Never Forever
this thread in a gif:

”We have found the LOVELESS!”, the Lovers shouted with great enthusiasm. The boats had been sailing in the weird area full of rainbows and robot unicorns, yet nobody was hungry, or needed to go take a dump at all… it was like magic.
“Oh, is that so”, The Bear shouted. “Bring those two to me!”
There was a bit of confusion first on what two pairings should be sent to their deaths. But then finally, a pair with people named CzarTim and NeverForever were finally thrown in front of the fuzzy caretaker of the tunnel. First nothing happened… the three just stared at each other, but then…
Like in a flash, the so humanized bear suddenly turned into a ferocious beast, and jumped at the two screaming lovers. Everyone else could just stare at the events unfolding in shock, as the two quickly lost their lives in a Bear-Attack. Just after this had happened though, the bear reverted to it’s original state.
“Oh, uh. Sorry about that, I need my food too.”
Burbeting then looked at the gruntled bodies (or what was left of them), and took something out of their pockets. It was a golden star… a star that had “One True Pairing” written on it.
“What is this? Some sort of trinket?”
As the boats continued to move onwards, someone whispered from the still alive lovers: “I… I want to get off Mr. Bear's wild ride right now…”
It’s true!
What is?
That Never Forever and CzarTim are, truly, truly One True Pairing!
The greatest pair who ever lived!
Their Love is better than anything else! The Game Moderator says so! This love is so sublime, it will completely make others go blind… at first, anyway.
You are partnered with Never Forever/CzarTim.
You and your pair’s shared role is One True Pairing. You are Aligned with LOVE (That means TOWN).
The Special Power of you two is One True Pairing. This power gives you 1-Shot-Target-Immunity. This means that you cannot be targeted by anyone for the first time someone tries to do it. Once any role has targeted you though, you will lose the immunity completely. You will be informed when the immunity is lost. If during the first time multiple roles try to target you, the immunity will block all of them.
Also, as you are a Pair of Lovers, you will get an private Lovers Chat in the Outer Gafia to use for communication to each other. Remember, that if one of you dies, your pair will die with you.
Your Lover’s chat is here: [REDACTED]
The Game Thread is here:
You will win, if everyone, who is aligned with the LOVELESS, are defeated!
That's dumb! I don't believe you.
I don't believe that's a real role.
The fuck is "target immunity"
VOTE: CzaarTim
There were more people to quote but I'm lazy.
Are we allowed to post during the night phase?
Are we allowed to post during the night phase?
hey guys, im here now
Sometime after the unfortunate ‘accident’ that fell on the One True Pairing, the fourteen still inhabited swan boats had entered a dark tunnel. It was so dark, that it was simply put impossible to see anything, so much so that lot of people had fallen asleep finally, it had been quite long day after all. Only the staring eyes of the bear could be seen in the darkness…
It was an unsettling place to spend the night, after all with all these loveless couples roaming around, who knows what might happen? Still, almost everyone had a good sleep, as the boats finally emerged from the dark tunnels. The sudden glimpses of light hit the eyelids of the still sleeping lovers, so that everyone woke up very quickly.
“What the… this place is even crazier than the last one!”
This time the lovers had arrived to very surreal-looking place. The water was bright pink, almost like it was made from cotton candy instead of plain-old water. There were green sparkly hills in the background, and the music playing was almost… somehow dirty…
“This is the flirt valley! Here new lovers can flirt and tease each other for their hearts content!”, The Bear said happily, almost as if the creature had planned them coming here from the start. “I’m sure those loveless couples will be turned into lovely lovers here!”
“Uhh… they are LOVELESS right? Pretty sure that won’t work.”
The Caretaker became instantly very sad, almost as if it’s heart was broken by this sudden revelation. But even then, it quickly regained composure, and looked at the lovers chatting with each other.
“Oh my! Look… You are all here! Alive!”
All of the lovers looked at each other, feeling tad puzzled. “That’s… normal, right?”
“Maybe? I thought one pair would be dead! But I guess not!”
I'm not convinced by my reasoning behind you. I'll give you a leg up. Get your partner voting, too
VOTE: CzarTim
If you're fighting for survival, get your team voting on NeverTim.
UltraJay's team should also vote on NeverTim. Then they would be in the lead.
we voted that way because we felt Hyper's responses were genuine, so we moved to the person who we thought was scummiest
that's it
I think with hyper, I can't imagine he'd be so lethargic as he has been in this game as scum.
He's tied second in votes on the shorter side of the day phase, and he doesn't really muster any sort of real defense. He just says yeah alright, then throws some shade saying it's an easy vote.
Well yes, it is an easy vote because you're not being particularly helpful to us. Kitty is better but not particularly great.
I've had my eye on both CzarTim and Kingkitty since they always tried to defend themselves IMMEDIATELY and threw votes on us afterwards.
Hyper had the decency to not vote on the Boo Jay train until there was a tie with himself in danger.
CzarTim and Never Forever are the ones who started this Boo Boo'n vote mess after Boo Boo'n's team only had 2 votes, which started immediately after a bit of suspicion started going CzarTim's way.
kingkitty & hyperactivity (7)
ultrajay & boo boo'n (7)
Guys, stop it. Neither of these will give us good results.
VOTE: cabot
He has a point you know
VOTE: Cabot
With a capital C
I mean, I have yet to see anything vaguely resembling a reasonable explanation why we shouldn't lynch Flux today, but it seems I am alone with my opinion. Oh well, either they get killed in the night or the stupid dance begins anew.
VOTE: Never Forever
I wanted to vote for UltraJay, but that power/role claim by NF just seems messy. Neutral player going for an excuse?
I put in a vote for Flux because regardless of alignment he's going to end up being a pain in town's rear.
I don't see why we can't do that.
(VOTE: CzarTim)
This team pretty much exemplifies what I was talking about. I'd feel better lynching them than a lot of the other "lynch focus" teams at this point.
CzarTim and Never Forever are the ones who started this Boo Boo'n vote mess after Boo Boo'n's team only had 2 votes, which started immediately after a bit of suspicion started going CzarTim's way.
If you're fighting for survival, get your team voting on NeverTim.
UltraJay's team should also vote on NeverTim. Then they would be in the lead.
Sorry lover I didn't know you had a speech prepared
Do you have an actual point here?btw guys remember when i said this
remember who lead the last-minute lynch that got a townie killed D1
Do you have an actual point here?
giev investigative resultses pls
Golly gee wilikers, we're alive!
As far as night actions, I think holding off might be better for Time/Flux, there's no need to reveal the name of a role as it might add confusion at the start. Just my thought though.
My current theory on the no kill night is because scum went for one of the PR claims, and the doc/blocker/other nullifying role chose the right target.
Golly gee wilikers, we're alive!
As far as night actions, I think holding off might be better for Time/Flux, there's no need to reveal the name of a role as it might add confusion at the start. Just my thought though.
You need a VOTE: in front of that.I'd also like to hear what some of known night roles did last night. I wonder if scum went after one of the teams and the doctor guessed correctly? Anyway, until I hear more I have really nothing to go on other than what I had yesterday.
Basically I still don't feel good about UltraBooBoo and Launchlak. I also am now quite suspicious of So4ia because Ty went on the last second bandwagon, and Sophia went AWOL for the tail end of day 1, but appeared to be present when she was called on in thread. Also after reviewing how Flux handled himself yesterday, along with Time being pretty aloof and not particularly useful, I am also suspicious of these blokes too.
Hmm alright. I was expecting more from pressing Splintbot and it didn't pan out, anyway.
VOTE: CzarTim
Damn, Bats, that makes a lot of sense
VOTE: kingkitty
I'm watching and waiting..
Ok, I'm down with that
VOTE: Never Forever
VOTE: cabot
You scummy fuck
Launch why DID you make a last second vote for us?
I asked firstYeah, Splinter why did you do that?
initQuis custodiet ipsos custodes