STEAM | April 2016 - HL3 releasing today. Left 4 Dead 3 and Persona 5 this summer

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Gat out of Hell is $3 since I already own SR3 and SR4. Tempting. Is it worth it?

Gat out of Hell is fun, stand alone expansion. It'll last you somewhere around 10-14 hours, your mileage may vary based on what you decide to do in the game. It's a bite-sized snack version of Saints Row IV's more absurd, super-powered gameplay. I had fun with it.
Some major aesthetic changes to Army of Tentacles dropping in an hour. Just a new intro screen with our new logo as well as some flavor text color changes as to make things like getting new party members "pop".

Will not require a new game since it's not affecting any of the hardcode.


Why does he wear the mask!?
FOUR of the exact same card

Thanks Mad Max



I got a beta invite for Overwatch and I should probably try it, but who am I kidding, I don't want to get into a multiplayer shooter with no single player. With all those different characters it's I'm super intrigued by really don't want anything to do with it. I can play so many story-driven games instead.


Rolling Girl
I got a beta invite for Overwatch and I should probably try it, but who am I kidding, I don't want to get into a multiplayer shooter with no single player. With all those different characters it's I'm super intrigued by really don't want anything to do with it. I can play so many story-driven games instead.

I got a beta invite for Overwatch and I should probably try it, but who am I kidding, I don't want to get into a multiplayer shooter with no single player. With all those different characters it's I'm super intrigued by really don't want anything to do with it. I can play so many story-driven games instead.
I know you are probably being serious but, this sounds spiteful at the same time.
Have you tried turning it off and back on?

Did that a bit ago, right before my post but I'm getting pretty annoyed.

I go out all day to doctor's appointments and then I come back wanting to play a game and Microsoft shits all over me, then Verizon.

edit: and it's still broken, guess I'm not playing CSGO and will be playing Souls 3 offline. Fuck you Verizon.
Did that a bit ago, right before my post but I'm getting pretty annoyed.

I go out all day to doctor's appointments and then I come back wanting to play a game and Microsoft shits all over me, then Verizon.

edit: and it's still broken, guess I'm not playing CSGO and will be playing Souls 3 offline. Fuck you Verizon.

Oh you know what. That's similar to the problem I had. My speeds and Pings were fine but, I would get bizarre ass hangs. Went on for about 2 weeks, got it fixed this week, they changed one of the cables in my outlet that honestly looked old as hell and gave me a new modem and it was fixed. I don't know if its the same thing but that's what happened to me. However it was really only noticeable in peer to peer connections.
Oh you know what. That's similar to the problem I had. My speeds and Pings were fine but, I would get bizarre ass hangs. Went on for about 2 weeks, got it fixed this week, they changed one of the cables in my outlet that honestly looked old as hell and gave me a new modem and it was fixed. I don't know if its the same thing but that's what happened to me. However it was really only noticeable in peer to peer connections.

Yeah if this doesn't sort out by tomorrow I'll raise hell at Verizon CS.

Er, sorry, Frontier now.



Just finished Tell Tales Game of Thrones series. Have to say I was expecting far worse after a lot of the impressions I have read. While it's not anywhere near TT's best, I still enjoyed my time with it. I enjoyed seeing the GoT's universe from a new angle, and the game definitely has it's strong moments.
The biggest issues were that it ran into some set ups the series has already used, and there was more than one case of not really needing to care about how other character's felt. Due to lack of building for them. More than a few time's I was rather perplexed being offered choices that were meant to be deep, when I could care less about the character. Overall I would say it's worth a play if you're a GoT fan, just to get a new angle on the world.
But I wouldn't recommend it to anyone else, since knowledge of the material is actually needed to enjoy this more. Compared to say Borderlands where even going in blind for that won't be much trouble.
Also it worked quite well with the default steam controller set up, especially once I got used to using the haptic pad for the joypad. Wasn't able to get the gyro working though.

If you're interested the game is currently in the $12 in this Current Telltale Bundle. Which if you don't have any of these games is well worth the price for everything here.


I know you are probably being serious but, this sounds spiteful at the same time.

No, sorry it came out that way. Isn't there an open beta like right around the corner? I thought this was like getting an invite like right before they were going to let everyone play anyway. If I could give away the invite I would.
Ok I got a question and hopefully you guys will be able to answer it. I have 2 controllers connected to my pc all the time. My arcade stick and my DS4 using DS4Windows program. Now my arcade stick is considered Player 1 and the DS4 is considered player 2. So I have games that controls are configured by this setup. I was wondering if it was possible if I could set a game to recognize the DS4 as the player one instead of the arcade stick. For instance when I play Devil May Cry it automatically chooses my arcade stick instead of the DS4. Is there a program I can use to choose which games use a certain controller as a primary? I mean I could just unplug them but I'm lazy and it gets tiring configuring controls each and every time I want to play a different game. Hopefully what I'm asking makes sense.
Yeah if this doesn't sort out by tomorrow I'll raise hell at Verizon CS.

Er, sorry, Frontier now.

I have Time Warner Cable but, yeah you probably need to talk to them soon.
No, sorry it came out that way. Isn't there an open beta like right around the corner? I thought this was like getting an invite like right before they were going to let everyone play anyway. If I could give away the invite I would.

I think it is soon anyway. I don't want it either, I don't have one though but, yeah don't feel bad about it.


i was looking through my dks1 screenshots and found this one from anor londo

anyone remember what that place is supposed to be?

reminds me of some stuff from dks3, not really sure if it's in the game so i don't think this is a spoiler, just some speculation

I have it too, but American server only :/
how do you guys do it ;_;


So as not be ungrateful I booted up Overwatch and gave it a spin. So yeah, it's TF2 with cuter graphics and more characters. If that is of interest to you you'll probably like it, if not, I don't see why it would win anyone over.


So as not be ungrateful I booted up Overwatch and gave it a spin. So yeah, it's TF2 with cuter graphics and more characters. If that is of interest to you you'll probably like it, if not, I don't see why it would win anyone over.

that is of interest
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