It's now on YouTube. Here is an English version from Ubisoft's YT:
Says not available
It's now on YouTube. Here is an English version from Ubisoft's YT:
Says not available
EDIT: The digital version doesn't have the Guaranteed Beta Access listed on the page. Choose the disk version if you're just going to cancel it anyway.
Yes you do
So if I preorder right now, I get the code from Amazon immediately, right?
Upgrade confirmed? Looks amazing.
The Community Intelligence page is super down for me
Does steam charge you right away for preorders?
Now available to pre order on EU PSN guess they decided to add it at last :x
Is this a trailer for the Forums? Is this where we are?
Regardless, I already pre-ordered.
There are different types of pistols. semi-auto, auto, magnums. Also sniper rifles, bolt action, markman rifles and shotguns. I don't know if bows will be in the game.
So you always have a sidearm that has unlimited ammo. I also encountered a shotgun and different SMGs. I personally didn't find any sniper rifles but I imagine they're in there. Have doubts about bows though, but hard to know for sure based off the alpha.
Here you go:Is there a post in this thread that details how beta access works?
If I buy this, it'd be PS4 DD. But people comparing it to Destiny is a major turn-off. Making the prospect of a blind-buy a resounding "fuck no".
Thank you, Xion.
Edit: I have to pay $70 for a preorder? lol no. Thanks anyway.
So do you get to go to all the boroughs or is there going to be a Staten Island dlc or something.
Is there a post in this thread that details how beta access works?
If I buy this, it'd be PS4 DD. But people comparing it to Destiny is a major turn-off. Making the prospect of a blind-buy a resounding "fuck no".
Thank you, Xion.
Edit: I have to pay $70 for a preorder? lol no. Thanks anyway.
Thank you, Xion.
Edit: I have to pay $70 for a preorder? lol no. Thanks anyway.
I think by saying its "like Destiny", people are saying that this is not really meant to be played solo. Its a multiplayer game.
I think it looks great, and the urge to pre-order is strong, but I have to see how micro-transactions effect the game - because I hope that any question of whether or not people can spend money to buy gear for this game is non-existent. If I'm a single player and I want to go to the PVP zone, how do I do that? Can I venture out alone? Though its been said that that is not how to play the game, I think its interesting that-that could be the case...if I have to sit in a lobby of any kind after leaving my base, the game (to me) loses points, because then it is like Destiny. tl;dr If theres a go-to-orbit, like in Destiny, I...I'll...I'll still get it but won't be happy about it.
Haven't gotten the beta code yet from Amazon. Germany btw.
Forgive me, I don't ever buy physical games, so I'm not familiar with the process. But I get to the point of finalizing the transaction and it sure appears they are going to tender right there. No indication that will happen later. Also the pre-order guarantee states any price change between now and release will be "refunded to your card". So please forgive me, they make it quite confusing.The entire point is you don't have to pay anything for the pre-order.
This is why I was interested in the beta. Trying not to blind-buy anymore.I think by saying its "like Destiny", people are saying that this is not really meant to be played solo. Its a multiplayer game.
I think it looks great, and the urge to pre-order is strong, but I have to see how micro-transactions effect the game - because I hope that any question of whether or not people can spend money to buy gear for this game is non-existent. If I'm a single player and I want to go to the PVP zone, how do I do that? Can I venture out alone? Though its been said that that is not how to play the game, I think its interesting that-that could be the case...if I have to sit in a lobby of any kind after leaving my base, the game (to me) loses points, because then it is like Destiny.
tl;dr If theres a go-to-orbit, like in Destiny, I...I'll...I'll still get it but won't be happy about it.
I think by saying its "like Destiny", people are saying that this is not really meant to be played solo. Its a multiplayer game.
I think it looks great, and the urge to pre-order is strong, but I have to see how micro-transactions effect the game - because I hope that any question of whether or not people can spend money to buy gear for this game is non-existent. If I'm a single player and I want to go to the PVP zone, how do I do that? Can I venture out alone? Though its been said that that is not how to play the game, I think its interesting that-that could be the case...if I have to sit in a lobby of any kind after leaving my base, the game (to me) loses points, because then it is like Destiny.
tl;dr If theres a go-to-orbit, like in Destiny, I...I'll...I'll still get it but won't be happy about it.
ACU wasn't downgraded. WD had to be downgraded due to the fact that it was cross gen. Granted, this trailer is probably the PC version. Have to say i'm not looking forward to the inevitable leaked copy with potato videos/poor screenshots thread. We had one for ACU and people were saying it looks worse than AC4...
I think by saying its "like Destiny", people are saying that this is not really meant to be played solo. Its a multiplayer game.
I think it looks great, and the urge to pre-order is strong, but I have to see how micro-transactions effect the game - because I hope that any question of whether or not people can spend money to buy gear for this game is non-existent. If I'm a single player and I want to go to the PVP zone, how do I do that? Can I venture out alone? Though its been said that that is not how to play the game, I think its interesting that-that could be the case...if I have to sit in a lobby of any kind after leaving my base, the game (to me) loses points, because then it is like Destiny.
tl;dr If theres a go-to-orbit, like in Destiny, I...I'll...I'll still get it but won't be happy about it.
I would just like to point out that I see nothing wrong with any of those posts.
Dam that is a bummer.Pretty sure the map interface was changed, but I can't find any proof.
Also the glass getting pierced looks like garbage...or at least it did in the alpha. Hope it improves by the time the game is released
The base/hub areas and the open world are completely seamless, there's no equivalent of Destiny's orbit loading/matchmaking stage.
And you can definitely go into the pvp areas alone. It'll obviously be more risky than going in with a group, and there may be some encounters that aren't really possible solo, but there's nothing stopping you trying (and given that anyone can drop group at any point and shoot you in the back, even grouping up isn't exactly risk-free).
And remember that just because people can be dicks, doesn't necessarily mean they will be - they released some statistics after the alpha, and something like only 10% of players ever went rogue (ie, attacked other non-rogue players). The dark zone is a pvp-enabled area, but the primary source of loot there is still pve combat against AI.
How do you fast travel between areas? Trying to understand how the lack of destiny orbit mechanic would work.
How do you fast travel between areas? Trying to understand how the lack of destiny orbit mechanic would work.
Darkzone you can do by yourself also. After playing the alpha i noticed alot of people prefer just to extract their loot also instead of going roque and shoot you. Sure its tense when standing their for the chopper to come but its not that everytime you have loot you get shot.