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Love Boat [Mafia] |OT| Till Death Do Us Part


No chat, period.

One of us has the option to deliver a command one night, the other has it deliver it the next. Kark and Zipped had the same thing.

Kark and zipped.... what?

i think in kark and zipped's chat bomb thing, it was RNG on who would get the chance to submit their night action

How do you know that?

karkendoor said that themselves

Disregard me I forgot about that zipped post. So flame/coppa are the doctor I guess. :/

That would make me 3 for 3 in scumreading doctors in the last 2 games.

To Zipp's questions and to get it out there.

A) what does the flavor say it does?

Coppa and I begin one of our infamous arguments in the vicinity of our target boat. Our arguing is so loud and annoying that the people we are with are unable to talk to one another. Despite our arguments, we actually do care for each other, sometimes we just have to vent.

B) what it's called?

The command is "Vent:"

C) what/who did you do these things to?

I personally did it to El Topo/Giant Panda and Ultra/BooBoo. I assume Coppa did it Kark/Zip. I've targeted people who are active so that they will get out the existence of our role and so when we did have to claim, people would be around to discuss it. Now, you're probably surprised to see Ultra/BooBoo on that list of targets, and frankly, I was surprised that no one had stepped forward to claim the 'chat bomb'. I personally think that it's because the command does not work on mafia targets, as otherwise we'd be potentially disabling all of scum chat.

Vote: UltraJay

You're caught Ultra/BooBoo.

You might now have well deduced that Coppa and I are not Lovers or Loveless, we are neutral and our name is the "Divorced Couple". We still have unresolved feelings for one another and do not yet hate each other. Our win condition is to successfully interrupt four boats. So we might be able to win tomorrow, though I don't know because I can't be certain that the Ultra/BooBoo action worked.

Perhaps more curiously, why did you assume we were doctors?

Disregard me again... IT DID all make sense at the time.

Vote: Flame_AC

I thought you'd claim doctor regardless of your alignment because claiming an anti-town role as a defense doesn't make sense to me.
Lot's of quotes, but I think this should make it pretty clear from batsnacks confusion when Coppa and Flame claimed to not have a chat and his complete reversal when they claimed his role that batsnacks and Magnum's target the night before was Coppa and Flame. Scum figured this out and wanted them to counterclaim so scum would lynch the true neutrals.

The curious thing to me is that scum figured out that batsnacks' target wasn't the other scum pair(s). If that had been the case a batsnacks counterclaim could have outed them as well.


One weird thing about the voting record is how consistently Karu and Dusk especially have voted for Flame and Coppa. On D3 they both had their active vote on them and on D2 Dusk made his weird vote for them while the rest were talking about the trackers.
It looks to me like an attempt to distance the pairs and on D4 when votes on Coppa and Flame really mattered they didn't vote until after it became clear batsnacks wouldn't counterclaim.

VOTE: Karu

Speak up. Why did you only vote for Coppa and Flame when they weren't close to being lynched? Your votes on them on D2 and D3 also seemed random with very little reasoning behind them:
Yes, I placed my vote on you because I wanted to ask you why you seem more focused on deducing all the hidden player roles, rather than actually picking off scum.
But you never really followed up.

One caveat is that Neither Karu nor Dusk ever voted for Blawl on D2 which makes the Cabinter kill especially ballsy.


I really don't think we would change our vote as town off Coppa if bat counter-claimed. It would reveal that Coppa lied about their role, making them an obvious scum. Why would we go for a neutral instead of a scum? Bad play by scum in that regard.


Second caveat:

Weird for scum not to know this. Not so weird for town (I missed it... ;_;)

I believe Dusk also mixed up millers with masons, on Day 1 or 2. Which if he's scum, would be weird to mix up considering the whole Klarg plan. Unless Dusk is somehow trying to put on an act.

I'm gonna re-look at Flamecoppa's posts. Brb in a few hours.


I believe Dusk also mixed up millers with masons, on Day 1 or 2. Which if he's scum, would be weird to mix up considering the whole Klarg plan. Unless Dusk is somehow trying to put on an act.

I'm gonna re-look at Flamecoppa's posts. Brb in a few hours.

Yeah, but it isn't that unlikely he is scum and was being genuine. He was a replacement and it's possibly nobody told him and he never read back through the scum chat.


Yeah, but it isn't that unlikely he is scum and was being genuine. He was a replacement and it's possibly nobody told him and he never read back through the scum chat.

It seems that Dusk became the replacement about 20ish hours before Day 2 started. If he was the scum replacement, one would think he would caught up on the Day 1 shenanigans, understand what his team was doing, and make sure they were on the same page.

Note that Day 2 officially started at 1pm USA eastern time on Feb 21st. Dusk mixed up millers with masons on Feb 22nd, 1:57pm USA eastern time. He had nearly 48 hours to understand the Klarg miller plan. But you do have a point, maybe scum Dusk was still busy and only started re-reading at a later time. His first post was actually on Feb 22nd, and it was in reply to scumCoppa, which was basically "welcome and post something before the day ends please!". And Dusk basically saying "ya I'm catching up". Interestingly, his first post also had a vote on flameCoppa's partner. Didn't even come with an explanation.

I don't think it's super likely, but it's not impossible.


[...]Interestingly, his first post also had a vote on flameCoppa's partner. Didn't even come with an explanation.

I don't think it's super likely, but it's not impossible.

This is what I found so weird. Dusk has made these votes:
D2: Coppa/Flame -> Splinter/Cabot
D3: Coppa/Flame
D4: Coppa/Flame

Why is has he been so tunneled on Coppa/Flame without really giving us a reason? If he's this good at finding scum I wanna hear more from him.
Despite the fact 2/3 of his votes this game had been on Coppa/Flame he was still one of the last to vote for them D4.
When you say without giving a real reason, do you mean a post where I dig up tons of Flame/Coppa quotes and display them as evidence?

I mean to be honest, everyone thought they were scum; they consistently showed up in the scum side of most readlists.

And I'm assuming for everyone it was the same reasons: because they were placing a lot of votes all over the game, they had a tendency to vote with the majority end day, and they never as far as I remember actually accused any players of being scum.

Most of their votes were placed as policy or bandwagonning, or pressure.

D3 i could have voted for Flux/Time, but I genuinely thought they were town. If I thought it could have saved me and Karu I might have turned on them, but it never came to that.

D4 I voted for Flame/Coppa at the moment I did because they basically had admitted to not being a couple. They tried to play their role off as neutral and I might have believed them if they'd the foresight to think up flavour descriptor for their role. But they kept harping on the word "neutral" so I knew they were full of shit.


D3 i could have voted for Flux/Time, but I genuinely thought they were town. If I thought it could have saved me and Karu I might have turned on them, but it never came to that.

Did you make any attempt at swaying town away from them or interact with Flux/Time? If not, why?


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE TRACKER REPORT ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

When you say without giving a real reason, do you mean a post where I dig up tons of Flame/Coppa quotes and display them as evidence?

No, we mean you didn't do anything to convince others to join your vote on them. Quotes would have been nice though, like these:

Yes, I placed my vote on you because I wanted to ask you why you seem more focused on deducing all the hidden player roles, rather than actually picking off scum.

Your first vote was apparently placed because of this reasoning, but Flame/Coppa didn't respond and you never followed up on it.

7. [m] Coppanuva & [m] Flame_AC
These two are the most active voters, other than maybe Flux, but I don't think they've accused a single person of being scum yet.

Here you post a read list with no argument against Coppa/Flame, and you later place them as "potential neutrals" rather than maf. Despite having two other candidates you consider most likely to be maf, you vote Flame at the end of the day. Why so eager to get rid of a neutral? You seem to explain that in this next post...

I just want to throw this question out there now, in case for some reason I'm not back before the deadline.

Over the course of D3 a lot of us have been posting read lists.

One team has consistently shown up on the Mafia/Neutral zone in each persons lists however they have virtually no votes on them at the moment.

To put things simply, I would love for everyone to explain their reasoning behind why they're not voting to lynch Flame_AC & Coppanova.

Oh wait, you don't. You ask everyone else to explain why they're not voting Coppa/Flame, but again give no reason as to why anyone should. And as I mentioned before, when you finally did confront Coppa on D4, the bandwagon was already in full swing with 8/9 votes on them. You want to make it look like you're against them, but only when they're about to die anyway do you do anything about it. Simply put, it reeks of flip-floppy maf behavior.
Did you make any attempt at swaying town away from them or interact with Flux/Time? If not, why?

D3 I made a read list specifically placing them in the town category (even though they'd had 6 to 8 votes at that time and were the clear front runners to be lynched.)

I could have easily done nothing and just let them die, but I risked me and Karu's game to start speculation on other players to get lynched instead.

It back fired on me, which is why I haven't been too pushy about things since.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE TRACKER REPORT ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

No, we mean you didn't do anything to convince others to join your vote on them. Quotes would have been nice though, like these:

Your first vote was apparently placed because of this reasoning, but Flame/Coppa didn't respond and you never followed up on it.

Here you post a read list with no argument against Coppa/Flame, and you later place them as "potential neutrals" rather than maf. Despite having two other candidates you consider most likely to be maf, you vote Flame at the end of the day. Why so eager to get rid of a neutral? You seem to explain that in this next post...

Oh wait, you don't. You ask everyone else to explain why they're not voting Coppa/Flame, but again give no reason as to why anyone should. And as I mentioned before, when you finally did confront Coppa on D4, the bandwagon was already in full swing with 8/9 votes on them. You want to make it look like you're against them, but only when they're about to die anyway do you do anything about it. Simply put, it reeks of flip-floppy maf behavior.

Camjo, 4 votes in 3 days is not flipflopping.

Also the reason I didn't put a case together trying to prove Coppa/Flame were scum was because everyone already suspected that. Most people who had made read lists placed them in the scum camp.

Camjo you were one of those people.

In your read, you specifically stated that you felt lynching Flux/Time would be a wasted lynch, however when pushes came later in the day for both my team, and also for Coppa/Flame's team you never budged your vote. Even though both teams were firmly on your scum list.

All you can do is learn from your mistake, and don't vote for people because you think that's what the town wants. The town isn't always right.


This is what I found so weird. Dusk has made these votes:
D2: Coppa/Flame -> Splinter/Cabot
D3: Coppa/Flame
D4: Coppa/Flame
Dusk made no vote D3, but Karu voted for Coppa/Flame.

D1: - (Rest kinda voted TimeFlux)
D2: Coppa/Flame -> Splinter/Cabot
D3: -
D4: Coppa/Flame

D1: NeverForever/CzarTim
D2: Kark/Zipped
D3: Coppa/Flame
D4 -


D3 I made a read list specifically placing them in the town category (even though they'd had 6 to 8 votes at that time and were the clear front runners to be lynched.)

I could have easily done nothing and just let them die, but I risked me and Karu's game to start speculation on other players to get lynched instead.

It back fired on me, which is why I haven't been too pushy about things since.

I'm assuming you're talking about these thoughts and this list.

First off it's not much of a defense. If you want to fight a townie from being lynched try convincing town they're innocent or find someone more suspicious.
The backfire was mostly for your scum read of Kark and Zipped.
Curiously Flame and Coppa have moved to the neutral section. Care to explain why and how your views on them shifted on D3?


these are all the votes and unvotes collected (quoted from Burb or Ouro). minus dead townies/neutrals. also i didn't bother to include vote tallies that comprised only of dead townies, or only had scum voting for a dead townie.

Day 1
rest & karu (0)

launchpadmcq & gorlak (2)
blargonaut (scum)
giant panda

*splinter & cabot (4)

timeaisis & fluxwavez (1)
launchpadmcq (scum)
coppanuva (scum)

blargonaut & kawl_usc (2) (scum)
flame_ac (scum)
boo boo'n

kingkitty & hyperactivity (2)
kawl_usc (scum)
boo boo'n

coppanuva & flame_ac (0) (scum)

karkador & zippedpinhead (0)
giant panda
coppanuva (scum)

never forever & czartim (10)
el topo
coppanuva (scum)
blargonaut (scum)
boo boo'n

ultrajay & boo boo'n (6)
coppanuva (scum)
coppanuva (scum)
blargonaut (scum)

tl21xx & camjo-z (0)
coppanuva (scum)

kyanrute & retroid (1)
flame_ac (scum)

sophia & ty4on (0)
blargonaut (scum)

no lynch (0)

Day 2
Blargonaut & Kawl_USC (15) (scum)
Karkador .1889 .2609
Zippedpinhead .1892 .2608
Flame_AC .1893 .2694 (scum)
Hyperactivity .1895
Camjo-Z .2086 .2451
TL21xx .2090
Kyanrute .2142
Retroid .2224 .2225
Retroid .2225 .2735
UltraJay .2453 .2744
Camjo-Z .2514
Boo Boo'n .2677
kingkitty .2700
El Topo .2808

*Splinter & cabot (10)
Ty4on .2491
Kawl_USC .2603 (scum)
Zippedpinhead .2608
Karkador .2609
Blargonaut .2622 (scum)
Giant Panda .2719
Flame_AC .2724 (scum)
Coppanuva .2737 (scum)
UltraJay .2744
Dusk Soldier .2768

Karkador & Zippedpinhead (1)
Ty4on .2271 .2347
Karu .2446

FluxWaveZ & Timeaisis (0)
Camjo-Z .1846 .2086
Coppanuva .1903 .1990 (scum)
Blargonaut .1911 .2377 (scum)
TL21xx .2042 .2090
Blargonaut .2377 .2622 (scum)

Coppanuva & Flame_AC (0) (scum)
Dusk Soldier .1992 .2768

batsnacks & MagnumBoy20xx (0)
Flame_AC .1745 .1893 (scum)
Ty4on .2406 .2491

Gorlak & LaunchpadMcQ (0)
Giant Panda .1637 .1640
Giant Panda .1640 .2719
UltraJay .1688 .1695
Coppanuva .1994 .2061 (scum)

No active vote for Day 2:
Retroid (has previously voted)

Day 3
el topo & giant panda (0)

karkador & zippedpinhead (1)

launchpadmcq & gorlak (0)
boo boo'n

hobohodo & ty4on (2)

timeaisis & fluxwavez (11)
boo boo'n
el topo

dusk soldier & karu (4)
flame_ac (scum)
flame_ac (scum)

magnumboy20xx & batsnacks (1)
giant panda

coppanuva & flame_ac (2) (scum)
dusk soldier

ultrajay & boo boo'n (1)

kyanrute & retroid (1)

Day 4
magnumboy20xx & batsnacks (1)
giant panda
el topo

coppanuva & flame_ac (11) (scum)
flame_ac (scum)
giant panda
dusk soldier
coppanuva (scum)

dusk soldier & karu (2)
boo boo'n

kingkitty & hyperactivity (0)

hobohodo & ty4on (0)

ultrajay & boo boo'n (1)
coppanuva (scum)
flame_ac (scum)

this might not helpful to anyone, but i did it anyways. if there are some mistakes, give a heads up.


Dusk made no vote D3, but Karu voted for Coppa/Flame.

You were right the first time. He did vote Coppa/Flame on D3, a minute before the day ended.

Camjo, 4 votes in 3 days is not flipflopping.

Also the reason I didn't put a case together trying to prove Coppa/Flame were scum was because everyone already suspected that. Most people who had made read lists placed them in the scum camp.

Camjo you were one of those people.

In your read, you specifically stated that you felt lynching Flux/Time would be a wasted lynch, however when pushes came later in the day for both my team, and also for Coppa/Flame's team you never budged your vote. Even though both teams were firmly on your scum list.

All you can do is learn from your mistake, and don't vote for people because you think that's what the town wants. The town isn't always right.

I agree, the votes weren't the flip-flopping. It was your lack of any interest in pushing against Coppa/Flame until right before they were about to die.

Also, the Flux thing isn't comparable. I continued to facilitate discussion about his lynch up until his end and explained my reasons for wanting to vote him, even when I wasn't 100% about it. In contrast, you still have not given a satisfactory reason as to why you repeatedly wasted your vote on somebody nobody else was voting until D4. Your vote only has power if it's in a group or if you're leading a bandwagon, so what did you hope to achieve by making pointless Coppa/Flame votes and not doing anything about them?


You were right the first time. He did vote Coppa/Flame on D3, a minute before the day ended.
That's right, I even remember looking at it. I looked at the vote counter which didn't count his vote and thought I had mixed his and Karu's vote.


That came out wrong. I ment it as a reply to this.

looking at only their posts in isolation (thru the gaf feature, which was simply quicker), I didn't find anything super interesting that's wasn't related to dead townies, klarg, or neutrals. but to be fair i was getting a little bored halfway thru so i might've missed something juicy.


anyways, I should give it another go, but more in context with looking over the actions of the various pairs (besides Kark and Boojay). I'll have my finger wag accusation analysis up today after work.
I've been thinking about why scum decided to turbo yesterday, and how they found batsnacks' team.

If coppa's team had been a scum power role, I would think that a three scum team with the third being a scum watcher wouldn't be out of the question (as oppose to tracking where someone goes, this would track who visits a given person). But they didn't have an ability, which makes me think that there is a better than good possibility that are more than 1 scum left out there (specifically 2 left).

The scum watcher is still possible but two people left leaves me to believer two power roles. I do think that scum do NOT have a switcher on their team. Based on past experience scum switchers tend to lead to lots of night deaths and no saves.

I just can't figure out how they had batsnacks' team dead to rights yesterday and how no one died. If metal winning had taken night priority they would have just won at the end of the day phase (complete guess). My guess on how they found them is a scum watcher, but I can't see how no one died... Terrible luck against a doctor a second time?

I think it's obvious now that we don't have a town blocker (as a town blocker getting right once or twice a game would probably win us the game right now.) Town Doctor is more likely, they just got really lucky night one and correctly guessed scum target last night.


A watched could function as a counter to the doctor, but it is a little weird then that they targeted Coppa/Flame. Maybe they were hoping to find out if you guys tracked him, but I'm not sure if it helps to know. I'd rather try looking for the doctor.

I think from scum's perspective knowing that the conversation bomber isn't scum and seeing Bat's "we aren't town" comment at the end of D3 it isn't hard to imagine him being the conversation blocker and neutral with a unique win condition (hence the weird behavior when he should have won).


How does it make sense that the one scum that supposedly lays low, votes out of pattern? And on top of that on a fellow scum friend? That fucks up your endgame right there... I don't see it, sorry.

And I still think there's only one scum member left.
30 players (aka 15 Pairs)
22% scum = 6,6 (aka 3 Pairs)
2 Neutral Players (aka 1 Pair)

Checks out, if you ask me.
To move this along, because we have pretty much only one day left.

I want to give a rundown on the remaining pairs to give an idea where I'm going to be voting today.

Pairs still in the game:
1. [m] Kingkitty & [m] Ri'Orius
2. [m] Karkador & [m] Zippedpinhead
6. [m] UltraJay & [m] Boo Boo'n
9. [m] TL21xx & [m] Camjo-Z
11. [m] Dusk Soldier & [m] Karu
12. [m] Kyanrute & [m] Retroid
13. [m] El Topo & [m] Giant Panda
15. [m] hobohodo & [m] Ty4on

First of all the three pairs that were chatbombed I think it's safe to say that they are town. I don't believe the chat bombing power has any effect on the scum chat. Plus they needed to hit 3 lovers chats to meet their win condition, and only 3 pairs have come forward to being bombed.

1. [m] Kingkitty & [m] Ri'Orius
2. [m] Karkador & [m] Zippedpinhead
6. [m] UltraJay & [m] Boo Boo'n
9. [m] TL21xx & [m] Camjo-Z
11. [m] Dusk Soldier & [m] Karu
12. [m] Kyanrute & [m] Retroid
13. [m] El Topo & [m] Giant Panda
15. [m] hobohodo & [m] Ty4on

I'm obviously not going to try to build a case for why I think I'm scum so:

1. [m] Kingkitty & [m] Ri'Orius
2. [m] Karkador & [m] Zippedpinhead
6. [m] UltraJay & [m] Boo Boo'n
9. [m] TL21xx & [m] Camjo-Z
11. [m] Dusk Soldier & [m] Karu
12. [m] Kyanrute & [m] Retroid
13. [m] El Topo & [m] Giant Panda
15. [m] hobohodo & [m] Ty4on

Next, on D2 Ty4on went through mine and Karu's posts and presented a case for why he thought we were town. I don't think a scum player would ever put that much effort into trying to validate anybody. If both of our teams were scum and he'd failed and one of us died, that would immediately put suspicion on the surviving team. Whereas if he were scum and we were town, How does it benefit scum team to have town players in the game that the town won't try to lynch?

1. [m] Kingkitty & [m] Ri'Orius
2. [m] Karkador & [m] Zippedpinhead
6. [m] UltraJay & [m] Boo Boo'n
9. [m] TL21xx & [m] Camjo-Z
11. [m] Dusk Soldier & [m] Karu
12. [m] Kyanrute & [m] Retroid
13. [m] El Topo & [m] Giant Panda
15. [m] hobohodo & [m] Ty4on

I'm going to spend the rest of this day phase going through the activity of the final 3 pairs to see which I think is most likely scum pair.

[m] Kingkitty & [m] Ri'Orius
[m] TL21xx & [m] Camjo-Z
[m] Kyanrute & [m] Retroid
How does it make sense that the one scum that supposedly lays low, votes out of pattern? And on top of that on a fellow scum friend? That fucks up your endgame right there... I don't see it, sorry.

And I still think there's only one scum member left.
30 players (aka 15 Pairs)
22% scum = 6,6 (aka 3 Pairs)
2 Neutral Players (aka 1 Pair)

Checks out, if you ask me.

Normally I would not disagree with you, the ONLY reason why I think there might be two more scum is because coppa did not have a night power OTHER than the scum kill. If Coppa's team had a power in addition to the scum kill I would be on board with that assessment.


A watched could function as a counter to the doctor, but it is a little weird then that they targeted Coppa/Flame. Maybe they were hoping to find out if you guys tracked him, but I'm not sure if it helps to know. I'd rather try looking for the doctor.

I think from scum's perspective knowing that the conversation bomber isn't scum and seeing Bat's "we aren't town" comment at the end of D3 it isn't hard to imagine him being the conversation blocker and neutral with a unique win condition (hence the weird behavior when he should have won).

Still don't know why Bat specifically named Time as knowing they aren't town. Time wasn't mafia and wasn't targeted by the chat bomb either that we know of. Unless it was because they were about to join the spectator thread because of the lynch.


How does it make sense that the one scum that supposedly lays low, votes out of pattern? And on top of that on a fellow scum friend? That fucks up your endgame right there... I don't see it, sorry.

Maybe I'm doing another Flux where I look too much into the obviously scummy play and don't see the townie behind it. There's still other suspects, so I'll unvote for now.


To move this along, because we have pretty much only one day left.

I want to give a rundown on the remaining pairs to give an idea where I'm going to be voting today.

[m] Kingkitty & [m] Ri'Orius
[m] TL21xx & [m] Camjo-Z
[m] Kyanrute & [m] Retroid

This has basically been my list (minus me of course), though I had you and Ty4on's teams on there. It's getting a bit tough to pin anyone in particular down because at least one person in these pairs is pretty inactive in comparison to the other. I mean, we haven't gotten a single post from Hobohodo or Retroid this day phase. I know people have other commitments, but it's hard to scumhunt when some people aren't giving much to go on.

And seriously, where is the tracker report? Kark/Zipped said they're x-shot with one left, and yesterday they didn't use it because of the chat bomb. Considering we're basically running on empty right now, anything to spark discussion would be welcomed.


UltraJay and BooBoo kinda claimed being ordinary when Karkhead said they didn't move.

Oh yeah, #3036. True enough. I was thinking about bold words and unnecessarily lengthy explanations followed by million or so posts full with questions. I guess there is no need for a big party when claiming ordinary.


[m] Kingkitty & [m] Ri'Orius
[m] TL21xx & [m] Camjo-Z
[m] Kyanrute & [m] Retroid

Along with you and Karu, of course, I think it's fair to consider these three the potential scum candidates. I recall back in D1 that Tim had some sort of conviction to consider Kingkitty as scum for some reason.
UltraJay and BooBoo kinda claimed being ordinary when Karkhead said they didn't move.

Oh yeah, #3036. True enough. I was thinking about bold words and unnecessarily lengthy explanations followed by million or so posts full with questions. I guess there is no need for a big party when claiming ordinary.

I'm not trying to indicate one way or another whether we a) tracked anyone last night, or b) tracked a power role.

I just want to raise awareness on IF we saw something what the implications would be.

So don't everyone wait for us to reveal scum like on day 2, or Kark to find scum in the votes from yesterday. I'm going back over what's happened and right now I am most interested in feedback from The following teams.

Ty4on and hobo
Tl21xx and Camjo-z

Ty4on's team is mainly on the list because Ty4on is really active and hobo is even less active than I.

Camjo-Z's team is on this list because Camjo-Z's latest post. I got a "I hope they didn't track me" vibe from reading that post.

Just little things, not big huge oh my god they are scum things.


Just little things, not big huge oh my god they are scum things.

I'm guessing you tracked someone and they didn't move.

Should they be town the downside of outing them is that it puts mafia one step closer to the doctor. If they targeted anyone other than Batsnacks and Magnum scum are closer than us to figuring out who the doctor is so I wouldn't risk it unless the person you can clear is about to be lynched.


Camjo-Z's team is on this list because Camjo-Z's latest post. I got a "I hope they didn't track me" vibe from reading that post.

Really? Because I was aiming for more of a "Considering we're basically running on empty right now, anything to spark discussion would be welcomed." kind of vibe. But now that you and Ty4on have mentioned it, I can see the benefit in keeping the result hidden for a bit longer.

Kind of makes you think about people demanding we give them tracking results

Kind of makes you think about how the doc is forced to stay on your team until you reveal whether you used your last tracking power, instead of being able to make strategic saves based on the day's events


Okay Panda, I'm here.

And here's the patent TL21xx apology of the day phase. However, I do have a good reason for it today. I cut my pointer finger last night, so I've been trying to minimize using it. As a result, I will be on mobile for the rest of the phase, and my responses are gonna be on the brief side because of it.

So going off of our current conversation set, we agree that the metal heads did not hit scum, and that we likely got lucky with our doctor. Agreed with the consensus, don't reveal unless we mark you. So now to the field.

Kyan, do you know why we haven't heard from Retroid?


Kyan, do you know why we haven't heard from Retroid?

I've been pretty busy at school and have been coming home pretty late this past week without much motivation to check in here when so many seem to think that we're scum. On top of that, we have been really lucky getting two potential saves already, and hitting two scum.
I just realized I'm going to be out of pocket (driving to New Orleans) during day end tomorrow.

So I'm voting with my gut. I'll give it another look see tomorrow after waking up but this is where my head is now.

vote: Karu

I know they weren't on my previous "list" but I want to vote for someone I can get behind. I think your splitting votes day 2 was weird, and then Karu votes against scum day 3, but doesn't day 4.

Quick and dirty but it's why I'm voting for you now. I'll re-evaluate tomorrow morning


For similar reasons I will be voting now, I feel pretty good about this.

Vote: Ty4on

There have been a few odd times that Ty4on has made me feel uneasy, and likewise, inactive partner similar to myself :)|).


heres my groggy take

TL21xx - Camjo-Z:

Camjo-Z: - Poo poos on day 1 being kinda useless. Points out how no one currently had much of an appetite to kill timeflux or klarg. Posted a negative read on timeflux, a unsure-type read on klarg, and a little negative but mostly stating the obvious about scumACCoppa, saying how they "threw their votes around". On Day 2 he faced some criticism by scumCoppa because his partner kept saying he agreed with him. Towards the end of Day 2, scumFlame said the two supposed trackers should both give tracking info tomorrow. Camjo mocked that, pointing out the pitfalls of that idea. I'm sure with scumFlame putting his neck out there, I don't think scum would want to so publicly poo poo on a potentially helpful angle for scum. He later says anyone voting for Cabsplat are "straight up fools", which includes the scumCoppaFlame pair. On Day 3 he put scumFlamecoppa down as "maf-ish".

TL21xx - On Day 1 he said it was too much of a gamble to go for the millers. Said the roleclaim would be a horrible scum move. Wants to wait for Day 2. Later floated the idea of a policy lynch towards timeflux, but doesn't see town conesus so he wouldn't push for it yet. He also faced a little criticism and a vote by scumCoppa. Spent a good chunk of Day 1 explaining how he doesn't want to be rushed into voting on someone. Seems a bit odd if scum, try to fit in, not stand out by refusing to do one of the more normal things townies are expected to do, vote vote vote. On Day 2, instead of going for Klarg after being called out by Kark, he goes for Flux (justifies this by saying he stands by his partner's words). Could be scum trying to save Klarg by finding a scummyish townie alternative. However he later changes it to Klarg, and doesn't react much (i think) to the late game shift towards a Splinter/Cabot bandwagon.

Lean slight townish.

Dusk Karu (additional thoughts from Day 3)

Dusk - As I've said before, Dusk mixed up millers with masons, which would be a weird mistake for scum to do. Although there /is/ a chance scumDusk was out of the loop by the time he made that post, and didn't get the memo on what a miller was...but I'm not so sure on that one. I guess there's a chance it could be an act too. Blarg gave this pair a suspicious read. On Day 3 Dusk put down Kark as scum...which seems like a pretty big risk for scumDusk. Probably one of the more unlikely candidates to be chosen to lynch on Day 3, and would attract a lot of unwanted attention. He also put flamecoppa for a neutral vibe. On that same day, he floated the idea of lynching scumflamecoppa...which seems awfully unnecessary if he's also scum.

Karu - Voted for CoppaFlame on Day 3 towards the end.

This pair ended up voting a lot on on flamecoppa, sometimes near the end of the day, sometimes at the beginning of the day. I don't know if this was some great scum play of separation, but there's enough weird moves (that don't seem helpful if they're scum) by this pair that I'm not sure I can rationalize them as baddies. At least at the moment.

Typhoon/Hobodobo (additional thoughts from Day 3, Day 4)

Typhoon - Day 1 he says flamecoppa was acting scummy, only second to Gorlaunch. Gives an early vote for Coppaflame. Clashes a little bit with FlameAC over the vote. But Ty4on doesn't stick with the vote in the end. Still says he believed FlameAC was suspicious, but that town pressure on the pair seemed to have disappeared. He later put vote on timeflux instead. Then he changed his vote to my boat, believing timeflux wasn't going to be voted out, and that he didn't have a better vote. Walked back from a coppaflame lynch completely. Day 2 after the conflicting claims by Kark and Blarg, he was pro keeping both Klarg and Zippendoor alive. But later votes for Kark, then changes it to Cabot. He later spent his time defending the miller claim.

I'm unsure on the alignment, especially once flamecoppa flipped scum. Not sure how many scumbros would be willing to put their people on the line to save Klarg. More than possibly half of the scum team, possibly 5? I don't know.

Kyanrute - Retroid (additional thoughts on them from Day 4)

Kyanrute - On Day 1 says scumFlamecoppa have been more "demanding" of a pair compared to Splitcabot. First read gives that pair a pretty neutral feel, no strong feeling either way. Another read he gave both Klarg and Flamecoppa a neutral vibe. The same day, this pair got a vote by FlameAC for reasons of "inactivity". On the same page, it was followed by Kawl's read that this pair was suspicious with it's inactivity, but in the end he chose to vote for my boat. Maybe as a way to even out FlameAC's suspicions, Coppa later showed slight "disagreement" with his partner concerning kyantroid . On Day 2, Kyan received mild criticism by scumCoppa for outlining who to lynch next.

Retroid - Day 2 asked for the day to come to a turbo (which might help scum if they believe saving their bros is a lost cause). But then unvotes when shit got tight between Klarg and Cabsplinter. On Day 2, his partner Kyan kept his vote on Klarg, but he made that vote when Klarg looked like he was on his way to being turboed.

There was some friction here between this pair and scumCoppaflame, but not enough for me to look past some Day 2 issues with the voting. And ultimately, someone in this damn list has to be scum, right? I'm not being punked here right? I don't feel 100 percent but here it is.

vote: Retroid

We can only afford to make two more mislynches, unless the doctor bails us out again. I probably won't be here at the deadline, but I'll try to look at the thread on my phone if needed.


Was typing up something last night when I fell as asleep. I'm tied up with teaching the next 7-8 hours or so but as long as there is no turbo il pop on after that.
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