STEAM | April 2016 - HL3 releasing today. Left 4 Dead 3 and Persona 5 this summer

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oh doom is doing a season pass with maps?

that's cute, Bethesda still thinks that that stuff is cool. Good luck fracturing your poor community of folks that is likely to not be that large anyhow thanks to doom MP not having been relevant for 20 years.

Any game that isn't handling their maps like splatoon or even halo 5 is doing it wrong in 2016. Should be free maps to keep the community together and find a way to charge for nonsense that people with pay for. let the whales pay for the rest.

2 just makes no sense. you go through poison valley up until an elevator, you like go down an elevator and suddenly you're in lava world, then you go down some more and you're in the cliff of a mountain filled with dragons and stuff

i like dks2 more than most people and i think its world is very pretty and interesting even with all its issues, but yeah, not great about that

dks3 is connected, but it's just one road. maybe it splits at one point and you have some optional stuff (is c
of the d
optional?) but it's just a single direction. the world is connected tho. in the swamp you can climb a ladder and suddenly you find yourself on the other side of a bridge you were at like 8 hours before, which is awesome. if you stop and you look back you'll always see yourself relative to f
irelink shrine
and lothric keep/castle/whatever, as gigantic landmarks to build the world around. but you're always moving away from it, not around it like you did with firelink shrine in dks1, and that's disappointing to me

it's like a tree branch versus like a labyrinth, and it just doesn't manage to give me that sense of world and place that dks1 did. it just feels too game-y, like they're levels you go through

it's not THAT big of a deal but i was hoping there'd be a return to form about that aspect in particular

even though i'm enjoying DS2, that the world is so splintered and none of it really meshes the way the world in DS1 does is disappointing. I see now why they made every bonfire capable of fast travel now: the way the world is designed it would be infuriating if they didn't do this.

Still, it's a hell of a game even if it feels like the Oranges of Dark Souls


Completely agree. The world in Dark Souls continues to blow me away. The scope and the way everything is's just fantastic.

I haven't found 2 or 3 (still really early) able to match this yet.
2 just makes no sense. you go through poison valley up until an elevator, you like go down an elevator and suddenly you're in lava world, then you go down some more and you're in the cliff of a mountain filled with dragons and stuff

i like dks2 more than most people and i think its world is very pretty and interesting even with all its issues, but yeah, not great about that

dks3 is connected, but it's just one road. maybe it splits at one point and you have some optional stuff (is c
of the d
optional?) but it's just a single direction. the world is connected tho. in the swamp you can climb a ladder and suddenly you find yourself on the other side of a bridge you were at like 8 hours before, which is awesome. if you stop and you look back you'll always see yourself relative to f
irelink shrine
and lothric keep/castle/whatever, as gigantic landmarks to build the world around. but you're always moving away from it, not around it like you did with firelink shrine in dks1, and that's disappointing to me. there's nothing on that other side of the bridge except loot, it doesn't have that sense of awe of having like so many different options where to go

it's like a tree branch versus like a labyrinth, and it just doesn't manage to give me that sense of world and place that dks1 did. it just feels too game-y, like they're levels you go through

it's not THAT big of a deal but i was hoping there'd be a return to form about that aspect in particular

edit: i kind of feel bad for ppl that get stuck in it too. like, if you get stuck there's just no other option but to keep trying. i find that pretty lame, kind of the awesome thing about these games is that adventure game flow design of having a ton of side options to choose from if you can't deal with what it's put in front of you right now


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I suppose Valve doesn't care about sex scenes as long as no genitalia are shown?

Valve doesn't care as long as they have an ESRB rating. In this case the game is rated M and clearly states that it includes "Sexual Content" and "Nudity".


oh doom is doing a season pass with maps?

that's cute, Bethesda still thinks that that stuff is cool. Good luck fracturing your poor community of folks that is likely to not be that large anyhow thanks to doom MP not having been relevant for 20 years.

Any game that isn't handling their maps like splatoon or even halo 5 is doing it wrong in 2016. Should be free maps to keep the community together and find a way to charge for nonsense that people with pay for. let the whales pay for the rest.

Activision is the one making the most bank, map packs and cosmetics. But then again they have the player size to do that on consoles.


2 just makes no sense. you go through poison valley up until an elevator, you like go down an elevator and suddenly you're in lava world, then you go down some more and you're in the cliff of a mountain filled with dragons and stuff

i like dks2 more than most people and i think its world is very pretty and interesting even with all its issues, but yeah, not great about that

dks3 is connected, but it's just one road. maybe it splits at one point and you have some optional stuff (is c
of the d
optional?) but it's just a single direction. the world is connected tho. in the swamp you can climb a ladder and suddenly you find yourself on the other side of a bridge you were at like 8 hours before, which is awesome. if you stop and you look back you'll always see yourself relative to f
irelink shrine
and lothric keep/castle/whatever, as gigantic landmarks to build the world around. but you're always moving away from it, not around it like you did with firelink shrine in dks1, and that's disappointing to me. there's nothing on that other side of the bridge except loot, it doesn't have that sense of awe of having like so many different options where to go

it's like a tree branch versus like a labyrinth, and it just doesn't manage to give me that sense of world and place that dks1 did. it just feels too game-y, like they're levels you go through

it's not THAT big of a deal but i was hoping there'd be a return to form about that aspect in particular

edit: i kind of feel bad for ppl that get stuck in it too. like, if you get stuck there's just no other option but to keep trying. i find that pretty lame, kind of the awesome thing about these games is that adventure game flow design of having a ton of side options to choose from if you can't deal with what it's put in front of you right now

C of the D is not optional.
Activision is the one making the most bank, map packs and cosmetics. But then again they have the player size to do that on consoles.

it's a fool's errand to try to chase after the market leader though. Just look at the blood spilled last gen by people trying to make their own COD or Gears clone for example.

Hell, even Halo almost fell for that trap with Halo 4. Thankfully, they pivoted and did more of their own thing for halo 5 and man is that a good fucking game.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Does this mean I've out-Jase'd Jase in a Ubisoft game?

It means Ubi sucks. :( Replaying the mission might work, but I'll worry about that once the "out of bounds" zones are playable. For now, it's back to Primal.

Edit: Oh, wait, you can't replay side missions, can you? I'll try tracking it down again, anyway.


It means Ubi sucks. :( Replaying the mission might work, but I'll worry about that once the "out of bounds" zones are playable. For now, it's back to Primal.

Edit: Oh, wait, you can't replay side missions, can you? I'll try tracking it down again, anyway.

You can't replay side missions normally, but you might be able to pick up that collectible if you can join a friend's world who hasn't done that mission yet.


Grisaia Update #51: Monthly Update #7

Hello Backers!

Here’s another monthly update for Grisaia. 

Work on Labyrinth is progressing well. However, bugs and technical issues resulting from the PSVita -> PC conversion have caused somewhat unpredictable delays. Sometimes it's hard to notice things that have gone missing or broken in the transition, so we need to be careful and methodical in the debugging process. We’ll post another update once we’re getting closer to nailing down a release date. 

Work on Eden has also started - it’s about 20% translated, and we will be reporting more progress on it on the next update.

A note on the unrated versions... work is ongoing, but the original "one month" production estimates we posted earlier will probably be unrealistic, owing to a variety of factors including engine differences, additional translation, and QA work. However, translation work on the unrated version of Labyrinth has started and we will start posting updates once the Steam version is released. 

Finally, PSVita news! We have our devkits and hope to throw a build on it soon to do initial testing.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
You can't replay side missions normally, but you might be able to pick up that collectible if you can join a friend's world who hasn't done that mission yet.

That's not a bad idea, but I think I'd rather lose out on the collectable than play with other people. ;)


dks3 is connected, but it's just one road. maybe it splits at one point and you have some optional stuff (is c
of the d
optional?) but it's just a single direction. the world is connected tho. in the swamp you can climb a ladder and suddenly you find yourself on the other side of a bridge you were at like 8 hours before, which is awesome. if you stop and you look back you'll always see yourself relative to f
irelink shrine
and lothric keep/castle/whatever, as gigantic landmarks to build the world around. but you're always moving away from it, not around it like you did with firelink shrine in dks1, and that's disappointing to me. there's nothing on that other side of the bridge except loot, it doesn't have that sense of awe of having like so many different options where to go

it's like a tree branch versus like a labyrinth, and it just doesn't manage to give me that sense of world and place that dks1 did. it just feels too game-y, like they're levels you go through

it's not THAT big of a deal but i was hoping there'd be a return to form about that aspect in particular

edit: i kind of feel bad for ppl that get stuck in it too. like, if you get stuck there's just no other option but to keep trying. i find that pretty lame, kind of the awesome thing about these games is that adventure game flow design of having a ton of side options to choose from if you can't deal with what it's put in front of you right now

I agree with you, the leveldesign really works well for the most part, but if you take a step back you'll realize that for the entirety of the game you only have one way to go. DS1 allowed you to choose the order in which to do things most of the time, but DS3 is rather linear progress, most majors area being blocked behind other areas, it's a bit disappointing and hurts the games replayability. That's why DS1 will remain the king after all.
I agree with you, the leveldesign really works well for the most part, but if you take a step back you'll realize that for the entirety of the game you only have one way to go. DS1 allowed you to choose the order in which to do things most of the time, but DS3 is rather linear progress, most majors area being blocked behind other areas, it's a bit disappointing and hurts the games replayability. That's why DS1 will remain the king after all.

I'd rather have a nexus hub and spoke style world like Demon's if they're just going to keep half assing the world layouts like in DS2 and apparently DS3. Maybe they got it right in Bloodborne but i haven't touched it yet so I cant say.

Really i just want another Demon's Souls. But i suppose the only possibility for that would be a remaster because in all likelihood Sony would greenlight a BB2 first before anything else


I'd rather have a nexus hub and spoke style world like Demon's if they're just going to keep half assing the world layouts like in DS2 and apparently DS3. Maybe they got it right in Bloodborne but i haven't touched it yet so I cant say.

Minor spoilers for bloodborne-
The world design is actually pretty linear. They are brief branching paths, but it's much more restricted than DS1/2. There are like two hidden areas that you can miss (permanently?) if you don't access them before a certain point.

For me- if a linear path helps the designers craft a more interesting, more enjoyable to play world, then I'm okay. If it detracts from the experience or requires too much suspension of disbelief (without a passable explanation), then yeah.

I do miss how RE4 was practically A to B, with a brief teleportation near the end. RE6 kind of did that do, though in smaller chunks-
The college to the underground lab, China to... China). Chris campaign just confused the fuck outta me.


I agree with you, the leveldesign really works well for the most part, but if you take a step back you'll realize that for the entirety of the game you only have one way to go. DS1 allowed you to choose the order in which to do things most of the time, but DS3 is rather linear progress, most majors area being blocked behind other areas, it's a bit disappointing and hurts the games replayability. That's why DS1 will remain the king after all.
yeah, one thing that's super enjoyable about dks1 and 2 and demons is just going over the dungeons in a different order so like i'm less excited for ng+ or different runs in this one that i was with the other games

specially cos your builds vary a lot with how quickly you get access to certain weapons, so if i want to play a scythe build or a fist build or whatever i have to play a long while of game with a longsword or whatever before i get to that

in other games i could just rush for that dungeon and get it

in dks1 you can get the zweihander in like 20 minutes, here it took me forever to find a claymore

the level design is great but i think the linearity sucks, honestly

I'd rather have a nexus hub and spoke style world like Demon's if they're just going to keep half assing the world layouts like in DS2 and apparently DS3. Maybe they got it right in Bloodborne but i haven't touched it yet so I cant say.

Really i just want another Demon's Souls. But i suppose the only possibility for that would be a remaster because in all likelihood Sony would greenlight a BB2 first before anything else
i wouldn't say half assing, specially with how intricate the level design in dks3 is, it's just a lot more directed for some reason. i'm hoping it opens up later on, you're giving four lords to dethrone, and i've only killed one, so i think there's room for from to surprise me

and yea i like the demons style too
Bloodborne is more linear than 3 and on par with 2, just with a better sense of continuity.

well, i guess i'll see how i feel about it when i get there

Minor spoilers for bloodborne-
The world design is actually pretty linear. They are brief branching paths, but it's much more restricted than DS1/2. There are like two hidden areas that you can miss (permanently?) if you don't access them before a certain point.

For me- if a linear path helps the designers craft a more interesting, more enjoyable to play world, then I'm okay. If detracts from the experience, then yeah.

I think the issue people have with it is A) they seemed to have nailed it with Dark Souls and then never again so it feels like theyve taken steps backwards and B) At least as far as Dark Souls 2 goes, the more linear approach doesn't seem to be better. It's alright, i'm still really enjoying my experience, but the game's more linear campaign isn't good enough to justify tossing the heavy emphasis on interconnectivity from DS1.


Don't do this, this is bad advice!
Purple dudes (mound-makers) only care about themselves, their only goal is to kill, no matter whom. And the more people summoned the more tempting it is for them to just go after the host otherwise they have to kill 3 phantoms. Even in fight clubs they're a wild card, more so if there's two of them.

If you do summon a purple guy check what type of summon sign it is, most likely than not it'll be a red summon sign and you should only summon them if you want 1v1 duels.

That's hilarious.


I blame linearity talk, carry on

BTW am I forgetting something or May lacks in more known releases. I know that we had a killer year start, but it usually is other way around, calm before the storm until May, no?

Is it going to be hands down the GAF and SteamGAF GOTY? Is there anything on the horizon that can beat it out? Console side has Uncharted (but that probably can't overcome DS fanaticism), but anything on PC side?

you think DS3 will beat Unch4? *laugs
we all know what gaf's goty will be


are you guys not liking DS3 anymore?
It's hard to tell with not looking into those spoilers

A critique of a game doesn't mean people don't like it.

Is it going to be hands down the GAF and SteamGAF GOTY? Is there anything on the horizon that can beat it out? Console side has Uncharted (but that probably can't overcome DS fanaticism), but anything on PC side?

Deus Ex.


Is it going to be hands down the GAF and SteamGAF GOTY? Is there anything on the horizon that can beat it out? Console side has Uncharted (but that probably can't overcome DS fanaticism), but anything on PC side?

Oh, FFXV maybe? I just don't see it happening though.

Gaming side does have some fanatical Playstation worship.

I'll likely ballot stuff Dark Souls III GOTY on gaming side, but Factorio likely to be GOTY on SteamGAF.
I blame linearity talk, carry on

BTW am I forgetting something or May lacks in more known releases. I know that we had a killer year start, but it usually is other way around, calm before the storm until May, no?

you think DS3 will beat Unch4? *laugs
we all know what gaf's goty will be

Mirror's Edge: Catalyst


im surprised Dark Souls 3 isn't getting a ton of shit for supposedly being pretty buggy. Seems people always jump all over a major PC release being a mess at launch yet the impression that im getting is that DS3 is getting a pass

I haven't had any problems aside from not being able to cap the game to 30fps. My 7950 can't reach 60 unless I turn everything to Low, just jumps between 40 and 60 in Medium, High or Max. Locking it with RTSS feels even worse, as if it were skipping frames.
That beefed up
lava demon
deep down under the crypt is causing me some headaches. My main weapon, a fire Estoc +3 is basically useless at him. Dark resin was super effective but it's not purchasable unlimitedly.


I blame linearity talk, carry on

BTW am I forgetting something or May lacks in more known releases. I know that we had a killer year start, but it usually is other way around, calm before the storm until May, no?

you think DS3 will beat Unch4? *laugs
we all know what gaf's goty will be

Gaming side does have some fanatical Playstation worship.

Bloodborne did win, but that's basically just another Dark Souls. And Dark Souls 1 did beat out Uncharted 3...


in the year Stardew Valley released? keep dreaming!

of course Unch4 will be gaf goty, unless is so terrible as in being an unplayble mess, and even then it still could win
Well, Uncharted 2 did win GAF's GOTY 2009, so the prospect of a huge fanbase pushing an awful game forward until it wins the title of game of the year is definitely not impossible.


Why does he wear the mask!?
That was fast



Is it going to be hands down the GAF and SteamGAF GOTY? Is there anything on the horizon that can beat it out? Console side has Uncharted (but that probably can't overcome DS fanaticism), but anything on PC side?

Oh, FFXV maybe? I just don't see it happening though.
idk, i think the sequel aspect of it might turn some people off that were super into bloodborne or whatever, idk

right now i'd put it below the witness, but it's a contender for sure

ladykiller in a bind is gonna be another one of my top 3 most likely

I blame linearity talk, carry on

i feel like it's impossible not to like dks3 if you like dark souls, so yea, it's mostly criticism, not really that we're not liking it cos we are

i was literally shaking last night after defeating a boss and the level design is just superb, most things i have to say about it are positive and blew my expectations away, it's just that i was hoping a return to dks1's non-linearity and unfortunately doesn't seem like that's what we got (and in fact it's a lot more linear than dks2)
Is it going to be hands down the GAF and SteamGAF GOTY? Is there anything on the horizon that can beat it out? Console side has Uncharted (but that probably can't overcome DS fanaticism), but anything on PC side?

Oh, FFXV maybe? I just don't see it happening though.

Eh, Trails of Cold Steel II will easily beat any console game for me.
For PC side? idk, DaSIII is a too strong contender. The year's not over yet, and there are tons of gems still arriving, so who knows~


So how does weapon damage work in Dark Souls?
I have a Battle Axe and a Deep Battle Axe that also does dark damage, but doesn't get bonus from my strenght. At first look it looks like the Deep Battle Axe should do a lot more damage, because the normal damage plus the dark damage is bigger than what the normal BA has, but they do basically the same damage.
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