Have they said if you will get anything in the full game for playing the beta?
100% sharpness is just bleh:
Not yet, been playing solo and I didn't want to go in there alone. Trying to find my mic so I can party up with people and give it another shot.
100% sharpness is just bleh:
Crikey, it's quite a looker on PS4! the detail level is pretty incredible, with the IQ and performance to match. They've certainly delivered on the tech side of things.And yes, a mention for the music aswell, very nice indeed.
yeah! Thought the same thing. As of now, I've been able to see all three versions, and man, despite the downgrade, the game looks pretty freaking fantastic.
Also, not a huge PC player, but god damn you guys must be happy about all those graphical options to tinker with
haha been playing this with a friend just exploring.
game looks fucking amazing, the city is crazy detailed, we found buildings to go in,secret rooftop cashes, the underground tunnels and we haven't done a single mission so far.
great game
Anyone waiting on a code from ubi? I redeemed preorder code a couple hours ago and nothing 🤒
So I had fun with my fist 30 minute slice.
There are two things that really annoyed me within the first five minutes though.
First, the little tutorial video at the start shows what I presume is a very early gameplay segment, that still contains GI lighting. This obviously had me very excited up until the point where I got out of the chopper. Come one Ubisoft ffs.
Secondly, either my PS4 is on the brink or textures aren't as sharp as they should be for a 1080p game. This seems very nitpicky but like the lack of GI it is very noticeable.
Barring those couple if issues I had fun and fun is what games should be! Within 10 minutes of leaving the Command Base I had found myself in a random alleyway fighting two dudes, climbed up a ladder to the rooftops and acquired a better pair of shoulder armour pads.
The atmosphere is great and walking down empty NYC streets with random car lights flashing, trees with fairy lights still powered gives you a real sense of despair.
Can't wait for the next 6 hours with friends later on!
Edit: Oh and the cover system is very smooth IMO, very easy to move between objects.
Uncharted should take a close look at the ducking/cover mechanic.
I said it.
Anyone waiting on a code from ubi? I redeemed preorder code a couple hours ago and nothing 🤒
That is true, I'm still hoping Naughty Dog did major improvements on that since Uncharted 3. It's just SO SMOOTH in Division.Would be more fair to compare it to Uncharted 4. But yeah, the cover system hear feels good and looks bad ass.
First, the little tutorial video at the start shows what I presume is a very early gameplay segment, that still contains GI lighting. This obviously had me very excited up until the point where I got out of the chopper. Come one Ubisoft ffs.
Fell through the world 4 times now on PS4. When it starts loading on the bottom right, if I don't stop moving and let it load, I'm fucked.
Is the PS4 version down?
This game is so far below my expectations it's unreal and I didn't have high expectations to begin with.
First of all, my God, it looks like ass. The player character renders are soooooooo much higher quality then literally everything else on screen it's incredibly distracting. Couple that with the constant recycled textures (lmfao at the copy paste repeat clutter strewn about and the somehow immaculate graffiti), a very noticeable lack of wear and dirt where you would expect to see it and bizzare world lighting/shading and you get this weird toy box looking aesthetic that goes against everything the game tries to set itself up as.
The there's the matter of there being more HUD elements on my screen than there are bullets in my clip. Why? Half this shit isn't necessary. At all. I don't understand why devs think overwhelming amounts of HUD elements is good or attractive design. It's not. It straight up breaks immersion at every turn. I can't stand that shit.
Also, holy shit at these bullet sponges. This is do far beyond Destiny. How am I gonna shoot somebody with a shotgun 5x point blank only to see them drop a grenade and peace out like nothing even happened.
Then there's the voice acting. I want to punch that radio dude in his pompous face. But at least he comes off as human which is more than I can say for pretty much every other piece of voice acting I've heard in the game so far.
I've never been so baffled by a games design decisions in my life. So far this shit is the opposite of fun for me. Thank God I didn't have to preorder to get my beta key. I've never been more confused on what the hell is going on in a game and that's despite umpteen things popping up to tell me what to do and where to go.
Looking in here people are actually enjoying this beta? I just can't fathom it. Maybe I'm just that sick of open world BS. But hey more power to y'all but this is just not for me. I just... wow I did not expect to see positive reactions at all.
I found it right away in Xbox. Left bumper clicked in. The orange section on the bottom of your reticule signifies it I think..though I'm not sure why it's really needed. It must be somewhere in the menus for which button on keyboard, no?Finished an hour of gameplay with the PC version. Loved it. So much detail, the open world ability to go just about anywhere and the combat.. loving the gameplay. Though I think the cover system is a little to clumsy, could use some tweaking, especially when being fired at.
I alos coud not figure out how to change my aiming from left/right, which put me in a disadvantage on certain firefights.
A little more tweaking and Ubisoft has a winner here.
Apparently the Xbox One version looks better and is more detailed than PS4?
I wonder if it's related to the sharpness slider and the chromatic abberation toggle... PS4 looking kinda blurry there![]()
Can anyone explain what you're supposed to be doing in the darkzone to get loot OTHER THAN killing real players?
When I played last night I kept getting killed by the exact same squad of assholes who had way better gear than me. But I have no idea how to get better gear myself. I didn't see any missions in the darkzone, and those landmark areas didn't really do anything either.
Apparently the Xbox One version looks better and is more detailed than PS4?
I wonder if it's related to the sharpness slider and the chromatic abberation toggle... PS4 looking kinda blurry there![]()
Apparently the Xbox One version looks better and is more detailed than PS4?
I wonder if it's related to the sharpness slider and the chromatic abberation toggle... PS4 looking kinda blurry there![]()
Apparently the Xbox One version looks better and is more detailed than PS4?
I wonder if it's related to the sharpness slider and the chromatic abberation toggle... PS4 looking kinda blurry there![]()
Yep. Same.Only a few more hours of work and I can play 😩
1 change and it sounds like Diablo 3 and I have over 300 hours in that game. Some of us (lots) like that crap man.
Lockout or Midship bruh?1v1 me bro
I love Diablo 3! lol I personally don't think the Division is anything like Diablo... but i get what you're saying. All i was saying on the bullet sponge topic was that it didn't seem to match the Tom Clancy name and super realistic setting/nature of the game. If it wasn't a Tom Clancy game and it wasn't designed as a realistic 1:1 version of NYC with super accurate depictions of the area and firearms etc. I wouldnt have been as shocked. Like i've said... i still enjoy it for what it is... but what it is is a little confusing for me personally.
Lockout or Midship bruh?
lockout all day