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The Division Beta Thread: Make Manhattan Great Again

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Can someone explain to me how the shooting / combat feels and plays like. What would you compare it to? Please don't say watchdogs. I want to like this but the videos are putting me off.


I played Xbox One and PS4 and I'm not seeing much difference, which is good and bad. Good as in AT LEAST PS4 isn't glaringly worse and bad as in IT SHOULD BE NOTICEABLY BETTER a la Watch Dogs, Battlefront, Call of Duty, every other current gen title, etc.
Can you please explain to me whats running better on PS4?

There's no screen tearing in the PS4 version from what I've played of it so far.

IMO it's hard to compare, there are so many variable weather effects that can make it hard to get a side by side comparison. Straight away stuff in the distance on PS4 seemed a bit clearer though, which would suggest a higher resolution. It's either a 720-900 situation, or 900-1080 situation. Definitely not running the same res. I turned sharpness up to 100 on both and turned off CA. Messed with my TV settings a bit too to get a bit extra out of it. Great looking game especially with the scale of it. PS4 slightly ahead for me though.


Can someone explain to me how the shooting / combat feels and plays like. What would you compare it to? Please don't say watchdogs. I want to like this but the videos are putting me off.


Although the shooting in WD was great so I dunno why that would be a problem anyway.
there are better safer zones to extract from, dont go where a ton of people are. the best one me and a friend found is a extraction at a rooftop. no one ever came to bother us but we still had our guard up. only down side is lvl 7-8 enemies might spawn and you in for a fight

Funny enough that is exactly where I was for two of the three times. The fucked up thing is, that I can see the person take out the RPG and start aiming yet I get penalized if I am pre-emptive about it by being shown on the map and chased endlessly till I die. Yet he gets to practically one shot me. I think in the end that is the flaw with the system.

In the middle of me typing this response, it almost happened again. This time I was pre-emptive and killed the guy as he was lining up his shot. Of course what happens? I survive that fight but because I was pre-emptive I showed up on the map as "rogue" and non-hostile agents showed up on the roof and just blasted me away because it was free stuff.

It's just idiotic.


Wish they left in the melee. Feels like there should be some form of punching or take downs. Saw numerous people in the street getting robbed or whatever, ran to help them and all i could do is the default gun hit. Felt weird having them just stop and pause then run. Cant describe it just feels weird.

Melee is in the game... Stealth takedowns are not


Gold Member
What I really love: people yelling from their windows that I'm awesome
What I don't really love: people begging me for med kits on every corner.

Game's pretty incredible though. Played for 3 hours according to the stats, enjoying every minute of it. Exploring the streets is extremely rewarding because there's something to see or do at every corner. The cover system is excellent, gunplay solid. Enemy NPC AI is smarter than I expected, and I like how they react to getting shot.

Biggest stand-out is the atmosphere though. Absolutely incredible, the sense of dread and misery is everywhere. There's so much detail everywhere, and the Echoes provide an awesome way of getting a bit of backstory on the things that happened. And don't even get me started on the snow. It looks so awesome. Overall the lighting is super impressive.

Total lack of [ambient] music is kind of surprising and rather unfortunate. Perhaps it is because it's a beta, but I hope the final release will have more music.
What I really love: people yelling from their windows that I'm awesome
What I don't really love: people begging me for med kits on every corner.

Game's pretty incredible though. Played for 3 hours according to the stats, enjoying every minute of it. Exploring the streets is extremely rewarding because there's something to see or do at every corner. The cover system is excellent, gunplay solid. Enemy NPC AI is smarter than I expected, and I like how they react to getting shot.

Biggest stand-out is the atmosphere though. Absolutely incredible, the sense of dread and misery is everywhere. There's so much detail everywhere, and the Echoes provide an awesome way of getting a bit of backstory on the things that happened. And don't even get me started on the snow. It looks so awesome. Overall the lighting is super impressive.

Total lack of [ambient] music is kind of surprising and rather unfortunate. Perhaps it is because it's a beta, but I hope the final release will have more music.
Yo, agreed 100%. :)


Apparently the Xbox One version looks better and is more detailed than PS4?



I wonder if it's related to the sharpness slider and the chromatic abberation toggle... PS4 looking kinda blurry there :(

Did someone noticed what guy said at 3:35?

PC is 1st, Xbox One is 2nd and PS3 is 4th. LOL

Although the shooting in WD was great so I dunno why that would be a problem anyway.


WD shooting was ok in my opinion. More something I tolerated than enjoyed.

I've not played the ME games so not sure on the comparison. But as long as it's different to UBIs usual shooting
Put in about 6 or 7 hours with the beta yesterday. Ranked up almost to 8 normal and through 10 DZ. Pleasantly surprised with the game, a lot of fun and really enjoy it.

I wish the shooting was more intuitive and smooth like Gears or Uncharted, but it works well enough. The graphics are really great (on Xbone) IMO, and it runs really well. Only had 1 glitch where I got stuck behind a door. I am nervous about the amount of content in this game, and could see myself blasting through everything in less than a week considering I completed everything in the beta very quickly.

The Darkzone is a lot of fun. I played solo and it worked well most of the time. Watch out for groups that recognize your solo and are carrying gear, and ALWAYS look out for people camping extraction zones (nothing more annoying then getting attacked ASAP as your shooting the flare). Only got really pissed when a few groups always attacked everyone and were camping checkpoints so you couldn't leave/backed in a corner. Really ruined it IMO, but I could see playing it with friends as a ton of fun.

I'll be playing this along with the SFV beta this weekend, so feel free to add me on Xbox and invite me if you want to play or need some help!
XBL Gamertag: Camp1nCarl21
Played for about 4 hours, absolutely thought the game looked good on the PS4. Liked how the game forces you to use communication on missions and with the Dark Zone. The shooting feels great, and the thrill of the Dark Zone was amazing.

Either way, I'm trusting Ubisoft for this game. They got me sold on this game.


Trying to get ahold of a key (not trying to beg here, just looking for info), did everyone here preorder or get a code from NVidia? Also, I'm on PC with very few friends online, so add me on steam if you want someone to run around with(hopefully in the Division when I pre-order, if they don't cancel the beta codes on PC like they did for PS4)! Steam name is MarvinTheParanoidAndroid.

Sweet Ivy

I think the mood created in the game is amazing, it really feels you're in the city, free to explore and make a difference with your buddies.

I like how everything seems to have been setup, the vendors etc.

I love the cover/movement and smoothness of it all.

I like the hassle-free friend joining and playing (I was a bit afraid for this part)

It looks beautiful and rich on PS4 (turn on your PS3, I think your memory isn't serving you well), but it sure looks jaw-dropping on PC with maxed graphics and an higher resolution especially when there's fog, fumes, snow etc (really impressive).

I'm sorry to read about any cross-platform options for the characters since I'll start playing on PS4, but would be cool to try it on PC later on!


Is it me or you can't see other players at the base of operations? Or do you need to upgrade it to a certain point first?
The game looks solid, but the level of detail and desnsity is truly above and beyond damn near all of ubisofts city architecture. It took 7 years but somebody finally beat Florence...


Is there more to do once you find the dark zone in pve? I mean, story wise.

There are some side missions you can do, one main story mission, finding collectibles, and some exploration.

The menus are quite confusing.

It takes a little while to get used to, but once you figure out what everything means and how to access each section it's not too bad.

There are tons of skill sets, upgrades, perks, weapons, mods....etc I was also a bit overwhelmed when I first played the alpha.

Just did some coop missions with a couple of GAFers on PC, really fun imo.

While you can play the game completely solo, I feel like it really shines with team mates. Playing with some good friends is the way to go ;)


I played around 2 hours on ps4. The graphics are fine. Nothing amazing but they are on par with most. I wish their was more content in the beta as it doesn't really give me a feel of what to expect for pve for the final game.

I might still pick it up. But the game feels like its going to be destiny all over again where the base game is ok, but you'll have to wait a year for the experience they sold originally
The game is pretty fun to play, especially when you think of it as an RPG with guns instead of a shooter with a leveling system.

I'm super impressed by how satisfying the gun sounds are and there are always little things here and there that just add so much to the game. I was replaying the hospital mission and pitched a grenade which then made a secondary explosion happen and a chair just flew at me spinning. It was awesome!



Yeah I've gone from hyped to not too sure after a couple of hours with the beta. Dark zone seems a bit of a mess with exploring only be jumped by another group even if I have no gear to loot! I mean what's the point?!


I'm very confused about the comments about the PS4 graphics. Some say it looks great and some say it's a blurry mess...

My suggestion would be to up sharpness to about 80% and disable chromatic aberration if it's turned on.

Digital Foundry save us please!


So, what's the equivalent to the Tower from Destiny? There should be a social gathering area. I think the devs even mentioned it.

Camp Hudson is a big one and then each of the safe houses is one too.

I'd say Hudson is the Tower Equivalent
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