Here's a highlight from my stream, check out that environmental damage
Anyone not getting their PC code? Registered on website about an hour or two ago.
Can you please explain to me whats running better on PS4?
Can you please explain to me whats running better on PS4?
Can someone explain to me how the shooting / combat feels and plays like. What would you compare it to? Please don't say watchdogs. I want to like this but the videos are putting me off.
there are better safer zones to extract from, dont go where a ton of people are. the best one me and a friend found is a extraction at a rooftop. no one ever came to bother us but we still had our guard up. only down side is lvl 7-8 enemies might spawn and you in for a fight
Wish they left in the melee. Feels like there should be some form of punching or take downs. Saw numerous people in the street getting robbed or whatever, ran to help them and all i could do is the default gun hit. Felt weird having them just stop and pause then run. Cant describe it just feels weird.
Although the shooting in WD was great so I dunno why that would be a problem anyway.
Can you please explain to me whats running better on PS4?
Yup, I would say a more refined version of Mass Effect.
it may have something to do with multiple emails for your account. Contact Uplay/Ubisoft customer service.
Yo, agreed 100%.What I really love: people yelling from their windows that I'm awesome
What I don't really love: people begging me for med kits on every corner.
Game's pretty incredible though. Played for 3 hours according to the stats, enjoying every minute of it. Exploring the streets is extremely rewarding because there's something to see or do at every corner. The cover system is excellent, gunplay solid. Enemy NPC AI is smarter than I expected, and I like how they react to getting shot.
Biggest stand-out is the atmosphere though. Absolutely incredible, the sense of dread and misery is everywhere. There's so much detail everywhere, and the Echoes provide an awesome way of getting a bit of backstory on the things that happened. And don't even get me started on the snow. It looks so awesome. Overall the lighting is super impressive.
Total lack of [ambient] music is kind of surprising and rather unfortunate. Perhaps it is because it's a beta, but I hope the final release will have more music.
Apparently the Xbox One version looks better and is more detailed than PS4?
I wonder if it's related to the sharpness slider and the chromatic abberation toggle... PS4 looking kinda blurry there![]()
Although the shooting in WD was great so I dunno why that would be a problem anyway.
Sure it does buddy.That's what I want to know too, because the PS4 version looks like an PS3 game. I'm not even joking.
Turning off Chromatic Aberration in the graphics options makes me happy on PC.
More devs need to this.
Theres no SLI support for this game rite now is there? Can anyone confirm?
That's what I want to know too, because the PS4 version looks like an PS3 game. I'm not even joking.
Based Massive on the PC version so smooth so much options. And the game still looks great i love the details and atmosphere the use of great lightning everywhere also the soundtrack has that synthwave influence.
Can you please explain to me whats running better on PS4?
Is it me or you can't see other players at the base of operations? Or do you need to upgrade it to a certain point first?
Is there more to do once you find the dark zone in pve? I mean, story wise.
The menus are quite confusing.
Just did some coop missions with a couple of GAFers on PC, really fun imo.
That's what I want to know too, because the PS4 version looks like an PS3 game. I'm not even joking.
Wtf are you smoking? Game looks awesome.
The base is your personal home. You are not going to see other players.
So, what's the equivalent to the Tower from Destiny? There should be a social gathering area. I think the devs even mentioned it.
So, what's the equivalent to the Tower from Destiny? There should be a social gathering area. I think the devs even mentioned it.