on IGN's Wiki.
The Xbox One version of Tom Clancy's The Division is available for pre-order on Amazon.
I said that cover mechanics + bullet sponge enemies + unchallenging mindless shooting mechanics = boring.
This is taken from marketing material that is supposed to excite you and make you interested in the game, it's supposed to be showing the best that the game has to offer, and this is what we get?